Curriculum vitae
Dr. Remko Offringa
August 21, 1962
1986 MSc in Biochemistry, Leiden University
1992 PhD at Mogen International/Leiden University.
Title of thesis: Gene targeting in plants using the
Agrobacterium tumefaciens vector system.
2005 – now Associate Professor, Leiden University, Institute of Biology (IBL), Molecular & Developmental Genetics.
1995 – 2005 Assistant Professor, Leiden University, IBL, Molecular & Developmental Genetics, Prof. Paul J.J. Hooykaas.
1992 – 1995 Post Doctoral Fellow, Leiden University, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences (IMP). Prof. Paul J.J. Hooykaas.
· Member of the management team of the Institute of Biology Leiden
· Member of the research committee of the Dutch research school for Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS).
· CSO and co-founder of Add2X Biosciences BV..
1. Benjamins, R., Quint, A., Weijers, D., Hooykaas, P. and Offringa, R. (2001). The PINOID protein kinase regulates organ development in Arabidopsis by enhancing polar auxin transport. Development 128, 4057-4067. (7.2)
2. Weijers, D., Geldner, N., Offringa, R. and Jürgens, G. (2001). Seed development: Early paternal gene activity in Arabidopsis. Nature 414, 709-710. (32.2)
3. Benjamins, R., Galvan Ampudia, C., Hooykaas, P. and Offringa, R. (2003). PINOID mediated signalling involves calcium binding proteins. Plant Physiol. 128, 4057-4067. (5.9)
4. Friml, J., Vieten, A., Sauer, M., Weijers, D., Schwarz, H., Hamann, T., Offringa, R. and Jurgens, G. (2003). Efflux-dependent auxin gradients establish the apical-basal axis of Arabidopsis. Nature 426, 147-53. (32.2)
5. Friml, J., Xiong, Y., Quint, A., Tietz, O., Michniewicz, M., Weijers, D., Benjamins, R., Ljung, K., Sandberg, G, Ouwerkerk, P.B.F., Hooykaas, P.J.J., Palme, K., Offringa, R. (2004) PINOID-dependent binary switch of subcellular apical-basal PIN polarity. Science 306, 862-865. (31.9)
6. Weijers,D., Sauer,M., Meurette,O., Friml,J., Ljung,K., Sandberg,G., Hooykaas,P., and Offringa,R. (2005). Maintenance of embryonic auxin distribution for apical-basal patterning by PIN-FORMED-dependent auxin transport in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17, 2517-2526. (11.3)
7. Galvan-Ampudia,C. and Offringa,R. (2007). Plant evolution: AGC kinases tell the auxin tale. Trends in Plant Science 12, 541-547 (8.0)
8. Michniewicz M., Zago M.K., Abas L., Weijers, D., Schweighofer, A., Meskiene, I., Heisler M.G., Ohno, C., Zhang, J., Huang F., Schwab R., Weigel D., Meyerowitz E.M., Luschnig C., Offringa R., Friml J. (2007) Antagonistic regulation of PIN phosphorylation by PP2A and PID directs auxin flux. Cell 130, 1044-1056
9. Robert, H.S., Quint, A., Brand, D., Vivian-Smith, A., Offringa, R. (2008). BTB AND TAZ DOMAIN scaffold proteins perform a crucial function in Arabidopsis development. Plant J. 48, 109-121. (6.4)
10. Dos Santos Maraschin, F., Memelink J., Offringa R. (2009) Auxin-induced, SCF(TIR1)-mediated poly-ubiquitination marks AUX/IAA proteins for degradation. Plant J. 59, 100-109. (6.4)
11. Kleine-Vehn J., Huang F., Naramoto S., Zhang J., Michniewicz M., Offringa R., Friml J. (2009) PIN auxin efflux carrier polarity is regulated by PINOID kinase-mediated recruitment into GNOM-independent trafficking in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21, 3839-3849. (11.3)
12. Huang, F., Zago, M.K., Abas, L., van Marion, A., Galvan-Ampudia, C.S., Offringa, R. (2010) Phosphorylation of conserved PIN motifs directs Arabidopsis PIN1 Polarity and auxin transport. Plant Cell in press (11.3)