Dumfries and Galloway Education Services
KirkcowanPrimary School Handbook
- Letter from Director Education Services
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Education Services Aims
- School Aims
- School Ethos
- School Information
6.1 Name/Address/Telephone No/Website (if any) / Email Address
6.2 Headteacher details
6.3 Roll of School / denominational status (if any)/ Status of Gaelic
6.4 Nursery (if any)
6.5 School Staff
6.6 Terms and Holidays
7.Contact Us
7.1 If you need to find out something
7.2 If you have concerns
7.3 If you have a complaint
8.How the School Works?
8.1 Enrolment
8.2 Moving from Nursery
8.3 School Day
8.4 School Uniform/Dress Policy
8.5 School Meals
8.6 School Transport
8.7 Class organisation
8.8 Playground Supervision
8.9 Positive Behaviour and Celebrating Success
9.The Curriculum
9.1 Curriculum for Excellence
9.2 Curriculum Map
9.3 Health and Well Being Education
10.The Wider Curriculum
10.1 Extra Curricular Activities
10.2 Pupil Council
10.3 School Trips
10.4 The Community
11.Home/ School Partnership
11.1 Parent Council
11.2 Communicating with Home
11.3 Attendance
11.4 Homework
11.5 How is my child doing? (Assessment and Reporting)
11.6 Pupil Profiles
11.7 Helping your child
11.8 The School
11.9 Useful Information
12.Support for All
12.1 Pupil Support
12.2 Pastoral Care
12.3 Additional Support for Learning
12.4 Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)
12.5 Child Protection
12.6 Educational Psychology Service
12.7HomeSchool Link Worker Service
13.Moving to Secondary School
13.1 CatchmentSecondary School
13.2 Transition Activities and Induction Days
13.3 Support Available
14.School Improvements
14.1 Improvement plan and priorities
14.2 Achievements
15.Health and Safety
15.1 Emergency Arrangements
15.2 Severe Weather and School Closure Arrangements
15.3 Health Care
15.4 Data Protection
15.5 Images of Pupils
15.6 Use of the Internet
16.Other Useful Information
16.1 Pupil/Parent Support Unit
16.2 Policies
1. Letter from Director
Dear Parents,
Dumfries and Galloway Education Services is committed to delivering a high quality education for your child/ren. As part of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s overall vision we aim to provide all children and young people with a good start in life and prepare them for adulthood and employment.
Education Services cannot deliver this alone for children and young people but work together with others and, as parents, you are one of our key partners. The research tells us that when parents are involved in their child’s education the child will do better. The school handbook is one of the ways in which we inform parents, not just about how the school works, but also about how you can help us help your children to succeed in school and life.
It gives me pleasure as Director, Education Services to commend this handbook to you as an invaluable source of information about your school and Education Services.
Yours sincerely
Colin Grant
Director, Education Services
2. Welcome from Headteacher
Dear Parent/Carer
KirkcowanSchool was built in 1862 and originally consisted of two classrooms and a hall. Over the years the school has been extended and now consists of a gym and four class bases made up of three primary classes and a nursery. The dining hall is housed in a separate building with modern kitchen facilities where school meals are prepared each day.
The purpose of this handbook is to explain the policies and procedures of our school. It will hopefully help you answer questions you may have about child’s schooling and the support and experiences they can expect. If however, there are any points you wish clarified or require further information please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
The education of your child is a partnership between home and school which is fostered during the early years and continues throughout the primary and secondary stages. This partnership can only function through a mutual trust and understanding which open communication brings.
On behalf of the staff, parents and children, I would like to extend a warm welcome to KirkcowanSchool.
Yours sincerely
Olive Caldwell
Head Teacher
3. Education Services Aims
Our Aim is to raise levels of attainment, achievement and participation in all our children and young people.
Our Objectives
- We will ensure that children and young people will be at the centre of our plans.
This means planning by schools and support from Education Services will be focussed on delivering to all our children and young people the entitlements embedded in Curriculum for Excellence and Getting It Right for Every Child.
- We will improve our partnership working
This means an emphasis on Cluster working, training on Getting It Right for Every Child themes, parental involvement, multi-agency working, partnership with Community Learning and Development (CLD); Professional Learning Communities and collaboration with Education Scotland, the Care Inspectorate and Further Education colleges.
- We will encourage innovation, creativity, collaboration and a culture of sharing and learning in all our staff
This means a focus on transformational leadership, professional autonomy and local solutions and building capacity in all our staff.
- We will streamline our business processes
This means empowering our schools and staff to find better ways of working, with an emphasis on professional autonomy, local solutions, developing leadership, capacity building, effective Continuing Professional Development and implementing Getting It Right for Every Child processes.
4. School Aims –
At KirkcowanSchool we provide a safe and welcoming environment where individuals can realise their potential.
We are committed to ensuring that KirkcowanSchool is a community in which:
1.Children develop a strong sense of self-worth that endures through successes and failures.
2.Children develop a sense of responsibility for themselves, others and the environment.
3.We respect and care for each other and value the diversity that exists among people.
4.Learning is engaging and challenging and fosters a sense of curiosity.
5.Education is seen as a life-long experience.
5. School Ethos – the values of the school and what it expects of its young people and staff and how this is demonstrated in practice.
6. School Information
6.1 Name/Address/Telephone No/Website (if any) / Email Address
KirkcowanSchool, Wellhouse Road, Kirkcowan, DG8 0HP
Tel. 01671 830234
Website URL:
6.2 Head Teacher details
Mrs. O. Caldwell
KirkcowanPrimary School , Wellhouse Road, Kirkcowan,NewtonStewart, DG8 0HP
6.3 Roll of School / denominational status (if any)/ Status of Gaelic
KirkcowanSchool is a non-denominational school. Over recent years the school roll has fluctuated between 46 and 55. At time of print, the school roll was made up of 46 primary pupils and 11 nursery children.
6.4 Nursery (if any)
6.5 School Staff
6.6 Terms and Holidays
Session 2012-2013
Staff returns Tuesday 21 August 2012
Pupils return Thursday 23 August 2012
Term 1
Thursday 23 August 2012 - Friday 12 October 2012
Autumn Holiday
Monday 15 October 2012 - Friday 26 October 2012
Term 2
Monday 29 October 2012 – Friday 21 December 2012
Christmas Holiday
Monday 24 December 2012 – Friday 4 January 2013
Term 3
Staff Return Monday 7 January 2013
Pupils Return Tuesday 8 January 2013
Term 4
Tuesday 8 January 2013 - Thurs 28 March 2013
Mid-Term Holiday
Monday 11 February 2013
Tuesday 12 February 2013
Spring Holiday
Friday 29 March 2013 – Friday 12 April 2013
Term 4Monday 15 April 2013 – Tuesday 2 July 2013
May Day Holiday
Monday 6 May 2013
Tuesday 7th May
Summer Holiday
Wednesday 3 July 2013
Staff return Friday 16 August 2013
Pupils return Monday 19 August 2013
7. Contact Us
7.1 If you need to find out something
We strive to keep parents and carers well informed about what goes on in school.
Weekly newsletters are posted on the school blog and usually include diary dates, pupil achievements and general school news. Parents may request a paper copy if necessary.
School diaries provide an invaluable, informal dialogue between home and school.Reminders; etc may be posted in these. In the early stages, diaries will be read every day by the class teacher. As children get older, we expect children to take responsibility for these and write in any necessary information.
The school office is manned on a part-time basis. If you call, you may be asked to leave a message and someone will get back to you at their earliest convenience.
7.2 If you have concerns
If you have a particular concern, you may arrange an appointment to speak with the class teacher or headteacher. However, with our ‘open door’ policy this is not usually necessary.
7.3 If you have a complaint
We hope that you are happy with the care and provision made for your child. However, if you do have any causes for complaint please raise it as soon as possible and we will endeavour to solve any problem. In the first instance, you should contact the Headteacher to discuss your complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the result you may wish to make a formal complaint. This should be made in writing, in the first instance, to the Headteacher who will acknowledge receipt of your letter as soon as possible and normally within 5 days. The complaint will be investigated and if necessary a meeting arranged to discuss the matter. In the event that the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved then a complaint may be taken to the Department for Education via the Education Officer who will help define the problem, review the actions that have been taken and suggest other ways the problem may be resolved and take further action if necessary.
Education Services operate within the complaints handling procedures for Dumfries and Galloway Council. Information on this can be found at
Education Services aims for enquiries, concerns and complaints to be dealt with at as local a level as possible, where possible at individual school level. Individual schools are supported to ensure that matters of complaint are recorded, acknowledged and responded to within normal complaints handling timescales, normally response within 10 working days. Normally issues arising at a school level should be brought to the attention of the class teacher and senior school staff, such as Head or Depute Headteachers as appropriate. Further support and advice can be provided to individual complainants or teaching staff through contacting either the complaints handler within Education Services or to the Councils Corporate Complaints Unit.
8. How the School Works?
8.1 Enrolment –
Children become eligible for pre-school as follows:
Date of Birth / Commencement of Pre-School Education1 March – 31 August * / Term 1 (Autumn Term)
1 September – 31 December / Term 3 (Spring Term)
1 January – last day of February / Term 4 (Summer Term)
Where Term 1 commences before the child’s 3rd birthday, the child will commence pre-school education on the first school day on or after their 3rd birthday. Eligible children are entitled to receive up to a maximum of 5 pre-school education sessions per full school week with each session lasting 2.5 hours. A minimum of 2 sessions per week must be taken.
Information about enrolment dates and times will be advertised in the local press, council website and school blog.
Your child will have the opportunity to visit nursery before they start nursery officially. This usually takes place over two afternoons, initially with parental support. However, where there is a need for an enhanced transition, staff at school will be happy to discuss specific needs and work with parents to ensure necessary support and draw up an appropriate transition programme.
