Minutes of meeting held in Ardchattan Primary School 20th November 2014 at 7.30pm
Present: Margaret Adams (Convenor), Tim McIntyre (Secretary), Geoff Miller (Vice chair), Anne Hilditch (Treasurer), Sian Griffiths (CC), Ronnie Campbell (CC), Jill Bowis (CC), Robin Dodman (CC), Sandra McNeeley (CC), Lachie Strathern (CC), Gordon Wood (CC-elect), Colin Morrison (CC-elect), John Campbell (CC-elect); Les Stewart & Sandy Dunlop (Connel CC); Cllrs Elaine Robertson, Iain A MacDonald, Iain S MacLean & Roddy McCuish; PC Stuart Johnston; 3 representatives from Dawnfresh; Steven Rae (Oban Times); Kieron Green; and 7 members of the public.
1. Apologies: Cllr Duncan MacIntyre;
2. Declarations of Interest: none
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting: held on 7th October were approved.
4. Police Report – PC Stuart Johnston – circulated an incident report. Police can arrange property security survey on request, and provide recommendations for improving security. Road closures discussed – Area Commander is attending A&B local area committee to discuss ways to alleviate the impact of lengthy road closures, including planned diversion routes. There is fuel tank security advice available on the PS website. Drink Drive limit is reduced from 5th December. PC Johnston was thanked for updating the CC, and he left following this item.
5. Matters Arising – Prior to this item being discussed, Margaret welcomed the newly elected CC members John Campbell, Colin Morrison & Gordon Wood who were all present and will be declared elected from 27th November; and also welcomed new ward Councillor Iain S MacLean and congratulated him on his election.
Tralee road survey – a report of the recent re-survey had confirmed the route to be ‘safe’, Elaine has spoken to Graeme Bruce to ensure Lochnell PC is aware of this. There are still concerns that surveys are not done during representative times/weather conditions.
40mph limit A828 adjacent to Ledaig Caravan Site – Tim has emailed TS to request site meeting.
Loch Creran foot path – Tim has emailed Douglas Grierson.
Elaine – Sustrans hoping to start on site A828 Dalrannoch in February, on the final section between Barcaldine & Benderloch.
Verge Cutting – meeting with head of Amenity Services on 28th November has been cancelled – new date to be advised. Roddy McCuish said that this is an opportunity to discuss & feed into plan for next year.
6. Community Council by-election results – four new community councillors had been elected unopposed in the by-election; John Campbell, Colin Morrison, Gordon Wood & Hugh Letford. Hugh Letford has subsequently informed the CC that he is unable to take up the role due to health reasons. New members will be formally elected as of 27th November.
7. Treasurer’s Report – no change since last meeting
Overall balance as at 7th October 2014 3,068.40
General Fund 2,907.72
Village Improvement Scheme Account 160.68
Overall balance as at 20th November 2014 3,068.40
8. Secretary’s Report – correspondence received, and circulated:-
No items to report other than emails relating to other agenda items.
9. Health Matters – no updates to report
10. Planning
Houses next to the Haven – Geoff reported that the application has been refused.
Holiday unit at Dundonald: Geoff suggested that CC should speak to the planning officer to raise concerns on road safety grounds, and inadequate parking, and then decide on whether any formal CC representation is appropriate.
Dawnfresh – First, Margaret stated that a recent flyer circulated in the community by Friends of Loch Etive had created a false impression that the community council had intended to conduct a ‘closed meeting’ with the applicant. The proposed meeting (subsequently cancelled) had been for the purposes of informing community councillors about the application, and there was no intention either to represent the community’s views to the applicant, or to make any decision on how to respond to the application. These would, as with previous similar planning issues, be matters for a public CC meeting.
Gideon Pringle & Alison Hutchins from Dawnfresh gave a presentation on existing & proposed operations in Loch Etive, and then answered questions from community councillors & members of the public. A brief summary of main points discussed follows:-
· Existing newly constructed farm Etive 6 (Sailean Ruadh) has given the company a third farm allowing rotation between fallow period, stocked & growing fish, and harvesting.
· Total tonnage – with new Etive 3 & 2 (2.5k each), this will total 8,000 tonnes licences, with a target production of 4,000 tonnes per annum.
· Logistics for feed/harvest traffic – all traffic goes through the shore base at Inverawe.
· No additional jobs from this application. There are 22 full time staff on Loch Etive at present.
· There will be no new noise-creating machinery.
· The expanded farm will be visible only from the water and no residential locations.
· Well boat visits will reduce due to not having to move fish so much around smaller farms.
· Concerns have been raised about bird-scaring gas-guns which disturb people & pets. Gideon undertook to shut this down.
· Dawnfresh is running at significant loss at present – how sustainable is this, how soon is profitability anticipated? The farming operation is part of a group of companies, and profitability of individual businesses is tailored to the overall group plan.
· Pollution – how will fin fish farms affect mussel farming if it returns to the loch as expected. Ronnie showed a photo of a whiting full of fish food. Gideon will investigate this.
11. AOB – Elaine – Reshaping Care survey – please get as many responses as possible.
Cllr Roddy McCuish – introduced himself as newly elected chair of the local area committee, which is now complete with eight councillors; encouraged communities to engage with the AC and input to it. Cllr McCuish also indicated that the Community Planning Group process will be streamlined and made more relevant to everyday community concerns. Margaret asked for more information back from councillors, including membership of committees, and their work. Roddy will arrange to email committee membership to CCs following election at 10th December AC meeting. Iain MacLean said AC is now working well together.
12. Next Meeting – 8th January 2015; Victory Hall, Benderloch
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:25pm
If you would like to contact the Community Council, please write, email or telephone:-
Secretary: Tim McIntyre, Birch Cottage, Barcaldine, OBAN, Argyll PA37 1SG
Tel: 01631 720498; Email: