This Week at St. Seraphim Cathedral

Sunday - April 12 9:30AM Festal Divine Liturgy (Palm Sunday)

April 12 5:00PM Bridegroom Matins for Great and Holy Monday

Monday - April 13 9:30AM Presanctified Liturgy of Great and Holy Monday

April 13 6:30PM Bridegroom Matins for Great and Holy Tuesday

Tuesday - April 14 9:30AM Presanctified Liturgy of Great and Holy Tuesday

April 14 6:30PM Bridegroom Matins for Great and Holy Wednesday

Wednesday - April 15 9:30AM Presanctified Liturgy for Great and Holy Wednesday

April 15 6:30PM Matins for Great and Holy Thursday

Thursday - April 16 9:30AM Vesperal Liturgy for Great and Holy Thursday

April 16 6:30PM Matins for Great and Holy Friday (12 Passion Gospels)

Friday - April 17 8:00AM Royal Hours for Great and Holy Friday

April 17 3:00PM Vespers for Great and Holy Friday

April 17 6:30PM Matins and Lamentations for Great and Holy Saturday

Saturday - April 18 8:00AM Reception of Catechumens

April 18 9:30Am Vesperal Liturgy for Great and Holy Saturday

with 15 Old Testament Readings

Saturday April 18 11:30PM Nocturns


Sunday April 19 12:00AM Procession, Paschal Matins and Paschal Divine Liturgy

April 19 11:00AM Paschal Vespers

Mon. –Wed. April 20-22 9:30AM Paschal Divine Liturgy

April 20-22 6:30PM Paschal Vespers

Thursday April 23 6:30PM Slavonic Paschal Vespers

WE WELCOME – all our visitors today and those returning. We pray that you will make St. Seraphim your spiritual home. Please fill out a visitor’s card and leave it at the candle desk of you would like more information about St. Seraphim’s.

Sunday Coffee Hour – Please join us in the Parish Hall following Divine Liturgy for a time of fellowship and refreshments. Receipts received on Sunday, April 5, we received $ 24 in donations (cost of supplies, not including food, totals approximately $35 weekly).

Coffee Hour Hosts - Coordinator: Jeanie Potthoff


April 19Pascha

April 26Parish Pot Luck

SSOC Friends List – is an email list for the members of the Cathedral. This is a great way to say in touch with each other and to share late breaking news. If you would like to be on the SSOC Friends Lists, email Fr. Joseph at and he will add you.

We Kindly Reminder – that only students, teachers, those parents who must accompany their children to Church School, and those hosting Coffee Hour have a blessing to leave the Cathedral after Holy Communion. Please do not congregate in front of the Cathedral during the Divine Liturgy. Thank you.

Many Thanks-to all who made yesterday’s Lazarus Saturday Church School pancake breakfast and palm cross making events a joy.

The SSOC Parish Council-will meet today. A major part of the agenda will be spent in reviewing a memorandum to the parish council and clergy by Metropolitan Jonah outlining expectations on how the parish council and the clergy are to understand their cooperative and complementary work. A copy of the memorandum is available at the candle desk and is posted on the bulletin board in the hall. If you would like an electronic copy, please ask any parish council member to forward it to you.

With Holy Week-now in front of us, we will be asked to radically change our normal routines so that we can attend as many of the Holy Week services as possible. Prayerfully consider how each can make the necessary sacrifices, personally and families, to enter into the this most sacred week of the year as we prepare for the Lord’s Pascha.

Blessed is he who, though maligned and disparaged every day for the Lord's sake, constrains himself to be patient- St. John Climacus, Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 4