Enrolment for primary school usually takes place in February each year. Children may be enrolled for primary 1 provided they reach the age of 5 between the previous 1st March and the following 28th (29th) February.
Parents may opt for a place in any school they wish, at any time, but priority for a place will be granted to children from the recognised or ‘delineated’ catchment area. Information regarding catchment areas can be found on the Council’s website by accessing “Find My Nearest” Full details on how to enrol or move school are available from the school or on the Council’s website (see Section 16).
8.2 Moving from Nursery
Primary teachers work closely with nursery staff and parents to ensure that information about each child’s learning and achievements is passed on. This will help ensure that their learning and development continues without interruption. Staff will also share other information which will help the teacher to support each child’s learning – for example relevant health issues, friendship groups and preferred ways of working.
Children attending Kirkcowan Nursery will also participate in a structured transition programme. That includes working closely with the Primary 1 teacher, visits to the primary 1 class and participation in a range of school activities.
8.3 School Day
8.4 School Uniform/Dress Policy
All Dumfries and Galloway schools must have a dress code which encourages pupils to
redirect discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, or disability. Prior to drawing up the dress code, parents, pupils and staff should be fully consulted and it is the expectation of Education Services that parents will be supportive of the dress code.
Clothing which is unacceptable in school under any circumstances would include items which:
• Could potentially encourage factions (eg football colours).
• Could cause offence (eg anti-religious or political slogans).
• Could cause health and safety difficulties such as loose fitting clothing,
dangling earrings.
• Are of flammable materials which may be a danger in certain classes.
• Could cause damage to floors.
• Carry advertising, in particular for alcohol or tobacco.
• Could be used to inflict damage on other pupils.
Parents in receipt of a grant for footwear and clothing from the authority will be encouraged to purchase items which are in accordance with the school dress code. Guidance is available on Clothing Grants from Pupil / Parent Support Unit on
Application forms can be obtained from the school office.
While it would not normally be the policy of the authority to exclude a pupil from school solely on the basis of his/her dress, persistent refusal to respond to a reasonable dress code could be deemed to be a challenge to the Headteacher's authority and thus be detrimental to the well-being of the whole school community. In such circumstances, a headteacher could justify the use of the school disciplinary procedures.
8.5 School Meals
Free school meals are available to support families who live and attend a school in Dumfries and Galloway and who are in receipt of qualifying benefits. All Primary 1 pupils currently receive free school meals. Anyquestions about Free School Meals can be directed to the Pupil/Parent Support Unit (See Section 16) or
The school has a modern catering kitchen where school meals are prepared each day. For a fixed price of £1.70, children can choose between things such as;
Baked potato and beans or lasagne, juice/milk, fruit and/or cookie or yoghurt.
The cook is available from 9.00am each morning to take children’s lunch orders.
8.6 School Transport
Who is entitled to school transport?
- Pupils who live 2 miles away from their catchment school if they are under 8 years old
- Pupils who live 3 miles away from their catchment school if they are 8 years and over
- Roman Catholic children attending the denominational school for their address and live the above statutory distances from that school.
How do I find out if my child will receive school transport?
When school transport is required for a pupil, the school will contact the Parent/Pupil Support Unit. If your child is eligible, details of the transport arrangements will be communicated to you in time for the new academic year. You can check whether your child is entitled to school transport using ‘Find My Nearest’ on the Council’s website (
Any alterations to transport arrangements that occur during the school year will be communicated prior to any changes being made. If school bus passes are required these are issued at school.
There is a Policy on School Transport and a Guide for Parents, and also Guidance for transport of children and young people with Additional Support Needs. These are available from your school or on the Council’s website or from the Pupil/Parent Support Unit (see Section 16)
8.7 Class Organisation
Within KirkcowanSchool, classes are usually made up of a range of ages and stages. The maximum number of pupils in any composite class will be 25. Children will normally be grouped according to their stage and age. The school roll fluctuates between 45 and 55 pupils (primary). When the roll falls below 51 pupils there is a staffing entitlement for two classes and where it is over 51, this increases to three classes.
8.8 Playground Supervision
Supervision will be available from 8.45am each morning. When it is particularly cold or wet we would kindly ask that children who live nearby arrive as close to the start time as possible. During the morning and lunch breaks, a designated adult will supervise children in the dining hall and playground.
8.9 Positive Behaviour and Celebrating Success
KirkcowanSchool works to ensure that all learners are able to experience a calm, positive and safe environment that promotes good behaviour, self discipline and respect for others. In addition we aim to prepare young people for responsible citizenship by developing values, beliefs and attitudes compatible with living in a modern, democratic and multicultural society. At Kirkcowan Primary we work hard to achieve a caring, safe and happy environment. Our positive approach to behaviour is reinforced by the adoption of the Kirkcowan ABC Code: