Provision in North West Kent for Alternative Education Provision
Following a countywide review of PRU provision in 2013, Dartford and Gravesham PRU opted for full delegation of funding to develop appropriate inclusion provision within the district. The review identified the need for increased school representation on the Management Committee to help ensure that the needs of pupils are better met, and help build continuity and raise standards in their educational attainment. In this area, theManagement Committee is made up of Head Teachers and elected representatives from the schools within the district.
See ‘Alternative Provision statutory guidance for LA’ – Jan 2013- for PRU review guidance.
Under the terms of delegation, the local schools have a responsibility to:
- ensure the best solution is designed and deployed for the effective provision and management of high quality Early Intervention and Prevention activities to reduce Permanent Exclusion including appropriate individualised programmes to meet learners’ needs.
- ensure that its aims and activities are consistent with, and complement, those of the Education Commissioning Plan and the priorities set out in the 14-24 Learning Employment and Skills Strategy.
- fulfil the overall aims of the Agreement which is to meet the Council’s statutory obligation to provide education for young people who are unable to access or who have lost or are at risk of losing a school place as a result of behavioural issues by providing the required educational programme in accordance with the specification contained in Schedule including:
-provide appropriate educational arrangements and a full curriculum offer that meet pupils’ educational needs, and their personal and social development needs, as well as supporting their successful transition into adult life and, in particular, the take up of further education, training or employment on leaving full time education
-direct provision to increase motivation, self-esteem, improved basic and employability skills and life and social skills as a result of the provision
-ensure learners achieve maths and English GCSE, other core GCSE and vocational qualifications, that enable them to progress to post 16 learning and training and the opportunity to improve their level of qualifications
-ensure that all the young people within the district are appropriately supported to find education, employment or training following the last year of statutory schooling. Ensure that all students engage with KC4U to ensure a destination under the September Guarantee
-ensure all young people can access a full timetabled curriculum each week (usually 25 hours)
The current provision is organised and delivered through separately located provisions. In the academic year 2015/2016 these provisions were catering for, in excess of, 95 students at their busiest times. In addition, the provision has not had a substantive Head Teacher since July 2015 and staff turnover has been high. Outcomes have been on a decline (shown below), current attendance is running at approx. 55% and destination measures indicate that 24% of PRU leavers in this area have gone on to be NEET.
Whilst the PRU received an Outstanding OFSTED judgement in June 2013. Recent reviews indicate that the provision is ‘Requiring Improvement’.
All Students / Outcomes 2015 / Outcomes 2016 / Kent TotalsNumber of students who achieved:
- 1 A*-C GCSEs or equivalent / 58% / 5% / 64%
- 5 A*-C GCSEs or equivalent, including A-C in GCSE Maths and English / 5% / 0% / 8%
- GCSE English A*-C / 2% / 0% / 22%
- GCSE Maths A*-C / 18% / 3% / 18%
- Expected progress Maths from KS2 / 56% / 0% / 21%
- Expected progress English from KS2 / 73% / 3% / 39%
In Sept 2016, the Management Committee and the Local Authority reviewed the current arrangements and are implementing a new inclusion offer for the district. The new model, set to launch in Sept 2017 will offer:
- a smaller Alternative Curriculum PRU provision, better equipped to provide the specialist behaviour intervention required for the most challenging students:
- A Key Stage 4 full time provision (48 students) which focuses on education, training and employability skills and leads onto an appropriate post 16 destination.
- A Key Stage 3, intensive intervention provision. Focusing on support and re-integration. (24 students at a time)
- A Key Stage 2, intensive intervention provision. Focusing on support and re-integration. (8 students at a time)
- the Secondary Schools within the district the resources to develop inclusion and alternative curriculum provision within their schools to prevent the removal of students except in the most extreme cases.
- greater collaboration and shared resources between the schools, through the development of a vocational district offer provided by the schools.
- the relocation of the current provisions to one site in Dartford, with one hub in Gravesend.
The service will achieve economies of scale and efficiencies by closing 3 centres and moving to a 2 centre provision. Approx. £1.2 million is being spent on the development of the property to ensure it is fit for purpose.
The Management Committee are seeking to appoint an inspirational Head Teacher who will provide vision, leadership and direction across the service, ensuring it is managed and organised by working strategically with partners and stakeholders to develop outstanding provision, which will transform the educational and future life opportunities of all pupils for whom it is responsible.