Call for Student Poster Submissions

NASW DC Metro Chapter Biennial Conference

March 16, 2017

University of the District of Columbia, Student

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: February 25th, 2017

The NASW DC Metro Chapter Conference Steering Committee is seeking proposals from STUDENTS for our Student Poster Presentation session at this year’s conference! This is a great opportunity for students to gain professional experience contributing to our knowledge base, actively participate in the organization and build a professional resume!

It is without dispute that NASW and the social work profession recognize the immediacy and importance of social justice as an imperative for the clients we serve. For our 2017 conference, we are excited to explore some of the more contemporary issues facing social work professionals. We want attendees at our next conference to walk away feeling empowered and informed to address pressing issues impacting our community. Broad areas that we want to emphasize are:

·  Racial and Economic Disparities

·  Sexuality and Gender Identity throughout the Lifespan

·  Immigration Reform

·  Environmental Justice

·  Criminal Justice Reform

Submission topics suggestions:

Administrative Social Work

Adoption & Foster Care

Affordable Care Act/Health Care Reform



Business and Marketing Practices

Career Development or Transitions

Community Organizing

Cultural Competency

DSM Revisions

Evidence-based Practices

Human Rights Issues

Independent Practice

International Social Work

Medical Social Work

New and Emerging Practice Techniques

Professional Self-Care


Retirement Planning for Social Workers

School Social Work

Substance Use

Suicide/Teen Depression

Veterans & Military

Topics should fall under one of the following practice areas:
Aging; Behavioral & Mental Health; Child, Family & Schools; Macro Social Work & International Social Work; Medical & Health

Submission Requirements:

A poster proposal may have up to 3 authors. If a proposal has more than one author, the first author MUST be a STUDENT (enrolled in a CSWE accredited social work program or a program eligible for accreditation within 1 year of the conference at the time of proposal submission). Co-authors may include other social work students, social work Field Instructors or social work Faculty.

-  If submitting a proposal that will present the findings from an original quantitative or qualitative research study you have conducted, the original research study must be completed (data collected and analyzed) prior to submission of your proposal for the conference. Original research studies that "will be conducted" will not be accepted for review.

-  Authors do NOT have to be members of NASW in order to submit a proposal.

-  Individuals selected will be invited to participate in the Student Poster Session without additional registration to the conference. Those who wish to participate in the full 2-day conference may register or volunteer.

Each proposal must include:

Author(s) name(s)—(Note: If multiple authors, authorship [first, second, third author], must be discussed and agreed-upon prior to submitting proposal, and input in this order within the submission form.)

Author(s) demographics—Email, mailing address, phone number, status (student, Faculty or Field Instructor), social work program (BSW/BASW/BA/BS, MSW/MSSW/MASW, or PhD/DSW [these all must be ACCREDITED by CSWE or a program eligible for accreditation within 1 year of the conference]), and name of college/university.

Poster title

Subject area—Indicate primary track of poster presentation (Aging & Disabilities, Behavioral & Mental Health, Child, Family & Schools, Community and Administration, Health & Medical, Professional & Career, Social Work Education)

Social work practice level—Specify the level of practice the poster presentation will cover (micro-, messo- or macro-practice)

Poster abstract—In 200 words or less, the author(s) must describe (1) purpose of poster, (2) summary of key findings, and (3) relevance to practice, theory, policy or research. Abstract must include citations of sources within abstract text in 6th edition APA format. (Note: A references page is NOT necessary for the proposal submission.)

During the Conference:

1) Poster presenters must be professionally dressed during the Student Poster Presentation.

2) There will be no access to electrical outlets for presenters during the Student Poster Presentation.

3) Student posters will be evaluated by members of the Conference Planning Committee on March 16th

Poster presenters must design a poster on a “Tri-fold Display Board” (approximately 36 in. by 48 in. dimension), that can sit on-top of a table for the Student Poster Presentation.
Presenters must bring their completed poster with them to the Poster Session.

Please email all submissions to