Name and address of the contracting authority: Center for Intercultural Dialogue

Title of the tender: Educational Support and Graphic Design of the Shift Web platform

Reference number (if applicable): CB006.1.31.190-06-05-02



Subject of the contract:

The subject of this tender is:

-Implementation of services, as indicated in the technical information in the point 2 of this Part;

Deadline for submission of the tenders:

The deadline for submission of tenders is 24.02.2017at 15:00 hours. Any tender received after this deadline will be automatically rejected.

Address and methods for submission of the tenders:

-The tenderers will submit their tenders using the standard submission form available in the Part B of the tender dossier.

-The tender will be submitted in 1 original. Offers, all correspondence and documents related to the tender should be written in English. The tender should be submitted in a sealed envelope with stated reference number of the tender procedure.

Any tenders not using the prescribed form might be rejected by the contracting authority.

In addition to the offer the tenderer is required to provide the following supporting documentation (in copies )

-Copy of legal registration

-Financial identification form attached in the tender dossier

-Legal Entity form

-Declaration on Honour on exclusion and selection criteria

-Other supporting documentation appropriate to point 4 of this document

Submission method: post. currier or in person

The tenders will be submitted via post/currier or in person, containing the following information:

-Name and address of the tenderer: Center for Intercultural Dialogue, Str. Djuro Djakovikj, 4, 1300 Kumanovo, Macedonia

-Title of the tender: Educational Support and Graphic Design of the Shift Web Platform

Reference number (if applicable): CB006.1.31.190-06-05-02

-Contact person: Nealj Raim, Bojana Trajkovska and Milosh Ristovski

The tenders can also be submitted by e-mail. In this case the base e-mail message will clearly indicate:

- Title of the tender (in the subject of e-mail): Educational Support and Graphic Design of the Shift Web platform

-Reference number in the subject of e-mail: CB006.1.31.190-06-05-02

-Name and address of the tenderer (in the e-mail text)

-The scanned original of the tender submission form and any supporting documentation will be provided as attachment to the e-mail.

The tenders should be submitted by e-mail to the following address:


The tenderers are reminded that in order to be eligible the tenders need to be received by the contracting authority by the deadline indicated above.


The tenderers are required to provide services as indicated below. In the tenderer’s technical offer, the tenderers will indicated more details on the deliveries, referring back to the below table.

No. / Title of item / Description / Required time frame / Required inputs, if applicable
1.1. / Graphic design of the project’s visibility package / -Hiring 1 Graphic Designer who will create the visibility package of the project according to the Communication and Visibility Guidelines of the IPA Interegg Programme
Required outputs:
-Designing 5 banners for online promotion of the Shift online platform on internet portals
-Designing 4 promotional banners for project events
-Designing promotional materials(flyers and posters) for the Project’s caravan
-Designing the project’s branded advertisement materials (shirts, notebook, cups, hats and pens)
-Designing the preparation materials for the project events: Seminar, Study visit and final conference(folder, pens, notebooks, stickers, etc) / -The initial activities should start in the first half of March
-The engagement of the the Designer will be through the entire project implementation period, upon a request and according to instructions of the Contracting Authority
1.2. / Experts for Online Interactions / -Hiring 1 expert for online interactions
-The expert will be responsible for: preparing the space for learning, sharing and interactionson the joint online moodle platform, preparing the video blogs and webinars appropriate to project activities,
-The expert should ensure: proper visibility of the web platform and access to social media, easy access to information and the content of the platform for the users in order to popularise the Platform among the target groups and the public in general
-The expert should collaborate with the experts for online courses and the IT expert in order to ensure proper implementation of the online courses / -The initial activities of the expert will start in the beginning of march, 2017
-- The engagement of the expert will be through the entire project implementation period, upon a request and according to instructions of the Contracting Authority / -
1.3. / Experts for Online Courses / - Hiring 2 experts for creation of vocational online courses on the following 2 topics: Entrepreneurship and Project Management
Required outputs
- Developing and running vocational courses on the indicated topics based on non formal educational approaches.
- The courses should be innovative, interactive and structured in order to provide the essential and knowledge about the topic and enable the participants to upgrade their skills
- Developing methodology and timeline of activities
- The courses should be innovative, interactive and structured in order to provide the essential and knowledge about the topic and enable the participants to upgrade their skills
- The courses should be available on a joint Moodle Platform for E-learning and should offer a possibility to the participants to earn a certificate after successful participation
- Monitoring the learning process and evaluation of the progress of the participants towards defined objectives
* Besides focusing on the mentioned topics, the experts should be able to provide a skill set on topics such as working in teams, organizational management and communication skills / -The methodology, timeline of activities and curricula for the Courses should be prepared up to 1th od May
- The online courses will be conducted in 2 cycles
1) from 1th June to 1th July
2) from 15th August to 15th September / -

The tenderers are reminded that the maximum available value of the contract is 4600 EUR.


Selection and award criterion

-At least one contract/project for provided (or providing services in the related field (i.e. developing online non formal educational courses on the related topics)

  1. Criteria for experts for online courses

-Solid professional experience in non formal education- competence in developing and running of vocationalcourses based on non formal educational approaches, developing trainings and education curricula(particularly on the indicated subjectsproject management and entrepreneurship)

-Knowledge on working with moodle platform

-Ability to create and facilitate individual and group online learning

-Fluency in English and Macedonian

  1. Criteria for expert for online interactions

-Creative, advanced IT skills and previous experience on web platform editing

-Knowledge and experience with working on a moodle platform

  1. Criteria for Graphic Designer

-minimum secondary education in the related field/ or degree in Graphic design or equivalent/ or certificate for completed course in graphic design

The selection criterion is:

-Best value for money, weighting 80% technical quality, 20% price.

The successful/unsuccessful tenderers will be informed of the results of the evaluation procedure in written.

The estimated time of response to the tenderers is maximum 3 working days from the deadline for submission of tenders.