UPCC Minutes: 3-13-08
Teaching Faculty Attending:
Dean Adams [co-chair] (Arts, Theatre), Radwan Ali [co-chair] (Business, Accounting), Kenneth Gilliam (Business, Economics), Kandice Johnson (HHS, Health-Physical Ed), Jamie Lee (HHS, Nursing), Pamela Marek [secretary] (HSS, Psychology), Julia Morrissey (University Studies), Marvin Smith (BCOE, Early Education; proxy Maurice Wilson), Carlton Usher (University College, First Year Programs), Michael Walters (Arts, Music)
Administrative Faculty Attending:
Catherine Trask (Publications), Kim West (Registrar), Valerie Whittlesey (VP, Academic Affairs)
Huggins Msimanga (S&M, Chemistry)
Neysa Figueroa (HSS, Foreign Language), Jose Garrido (S&M, Computer Science), Kim Loomis (BCOE, Middle-Secondary)
Philip Aust (HSS, Communication), Chuck Aust (HSS, Communication), Joshua Azriel (HSS, Communication), Rebecca Casey (U College, U Studies), Liza Davis (U College, U Studies), Chris Dockery (S&M, Chemistry), Bill Ensign (S&M, Biology/Physics), Janice Flynn (HHS, Nursing), Jane Frederick (HHS, Nursing), Barbara Gainey (HSS, Communication), May Gao (HSS, Asian Studies), Jamie Grimes Academic Affairs, Barbara Hammond (COFA, Music), Carol Holbart (HHS, Nursing), Taha Mzoughi (S&M, Biology/Physics), Federica Santini (HSS, Foreign Languages), David Shock (HSS, Political Science), Deborah Smith (U College, U Studies), Tara Stricko-Neubauer (HSS, Political Science), Daniela Tapu (S&M, Chemistry), Harry Trendell (HSS, Geography/Anthropology), Birgit Wassmuth (HSS, Communication), Peter Witte (COFA, Music)
A motion was made, seconded and approved by the committee to accept the minutes of 2/21/08.
Old Business (Second Reading):
College of Science and Mathematics
Item 1. Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Maurice Wilson)
o MATH 3318 -- New Course and Syllabus REV 3_5_08 (Algebra for Elementary Teacher)
o MATH 3316 -- Change Course REV 3_5_08 (Critical Content of ECE Math II)
o MATH 3317 -- Change Course REV 3_5_08 Critical Content of ECE Math III)
o ELEMENTARY and EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION -- Change in Major (Business Content) REV 3_5_08
Maurice Wilson explained that the change in major was designed to strengthen the mathematics curriculum and to prepare students to teach skills needed to meet Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). MATH 3318 specifically addresses GPS to teach algebra at the elementary level. Proposed changes to MATH 3316 and MATH 3317 include title and description changes (to more effectively communicate course content) and prerequisite changes (as mandated by the Board of Regents and to make Admission to Teacher Education a prerequisite for both courses). A motion was made, seconded and passed by the committee (on voice vote) to approve the proposal package on second reading.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Item 2. Office of the Dean/HSS Interdisciplinary Programs (May Gao)
o ASIA 3001 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Understanding Asia)
o ASIAN STUDIES -- (New Minor) (Minor Form)
May Gao reviewed that the minor requires 15 credits and that the proposed new course would be team-taught starting in Fall 08. No changes had been requested at the prior meeting. A motion was made, seconded and passed by the committee (on voice vote) to approve the proposed new course and to formally approve the minor on second reading.
New Business (First Reading):
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Item 1. Department of Geography and Anthropology (Harry Trendell)
o GEOG 3360 -- Change of Course (Geography of China)
Harry Trendell explained that the proposal involved a change of name and description to more accurately portray the course and to indicate that its specific regional focus may change. Teaching the course from different perspectives would broaden the range of the course, not only making it more attractive for Asian Studies students, but also enabling more faculty to become involved with it on a regular basis. It was recommended that the phrase "depending on the expertise of the instructor" be deleted from the description. A motion was made, seconded and passed by the committee (on voice vote) to approve the proposed change on first reading, with an understanding that the deletion would be made.
Item 2. Department of Foreign Languages (Federica Santini)
o ITAL 3306 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Literature and Culture)
o ITAL 4402 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Contemporary Culture)
o ITAL 4434 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Topics in Language, Literature, and Culture)
Federic Santini explained that the interest in Italian Studies has grown over 30% from Fall 07. There are now about 23 students in the upper division working toward a minor.
ITAL 3306 was proposed as a survey course with both English and Italian components. Federic indicated that the course had worked well as a 4490 offering. It was recommended that the course title be deleted from the beginning of the course description. Regarding ITAL 4402, Federic noted that it could be taught by anyone with a background in the area and that faculty were available to teach it. ITAL 4434 was the most advanced course, with readings and class discussion in Italian. It was recommended that the course number, title, and prerequisites be deleted from the beginning of the course description. Whereas there was some discussion of the wording of the prerequisite information, it was decided that no change was needed.
The proposed minor would require five courses, which may include study abroad. A foreign language 2002 course is required prior to enrollment in 3000 level courses. The minor had been designed to include a focus on both cultural and linguistic components of Italian. The committee noted that a sheet describing the minor must be submitted. It was recommended that the words "aims to" be deleted from item I of the minor proposal. In response to a question, Kim West noted that a minor declaration is being prepared, but that at present, a minor may be declared by going to the Registrar's Office. A motion was made, seconded and passed by the committee (on voice vote) to approve the proposals as a package on first reading, with an understanding that suggested changes would be made and that a sheet describing the minor would be submitted.
College of Science and Mathematics
Item 3. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Chris Dockery)
o CHEM 3050 -- Change in Course (Biophysical Chemistry_
o CHEM 3361 -- Change in Course (Modern Organic Chemistry)
o CHEM 3362 -- Change in Course (Modern Organic Chemistry II)
o CHEM 3601 -- Change in Course (Physical Chemistry I)
o CHEM 3601L -- Change in Course (Physical Chemistry I, Lab)
o CHEM 3602 -- Change in Course (Physical Chemistry II)
o CHEM 3620 -- Discontinue Course (Intermediate Physical Chemistry)
o CHEM 3700 -- Change in Course (Environmental Chemistry)
o CHEM 3710L -- Change in Course (Environmental Chemistry Lab)
o CHEM 3800 -- Change in Course (Forensic Analytical Chemistry)
o CHEM 4620 -- Change in Course (Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry)
o B.S. IN BIOCHEMISTRY -- Change in Major
o B.S. IN CHEMISTRY (Chem Ed Track) -- Change in Major
o B.S. IN CHEMISTRY (Gen Chem Track) -- Change in Major
o B.S. IN CHEMISTRY (Forensics Track) -- Change in Major
o B.S. IN CHEMISTRY (Professional Chemistry track) -- Change in Major
§ Business Content Form for above
Chris Dockery explained that four tracks feed into CHEM 3050. The changes in title and description are proposed to more accurately reflect its content, Physical Chemistry. The prerequisite change reflects the need for students to understand the content of MATH 2202 prior to enrolling in CHEM 3050. The proposed changes will more closely align the course with comparable courses at other institutions in Georgia. It was recommended that the words "This is" at the beginning of the course description be replaced with the course number.
For CHEM 3361 and 3362, the proposed changes in course descriptions eliminate information about students for whom the course was designed. For CHEM 3361, it was recommended that the words "This is" at the beginning of the course description be replaced with the course number.
For CHEM 3601, the proposed change in course description clarifies the topic areas covered. For CHEM 3601L, the proposed addition of prerequisites will ensure that students are appropriately prepared for the laboratory activities in the course. On the Corequisite line, it was recommended that CHEM 3000 precede CHEM 3601. Kim West indicated that all prerequisites should be included.
For CHEM 3602, the proposed change in description provides more detail. The proposed title change more accurately reflects course content. No changes were proposed for the lab component of this course.
The proposal to discontinue CHEM 3620 is being made because the course has not been offered since that semester system began and is not required for any degree.
The proposed change in prerequisites for CHEM 3700 and CHEM 3710L was designed to increase the courses' accessibility to environmental studies students.
The proposed change in corequisite for CHEM 3800 was designed to permit students who are not on the Forensic Chemistry track to take the course as an elective without the lab. The change in description indicates, however, that students on the Forensic Chemistry track must take CHEM 3801L as a corequisite.
The proposed change in course description for CHEM 4620 was designed to more accurately depict the course content. It was noted that description that only involve changing a few words do not need approval of the Committee.
Regarding degree requirements, for degree programs, the proposals reflect the name change for CHEM 3050 and the addition of MATH 2202 (Calculus II) as a requirement. For Chemistry (Chemistry Education Track), the changes also reflect those made by Biology (regarding SCED 4416 and 4417), and a reduction in supporting discipline electives. For Chemistry (Professional Track), MATH 3310 is changed from a required to a suggested course, to possibly attract more students into the program.
A motion was made, seconded and passed by the committee (on voice vote) to approve the proposals as a package on first reading, with an understanding that suggested changes would be made.
College of the Arts
Item 4. Department of Visual Arts
o ARED 3155 -- New Course (Syllabus)
First reading of this item was postponed.
Item 5. Department of Music (Peter Witte and Barbara Hammond)
o MUED 3301 -- Change in Course (General Methods, Materials and Curriculum)
o MUED 3302 -- Change in Course (Choral Methods, Materials and Curriculum)
o MUED 3303 -- Change in Course (Instrumental Methods, Materials, and Curriculum)
o MUED 3305 -- Change in Course (Syllabus) (Learning and Assessment in Music)
o MUED 3308 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Music Education for Exceptional Students)
o MUED 3334 -- Change in Course (Syllabus) (Foundations in Music Education)
o MUED 3351-3367 -- Change in Courses (Syllabus) ([Instrument] Techniques)
o MUED 3371 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Brass/Woodwind Techniques)
o MUED 3372 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Strings/Guitar Techniques)
o B.M. in MUSIC EDUCATION -- Change in Major (Business Content)(Table of Contents)(Grid)
o MUSI 3320 -- Change in Course (Syllabus) (Form and Analysis)
o MUSI 3324 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Instrumentation/Arranging)
o MUSI 3331 -- Change in Course (Choral Conducting)
o MUSI 3332 -- Change in Course (Instrumental Conducting)
o MUSI 3335 -- Change in Course (syllabus) (German and French Diction)
o MUSI 3350 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Advanced Choral Conducting/Literature)
o MUSI 3351 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Advanced Instrumental Conducting/Literature)
o MUSI 4434 -- New Course (Syllabus) (Vocal Pedagogy for Ensemble Singing)
Regarding the Change in Degree Requirements, Peter Witte explained that the proposed revisions were made to fulfill education requirements and achieve criteria set forth in the National Association of Schools and Music (NASM) Standards and Competencies, without exceeding 131 credit hours. To do so, it was necessary to provide required content in different vehicles and to reduce the credit hours of some required courses. It was noted that, on page 10, the credits for Professional Education requirements should be changed from 34 to 32.
Barbara Hammond explained that the proposed changes were predicated on considerable research, multiple faculty meetings, and guidance from the Teacher's Education Council. She reviewed the Table of Contents, indicating how the program was redesigned to promote specific outcomes (e.g., enhanced conducting experience, additional keyboard skills). She reported that proposed revisions included realignment of courses (e.g., choral and conducting in the same semester as theory). Specific course proposals were then reviewed.
The proposals for MUED 3301-3305 all involved changes in prerequisites, including addition of Acceptance into Teacher Education Program. MUED 3301-3303 are taken in lieu of TOSS. The MUED 3305 proposal also included a change in credit hours from 2-0-2 to 0-2-1. MUED 3308, a proposed new course, would be taught by a music therapist. It was designed to replace INED 3304, a Special Education course, for Music Education majors. The proposal for MUED 3334, an overview course positioned in the sophomore year on the grid, involved a change in course description to emphasize a project-oriented exploration of influences on music education and a change in credit hours from 2-0-2 to 0-2-1. The course is required for, but not limited to, Music Education majors. The proposals for MUED 3351-3367 involved a change from 1-0-1 to 0-2-1 credits. These were applied courses, as were the proposed new courses MUED 3371 and 3372.
There was considerable discussion of the proposed assignment of 0-2-1 credit hours for courses that were not designated as labs and whether there was a precedent for such course hour assignment. It was mentioned that Dance provided such a precedent; yet it was noted that Dance provided an applied experience. Kim West indicated that consistency was important and that students should not be given mixed messages. It was agreed to ask Dr. Black to rule on the credit hours for lab issue for all courses to which it applied.
The proposal for MUSI 3320 involved a change from 2-0-2 to 0-2-1, with a lab experience. MUSI 3324, a proposed new course, represented an expansion of a previous course to supply outcomes based on NASM competencies. The proposals for MUSI 3331 and MUSI 3332 both involved a change in credit hours from 2-1-2 to 2-0-2, with a change in course description that removed the phrase "required laboratory component." The proposal for MUSI 3335 involved a change in credit hours from 2-0-2 to 0-2-1 to align the course with a companion diction course. The proposed new courses MUSI 3350 and MUSI 3351 were developed as a result of the outcomes review which suggested that additional experience was needed in conducting. Both courses were proposed with 2-0-2 credit hours, and course descriptions indicated there was a required laboratory component. The proposed new course, MUSI 4434, with credit hours designated as 0-2-1, was designed to provide the content necessary for developing vocal skills within an ensemble experience.