Would ziplining through the forest and skimming over the three tops give you the adrenalin rush you long for?

If it would, this year’s High Adventure trip is for you! Join Troop 89 for a week of adventure at The Summit Bechtel Reserve in beautiful West Virginia. Our trip will lead you on a trek that will focus on aerial challenge activities: Climbing, Rappeling, Forest Canopy ZiplineTours, Cope and Challenge Courses and to top that off you will round out the adventure with a ride on the Big Zip! It’s one of America’s longest zip lines at ¾ of a mile long. You will soar over the beautiful Bravo Lake and hit speeds of around 50 miles per hour. We also get to choose two additional adventures from the following: BMX, Mountain Biking, Skatepark, Archery, Rifle Range, Kayaking, or White Water Rafting.

Destination:West Virginia – ThePaul R. Christen National High Adventure Base (AKA Summit Bechtel Reserve)

Depart Medfield: Saturday, July 14, 2018 – approx. 7 am

Return to Medfield: Saturday July 21, 2018 – approx. 8 pm


-You must be at least 13 years old & have achieved the rank of First ClassScout to attend.

-You must be comfortable with heights, training at Carabiner’s is recommended.

-A deposit of $100 is due by Feb, 1st (we estimate the total cost @ $950.00 per person).

-You must pass the swim test we offer at Westwood pool.

-Attend mandatory training sessions: 3-5 sessions during the spring where we practice hiking and climbing. It is also a great way to really get to know your crew mates and practice your skills before you arrive in WV.

-Attend an additional meeting to review packing and the backcountry gear requirements for this trip.

Please note: there is limited space available on this trip, and scouts/adults will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Initially, we are looking to accommodate a crew of 7-12(including adult leadership), and we will seek to add an additional crew if demand warrants.

For more information, check out The Summit’s Website at

Coordinator:Mr. Damian Sheehy, (508) 359-4815,

Full Name:______


Payment:Deposit of $100 due at signup (Made payable to Troop 89)


Parent Signature: ______

Date :______

Please return completed form to Mr Damian Sheehy, (9 Hillcrest Rd.) no later than February 1st, to secure your place on a crew. Space is limited and spots will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis.