Norwin PAL Pony Division Rules


  1. Birth date cutoff – April 30th (Child cannot turn 15 years old prior to May 1st)
  2. Birth certificates MUST be available upon request from the league. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  3. Player requirement PER GAME:
  4. Each player MUST bat at least once during the game.
  5. Each player MUST play at least 6 outs in the field.
  6. If game is shortened due to weather, darkness or Mercy Rule, player eligibility does not need to be met.


  1. Each game will consist of 7 innings.
  2. Calendar week for games run Monday thru Sunday.
  3. Players last name and uniform number MUST be used in scorebooks.
  4. Away team should be contacted 1 hour prior to start of game if field conditions are unplayable.
  5. Grace period for starting game:
  6. 15 minutes after start time will be allowed for a team to reach minimum requirement for players. Team will forfeit if after 15 minutes they have less than 8 players.
  7. If teams arrive at field and weather is an issue, teams are required to wait 15 min after starting time to see if field will be playable
  8. Each team will be allowed to play with a minimum of 8 players. Rosters are unlimited.
  9. Substitution – Starters are allowed to re-enter a game. Reserve players can only enter a game once. A starter must re-enter in the same spot in the batting order.
  10. Mercy Rule – once team takes a 10 run lead after 4-1/2 innings or after each subsequent inning, play will stop (home team will always be allowed to bat in bottom of inning if losing)
  11. Suspended game due to weather or darkness – complete game will be recorded if play is stopped following 4-1/2 innings if home team is winning. If home team is losing, game will be resumed at later date at exact spot and will be completed in its entirety. If play is stopped after 5 full innings and in the middle of any subsequent inning, teams will revert back to last full inning for final score. If a game is stopped prior to (1) full inning being completed, game will be re-started at the beginning. If (1) or more innings but less than 5 innings are completed, game will resume at exact point of suspended play. All records, including pitching will be in effect.


  1. Pitching distance from rubber to home plate – 54 feet
  2. Base distance – 80 feet
  3. Home team will supply (2) new balls per game (Wilson 1075 or AD Starr equivalent)
  4. Each batter and base runner must wear a batting helmet at all times.
  5. ** Bats must not exceed 34in in length, and the diameter must not exceed (2-5/8in) for non-wood. All composite bats must meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) performance standard. All bats must be so labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark.
  6. Use of illegal bat in game by a team will result in following:
  7. 1st team offense - warning. If ball is batted, batter is out, runners return to their base.
  8. 2nd team offense – batter is ejection. If ball is batted, batter is out, runners return to their base
  9. 3rd offense will result in team forfeit.
  10. Only one batter is permitted in the “on deck” area
  11. Players are NOT permitted to be standing around or behind the backstop area during the game
  12. Players should have shirts tucked in all times and baseball caps worn.
  13. Metal spikes are NOT permitted.
  14. Home team will have use of field 30 minutes prior to start of game. Away team will have use of field 15 minutes prior to start of game.


  1. Each player is restricted to pitching no more than (7) innings per calendar week for a two game week. A pitcher may pitch (10) innings when his team plays three games. Any pitcher who pitches four innings or more in a game will need (1) day rest before pitching again.
  2. Once a player throws (1) pitch, it’s considered an inning pitched, even if no out was recorded.
  3. Pitcher is NOT permitted to wear any jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, rings) or wristbands.
  4. A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to another position, can return as a pitcher (1) time during the remainder of the game. If a pitcher leaves the game and re-enters, he is ineligible to pitch again that game.
  5. Balk Rule will be in effect.
  6. Coach is allowed (2) mound visits per pitcher per inning and (3) per pitcher per game. 3rd visit with same pitcher in an inning or 4th visit in game with same pitcher will constitute an automatic removal of the pitcher. A mound visit is when any coach crosses the base path and talks to the pitcher or any other defensive player.
  7. No limit on catcher visits with pitcher.
  8. If a pitcher hits (3) batters in one inning or (4) batters during his appearance,

He MUST be removed and he is unable to pitch again that game.


