Data required for compilation of QEC Performance Report

The following information may be provided on priority basis:

Reporting period

From / To
Day / Month / Year / Day / Month / Year
15 / June / 2008 / 30 / December / 2008


a)Name of the Project:Quality Enhancement Cell

b)Institution/Organization: NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar

c)Name of report writer:(i) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal

(ii) Fouzia Bangash

d)Postal Address:Suite # 150, 1st Floor, NWFP Agricultural University,


e)Telephone/Fax/E-mail 091- 9218612/ 091-9218342/


2.Status of establishment of QEC office

a)A separate QEC office established: ( Yes )

If No,


b)Actions taken for the establishment of office

3.Current update on the newrecruitments made

Staff recruited

a)Number of staff recruited:

i.Prof. Dr. Muhammad AfzalDirector Teaching/QEC(additional charge basis)

In pursuance to HEC, Islamabad Policy letter No. 1/QEC/QAA/HEC/07-323 dated June 02, 2008; the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) has become as a regular part of the Universityand the following employees on the Strength of QEC stand switched over to University recurring budget w.e.f. July 01, 2008 on ad hoc basis, renewable after each six(06) months against the following vacant positions: (Annexure-1)

ii. Ms. FouziaThe position of Deputy Director QEC in PC-1 has

beenadjustedagainst vacant position ofAssistant

DirectorTeaching/QEC(BS-18)in Directorate of


iii. Mr. Muhammad BilalThe position of Data Analyst in PC-1 has been

adjusted against vacant position of Data Analyst/ Superintended (BS-16) in Directorate of Teaching.

iv. Mr. WaqasThe position of Office Assistant in PC-1 has been

adjusted against vacant position of Office Assistant

(BS-14) in Quality Enhancement Cell.

v.Mr. Bilal AhmadThe position of Naib Qasidin PC-1, has been

adjustedagainstvacant position ofNaib Qasid

(BS-01) in Quality Enhancement Cell.

b)Number of post advertised:

Please refer to 2nd Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in March 2008 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

c)Date of Publication of advertisement. (Attach copy of all advertisement):

Please refer to 1st Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in October 2007 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

d)List of short listed candidates:

Please refer to 2nd Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in March 2008 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

e)C.V. of the selected candidates:

Please refer to 2nd Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in March 2008 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

f)Terms and conditions/TORs of the recruited staff:

Please refer to 2nd Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in March 2008 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

g)Recruitment procedure:

Please refer to 2nd Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in March 2008 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

h)Salary being offered to the candidate:

Please refer to 2nd Progress Report of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) submitted in March 2008 as the required has already been reported in the said report.

If no selections made

a)Status of temporary/permanent arrangement

b)Appointment date

c)Terms and conditions/TORs

d)Salary being offered to the candidate

e)Actions taken for the recruitment of permanent staff

f)It will be appreciated if HECis involvedin short listing and recruitment process of Head of QEC

4.Steps on development and implementation of QA mechanisms/procedures attheUniversity during the reporting period

a)Status of Self Assessment Mechanism being adopted at the university departments

The process of Self-Assessment has been started in this University vide Vice Chancellor’s letter No. 508/SVC/AUP dated September 13, 2007. In the first phase, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG) was taken as model department to assess their program. Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG) has been finalized in July, 2008. However, this report has been examined by the QECthrough the HEC prescribed format as mentioned in the Self-Assessment Manual.In this regard, the QEC vide letter No. 37/DT/AUP dated October 30, 2008; put some comments to modify the report according to the format specified.Moreover, Assessment Team for Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG) has been formulated. Teachers Evaluation forms from eleven (11) departments have been receivedand processed in this quarter and analysis reports have been submitted to the Vice Chancellor, Concerned Deans, Chairmen and Directors.

b) Update on selection ofdepartments for establishment of Self-AssessmentDocumentation

Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics (PBG) was taken as model department to assess their program. Self-Assessment Documentation of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG) has been finalized.

Three more departments, namely Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences (SES), Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) and Department of Rural Sociology have also submitted their 1stdraft of Self-Assessment Report. The 2nd draft of Self-Assessment Report will be submitted in January, 2009.

c).Status of formation of the team/committees involved in the process of Self-Assessment:

The Program Teams have been formulated in all the Departments/Institutes of this University and the process of Self-Assessment has been started. In order to assess the Self-Assessment Report submitted by Department of Plant Breeding Genetics (PBG), Assessment Team has been formulated.

  • Updated list of members of the Program Teams(Annexure-2)/Assessment Teams(Annexure-3) / departmental committees
  • If no team/Committee constituted, please specify the reasons and submit the action plan with time frame for the constitution of the teams/committees – Not applicable

d).Practical applicationofall the selfassessment Proformaeprovided by HEC (Attach copy of Proformae) and status of their application. Update on

  • Development / restructure/ modification of assessment Proforma for maximum data


No major modification has been made in the Self-Assessment Proformae. Once the data starts to come from all the Departments/Institutes, then related modifications will be made to them according to the needs of the respondents and the nature and importance of the information needed.

To make the execution of these Proformae more accurate and systematic, guidelines have been prepared by the QEC which are also circulated among the Program Teams. (Annexure-4)

  • Number, type and date of Proformae circulated

ForFall Semester 2008, demands for the Self Assessment Proformae were received from all the Departments/Institutes of this University, which were circulated among them according to their needs. The breakdown/demand of Proforma per Department/Institute is given below:

S.No / Departments / Institutes / Proforma Name and Number / No. of Copies / Date of Circulation
01. / Horticulture / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 480
480 / 14/11/2008
02. / Water Management / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01
Research Student - 04 / 500
500 / 14/11/2008
03. / Soil and Environmental Science / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01
Research Student - 04 / 600
39 / 14/11/2008
04. / Agronomy / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01
Research Student - 04 / 207
25 / 14/11/2008
05. / Livestock Management / Teacher Evaluation-10 / 608 / 15/11/2008
06. / Plant Breeding and Genetics / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 655
655 / 15/11/2008
07. / Islamyat / Pak. Study / Teacher Evaluation-10 / 460 / 14/11/2008
08. / Agricultural Chemistry / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01
Research Student - 04 / 244
50 / 14/11/2008
09. / Rural Sociology / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 55
55 / 17/11/2008
10. / Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 1650
1200 / 17/11/2008
11. / Agricultural Economics / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 320
35 / 15/11/2008
12. / Animal Health / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 1200
1200 / 19/11/2008
13. / Human Nutrition / Teacher Evaluation-10 / 126 / 17/11/2008
14. / Agricultural Mechanization / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 854
854 / 14/11/2008
15. / Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE) / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 356
356 / 17/11/2008
16. / Animal Husbandry / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 472
472 / 17/11/2008
17. / Weed Science / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 532
532 / 15/11/2008
18. / Agricultural Extension Education / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01
Research Student - 04 / 175
22 / 14/11/2008
19. / Plant Pathology / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01 / 600
600 / 14/11/2008
20. / Institute of Development Studies (IDS) / Teacher Evaluation-10
Students Course Evaluation – 01
Faculty Course - 02 Review
Faculty Survey / 60
15 / 17/11/2008
  • Information/feed back//data collected

At this stage, the preliminary data for Fall Semester 2008 is being collected at the Departmental/Institutional level by the Program Teams and still awaited for QEC.

  • Update on the evaluation of the feed back and development of Database.

On receivingthe data through Teacher Evaluation Form submitted by various Departments/Institutes, the QEC developed a database for analysis and generation of results. In which all the Teachers are given weights on the basis of the responses received from the students, display Score Card, Average Score in Percent (%), and display Pie Charts regarding each question.

  • Plan for further use of the information obtained.

The results generated by analysis of Teacher Evaluation Proforma for the Spring Semester 2008, have been submitted to the Vice Chancellor, Concerned Deans, Chairmen and Directors and will be used by each Department/Institute for preparation of their respective Self-Assessment Report according to the self prescribed format given in the HEC’s Self-Assessment Manual.

These results have been useful in the selection of Best Teacher Award. Thisdata has also been used in the ACRs and during the selection board of the faculty.

