
Seven submissions on the Draft LAP were lodged within the statutory timeframe but were inadvertently received late by the Planning Department.

As stated in the Public Notice these submissions will be taken into consideration before the making of a decision on the Draft Plan.

This addendum to the Manager’s Report lists the persons who made these submissions, summarises the issues raised, and contains the recommendations of the Manager in relation to the proposed Local Area Plan.

List of Submissions

No. / First Name / Surname / Organisation / Address /
356 / G. / Corcoran / PTA Assoc. Dublin 7 Educate Together / Navan Road / Dublin 7
357 / G. / Corcoran / 64 Shandon Park / Phibsborough
358 / Anne / Gribben / 22 Crescent Villas / Glasnevin
359 / Juliette / Kernan / 47 Shandon Park / Phibsborough
360 / Eric / Tobin / Phibsborough
361 / Patrick / Beakey / 1 Villa Park
Royal Canal Bank / Phibsborough
362 / Diane / O’Connell / 5 Eglinton Terrace
Royal Canal Bank / Phibsborough

Issues Raised in Submissions

The issues raised are summarised below, and are listed under the same issue headings as all other submissions received

No. /
/ Summary / Submission
13 / Education / Proposal for an Educate Together Secondary School. Urgent need and should be built on earliest site to be developed. / 356,357
16 / Open Space and Landscape / Preservation of green areas is vital: a recreational resource for young and old. ‘Interruptedness’ of areas allows for different social groups to find their space. / 362
29 / Movement / Access / Request for one-way-system at Crescent Villas and Crawford Avenue. Extremely narrow pavement at Cross Guns Bridge, dangerous for pedestrians. Submission requests wider pavement or ‘boardwalk’ over the river. Cycle lanes should be provided on the road, not on footpaths. / 358,359,360
30 / Car Parking / Difficulties with existing car parking provision, situation will worsen with new residents. Preference for underground parking. / 358
37 / Mountjoy Prison Complex / Objects to high-rise building at Royal Canal Bank / 362
38 / Phibsborough Village Centre / Objects to any proposal to demolish houses at Villa Bank for new pedestrian street.
Objects to 3-6 storey development at rear Villa Bank.
Objects to inclusion of Nos. 1 and 3 Villa Park for redevelopment and utilisation of private driveway to facilitate pedestrian linkage, as shown on indicative plans. Requests that proposals be amended
Concern that a right-of-way from rear No.1 to Phibsborough will be jeopardised. / 361,362
39 / Printworks Site / Expresses concern regarding the proposed access from Iona Crescent: should not be a through-route, rat-run. / 358
43 / Proposed Land Use Rezoning Objectives / Objects to rezoning of dwellings on Villa Bank from Z1 to Z4, would seriously undermine community life
Objects to rezoning of lands at Devery’s Lane. / 361,362

The seven submissions above raise issues which were in fact raised in the earlier or main batch of submissions and which have been described and responded to in Manager’s Report. Accordingly, the issues raised in these seven submissions have already been addressed in the Manager’s Report and where considered appropriate, amendments to the Draft LAP have been recommended.

It is not proposed to repeat in detail the responses of the Manger’s Report. However, in the interest of clarity and ease of reference, the relevant responses and recommendations are cross-referenced below with a brief summary of the response set out in the Manager’s Report.

Issue 13 Education

Please refer to Pages 29-30 of the Manager’s Report.

Note that it is an objective of the plan that each of the Key Development Sites (Mountjoy, Printworks and Dalymount) will be required to provide for a school. The particular type of secondary school to be provided is a matter for the Department of Education and Science and the local community

Issue 16 Open Space and Landscape

Please refer to Pages 36-41 of the Manager’s Report.

The importance and value of green spaces and amenities is fully acknowledged and a number of amendments are recommended providing for new green spaces, and for new recreational facilities.

Issue 29 Movement / Access

Please refer to Pages 67-68 of the Manager’s Report.

It is a key objective of the Local Area Plan to examine through a detailed audit of all streets the feasibility of re-designating the N2 primary route as a local road. It is also an objective to undertake a further audit of pedestrian and cycle routes to identify deficiencies, and to undertake improvements including traffic calming, enhanced pedestrian and cyclist priority measures and crossing facilities

Issue 30 Car Parking

Please refer to Pages 69-70 of the Manager’s Report.

Difficulties with on-street parking and congestion in some residential areas are acknowledged in the report and it is an objective of the plan that car parking provision will be subject to demand management and pricing. Future development in the Phibsborough area will be heavily weighted in favour of the efficient use and patronage of public transport.

Issue 38 Phibsborough Village Centre

Please refer to Pages 91-97 of the Manager’s Report.

The proposed east-west pedestrian link from the Phibsborough Village Centre through to the Mountjoy site is a key element in the overall strategy to integrate the new development with the revitalised commercial core. The Draft LAP acknowledges that the delivery of this link may not be possible as a short-term objective as it encompasses the existing residential properties at Villa Bank / Royal Canal Bank While the objective remains within the plan it is recommended (P.96) that the existing Zoning Objective Z1: to protect , provide and improve residential amenities is retained for the lands at 1-10 Royal Canal Bank and lands at 140-143 Phibsborough Road north of Devery’s Lane.

Note that on the Mountjoy Key Development Site it is recommended that paragraph 10 on Page 79 is amended to omit the statement that DCC may use compulsory purchase order powers to ensure delivery of key linkages.

The indicative illustrations of the Phibsborough Village Centre showed the front area and private lane at Villa Park as part of the public realm. It is acknowledged that this was a draughting error and it will be corrected in the final version of the LAP

Issue 39 Printworks Site

Please refer to Pages 98-103 of the Manager’s Report

Note the recommendation to amend Key Objective 10 to omit reference to surface level carparking and to state:

Provide for a predominantly pedestrian oriented environment and to create a new east-west pedestrian and cycle route

Issue 37 Mountjoy Prison Complex

Please refer to Pages 85-90 of the Manager’s Report. In order to address the concerns of adjoining residents it is considered possible that the potential landmark building could be accommodated in an alternative location, not specifically in the corner of the site, but in the north-west quadrant, possibly on the Royal Canal. Note the recommendation to amend Key Objective 10.

Issue 43 Proposed Land Use Re-Zoning

Please refer to Pages 117-118 of the Manager’s Report.

Note that it is recommended (P.96) that the existing Zoning Objective Z1: to protect , provide and improve residential amenities is retained for the lands at 1-10 Royal Canal Bank and lands at 140-143 Phibsborough Road north of Devery’s Lane.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The seven submissions above only raise issues which were in fact raised in the earlier or main batch of submissions and which have been described and responded to in Manager’s Report. Accordingly, the issues raised in these seven submissions have already been addressed in the Manager’s Report and where considered appropriate, amendments to the Draft LAP have been recommended.

It is recommended that these submissions be taken into consideration by the City Council, together with all other submissions received, before the making of a decision on the Draft Local Area Plan.