  1. Each team is limited to (1) manager, (3) assistant coaches and (1) scorekeeper. Coaches must be at least 16.
  2. Base coaches CANNOT inhibit or enhance a runner’s movement. Runner will be called out if an appeal if made prior to another pitch being thrown.
  3. Players are NOT ALLOWED to play on other teams within the same age group.
  4. Home team will supply two umpires, who must be at least 18 years of age.
  5. (EH) - Extra Hitter will be used. The position will be inserted in the batting order and MUST be used the entire game. There is no fielding requirement for this position but each coach has the option of inserting him in the field for any length of time as long as game requirements are met for every player in regards to innings played in the field.
  6. CALL-UPS: if a team is short players for a game, they may call up players to play but the follow restrictions apply:
  7. The player MUST play in your organization
  8. The player MUST play in a younger age group
  10. During Regular Season & Playoffs
  11. If at the start of a game, a team does not have enough players to field a complete starting line-up, then any and all call-ups who are present at the start of the game can pitch at anytime during the game and must adhere to pitching restrictions that are assigned for that age group. If regular team players arrive late for game, it would have no impact of this ruling since it is based strictly on roster available at start of game.
  13. During Regular Season
  14. All call-ups at the game MUST meet the same per game requirements of that particular age group
  15. Call-ups are allowed to be a starter for the game regardless of how many regular players are present at the beginning of the game.
  16. During Playoffs
  17. All call-ups at the game MUST meet the same per game requirements of that particular age group
  18. Call-ups are NOT ALLOWED to start in the game IF the team has enough regular players to fill all positions prior to start of game. They MUST enter as a substitute.
  19. FAKE TAG – if a player attempts a fake tag during play, the runner will advance (1) additional base after play is over and fielder will be given a warning.
  20. If a batter misses his turn in the batting order, due to any reason, an out will be recorded.
  21. Batting out of order will result in an out being recorded if an appeal is made prior to the first pitch of the next batter.
  22. A base runner MUST slide OR avoid contact with defensive player during play at a base. Umpire discretion if runner should be called out for interference due to physical contact with fielder
  23. A catcher cannot block plate without the ball. Defensive players impairing the progress of a runner without the ball can be called for interference. (1) Additional base after play will be given.
  24. One (1) warning will be given for the 1st infraction noted below. 2nd infraction and any following infractions will result in the following penalties. These warnings and penalties are for individual players. However, an umpire has the discretion to penalize a team for continual abuse by a team of these infractions.
  25. Head first slide to any base that is not a slide back (2nd offense – out will be recorded)
  26. Throwing a bat during an at-bat. (2nd offense – out will be recorded)
  27. A base runner dips shoulder or initiates contact with fielder. (2nd offense – player is ejected)
  28. A fielder applies a “hard” tag (2nd offense – player is ejected)
  29. Throwing any equipment (glove, bat, helmet, etc.) (2nd offense – player is ejected)
  30. Accidental swearing (2nd offense – player is ejected)
  31. Un-sportsman like conduct (2nd offense – player is ejected)
  32. When a team has 2 outs in an inning, a substitute runner (which will be the player who made the last out that inning) can replace the catcher if he is on base to expedite the flow of the game.
  33. NO limit per runs per inning.
  34. Leading off is allowed.
  35. Dropped 3rd strike is in play.
  36. PLAYOFFS ELIGILBITIY: Each player MUST play in 50% of the games scheduled to play for that team in the playoffs.Exceptions can be made if injury or special circumstances occur .during the season to prevent the player from reaching the above level of participation. Host-site Coordinator will have final decision.
  37. Umpires have the authority to eject any player, coach or fan from the game or field due to verbal or physical misconduct. NO WARNING is necessary.
  38. Situations and rulings not covered under our guidelines will be interpreted based on Little League Rules, Junior Division
  1. The playoffs constitute (1) week, regardless how long it takes to complete the championship games.
  2. Players MUST play in 50% of regular season games to be eligible (see Rule V-17 above).
  3. If during a game a player is deemed ineligible, the ineligible player’s team must forfeit that game. The player in question will then become ineligible for remainder of playoffs. Head coach will be suspended for (1) game.
  4. If immediately following a game a player is deemed ineligible who played in that game, a forfeit will be rewarded if it is confirmed by both head coaches and at least one umpire prior to leaving the field.
  5. If a player is deemed ineligible who played in a game after everyone has left the field, the game results will not change and will be official. The player in question will then become ineligible for remainder of playoffs. Head coach will be suspended for (1) game.
  6. Call-ups are permitted for the playoffs.
  7. Refer to Requirements stated under Rules Section
  8. Each team is responsible for ½ of total umpire fees for their game.
  9. 13/14 – 2 umpires
  10. Each team will need to supply (1) new ball for each game
  11. Home/Away designation
  12. Home team for Preliminary Games
  13. 13/14 – highest seed
  14. Home team for Championship games
  15. 13/14 - team that advances from winners bracket
  16. Home team for the (if needed) Championship games
  17. 13/14 – coin toss prior to game
  18. Pitching
  19. Attached Playoff Pitching Stat sheet needs to be completely and accurately filled out after each game for the 13/14 age group. Both managers and at least (1) umpire must sign the sheet for validation.
  20. Restrictions for Preliminary Games
  21. 13/14 - each player is restricted to (14) total innings for the length of the playoffs, EXCLUDING the championship games. A pitcher cannot exceed (7) innings per game. Any pitcher who pitches four innings or more in a game will need (1) full calendar day of rest before pitching again.
  22. Restrictions for Championship Game(s)
  23. 13/14 – Fresh Start, HOWEVER, any player who pitches (4) or more innings the day prior cannot pitch following day, (innings per game restriction still applies)
  24. Brackets
  25. Any questions regarding dates, locations and times of games in each bracket in regards to rainouts, cancellations or changes, will need to be directed to the host site coordinator, which is listed on each bracket sheet.
  26. Standings will be based on point system. 3 points for win, 2 points for a tie, 1 point for a loss, 0 points if game is never played. The tie is in place if a game gets stopped due to weather or darkness and does not get completed.
  27. Teams that tie in points – team with more wins will be seeded higher.
  28. If teams are still tied – head to head record will decide.