  • In case no/some Proformae are not yet circulated, then specify the reasons and submit the time frame for the circulation of all/ remaining Proformae, collectionof information and further processing– Not Applicable

b)Internal workshopsorganized by QECduring the reporting periodat department/ university level for awareness /orientation of faculty

  • Date of event– October 11, 2008
  • Name of event -Seminar in Co-ordination with National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC)
  • Participants of the event–The Vice Chancellor, All Deans, All Chairmen, All Directors, and QEC team attended the Seminar.
  • Purpose of the event - The main objective of the Seminar was to provide reliable information on institutions and academic programs accreditation to all the key stakeholders and promote awareness amongst all stakeholdersto supportthe students and faculty members interested in pursuing agriculture profession par excellence. (Report attached as Annexure-5)

c)Workshops/ Trainings/ Meetings attended by QEC during reporting period at national/international level for awareness on the subject.

  • Director Teaching/QEC and Assistant Director Teaching/QEC have attended the 2nd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education (ICAQHE) held from 1st - 3rd December 2008, in Lahore.
  • Director Teaching/QEC and Assistant Director Teaching/QECalso participated in 12th meeting of the Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs)inLahore.
  • Assistant Director Teaching/QEC attended Higher Degree Program Review Committee’s meeting held in Institute of Management Sciences (IMS), Peshawar on August 15, 2008.

d)Actionstaken by QEC for sharing/ application of the knowledgegained by QEC during the workshops at HEC

The experience and knowledge gained at the different workshops arranged by the HEC is shared with all the stakeholders during the regular meetings held with the stakeholders at different levels. The relevant material is also circulated among all the program teams for updating their knowledge about the QA Mechanism.

e)QEC website development and information uploaded

A separate link has been developed in the NWFPAgriculturalUniversity, Peshawar, website ( The website includes

  • Introduction and Director’s Message
  • Vision & Mission
  • Organizational Structure
  • Self Assessment Procedures
  • Program Teams
  • Self-Assessment Manual (SAM)
  • Self Assessment Proformae
  • Higher Degree Program Review Proforma
  • Plagiarism Policy
  • Contacts QEC

Improvements are made on regular basis as all the updated QEC information, activities, minutes, reports, etc., are uploaded on the website.

5.Detail of expendituresmade by QEC against the sub-heads defined in PC1 duly vet by the concerned Audit and account section:

In compliance to HEC, Islamabad Policy letter No. 1/QEC/QAA/HEC/07-323 dated June 02, 2008; the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) has become a regular part of the University and all the expenses required for the smooth running of QEC are now met by the University recurring budget w.e.f. July 01, 2008 (Annexure-1)

6.Accomplishments during the Reporting Period

Accomplishments of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar during this Quarter.

S. No. / Month/Year / Activity / Remarks
1 / July 29, 2008 / 1st draft of Final Self Assessment Report of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG). / Done
2 / From August 11, 2008 till
September 05, 2008. / Departmental Level meetings with all Departments/Institutes of this University. / Done
3 / August 15, 2008 / Assisting the Vice Chancellor in Higher Degree Program Review Committee’s meeting held in Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) and related work. / Done
4 / From September 11, 2008
till October 27, 2008 / Helping the University during Under GraduateAdmissions for the Session-2009. / Done
5 / October 11, 2008 / Arranged a Seminar in Co-ordination with National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC) / Done
6 / October 30, 2008 / Comments on final Self Assessment Report of Plant Breeding and Genetics. / Done
7 / November 11, 2008 / Formulation of Assessment Team for Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG). / Done
8 / Nov 13, 2008 / Teachers Evaluation Analysis Report for Spring Semester - 2008 submitted to Vice Chancellor, Concerned Deans, Chairmen and Directors. / Done
9 / Nov 24, 2008 / Fall Semester – 2008, Data collection started. / Done
10 / December 1st to 3rd, 2008 / Attended 2nd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education (ICAQHE), in Lahore. / Done
11 / December 1st and 2nd / Attended two days meetings of the Heads of QECs in Lahore. / Done
12 / December 20, 2008 / Organized, Academic Council Meeting. / Done