Study guide Act 2 JC Test- Study with Vocabulary (All of Act 2)

1.  Who is responsible for the anonymous letters that Brutus has been receiving?


2.  Why is Lucius unable to recognize the men who accompany Cassius?

They have their hoods pulled over their heads and their faced covered

3.  Why do the conspirators wish to have Cicero join them?

He is respected within society

4.  Which one of the conspirators is confident that he can get Caesar to the Capitol? How does he plan on doing this?


5.  What do they find when they examine the animal they have killed as a sacrifice?

It has no heart

6.  What has Calpurnia dreamed?

Caesar’s statue squirting blood from it

7.  According to Decius, what is the Senate planning to present to Caesar?


8.  Who knows of the conspiracy and plans to warn Caesar?


9.  What message does Portia send to Brutus at the Senate House?

That she is merry

10.  What is Brutus worried will happen if Caesar is crowned?

He will become a tyrant

11.  What does Artemidorus have for Caesar?

A letter that warns him of the conspiracy against him, as well as a list of all of the conspirators.

12.  Why does Portia send Lucius to the capitol?

To see what is going on

13.  What is the best way to describe the tone of Act 2?

Ominous and foreboding

14.  How can Calpurnia best be described?

Dedicated to Caesar

15.  Match the character with the adjective that best describes him/her

____C__ Caesar __B___ Brutus

__A____ Antony ___D__ Cassius

a.  Loyal c. Arrogant

b.  Cautious d. Manipulative

16.  What does Brutus compare Caesar to?

An unborn snake

17.  Why does Caesar ignore Calpurnia’s warnings?

Decius persuades Caesar to go to the capitol by twisting the dream that Calpurnia had around to make it seem as if he should go