Christine Hauck
CERTIFICATIONNew York State Provisional Certification (effective September 2003)
Special Education (K-12)Elementary Education (N-6)
EDUCATIONNazareth College of Rochester
B.A. in Psychology
Concentration in Elementary/Special Education
May 2003 GPA: 3.48
Nazareth Scholarship/Dean's List
STUDENTNazareth Hall, Rochester, NY (10/02-12/02)
- Incorporated multiple intelligences within planning and educational instruction.
- Developed lessons to enhance both values and morals within and outside the classroom setting.
- Planned and implemented lessons where students wrote, read, and represented the numbers 1-10.
- Developed an engaging science unit based on the five senses.
- Taught instructional reading lessons where students learned letter/sound placements.
- Began teaching the students how to advocate for themselves by using their own words when coming across a problem.
Rochester City School District, Rochester, NY (9/02-10/02)
Grades 11 and 12, Self-Contained 12:1:1 Classroom, Edison Tech
- Taught students with mental retardation, OHI, and learning disabilities.
- Reviewed IEPs and worked closely with each student to determine appropriate modifications that would fit individual and group needs.
- Created units on nutrition (science), graphing (math), Helen Keller (reading), a language arts unit, and initiated a social studies unit on the revolutionary war. Also co-taught lesson on first job experiences in collaboration with the vocational teacher.
- Incorporated extensive use of body movements and projects involving hands-on activities, which resulted in improved attendance, motivation, and retention of content.
- Learned and implemented effective aspects of behavior and classroom management, focusing on positive reinforcement.
FIELDRochester City School District, Rochester, NY (May 2002-June 2002)
EXPERIENCETeachers Assistant, East High School – Worked in a 15:1:1 9th grade reading classroom. Students were of all different levels and abilities, however primarily LD. Developed a sense of multiple intelligences and learned to be sensitive to every student’s needs. Taught several instructional lessons, Implemented classroom management skills, and learned proper educational language.
Rochester City School District, Rochester, NY (Spring 2002)
Grade 2, School # 50 – Actively observed and provided assistance in a classroom for two hours a week. Tutored a boy who had difficulty in sound identification and phonemic awareness. Learned to implement and analyze several informal assessments such as portfolio testing and QRI. Developed a sense of readability and implemented several teaching strategies to help this student improve his reading skills.
Brighton Central School District, Brighton, NY (fall 2001)
Grade 5,French Road School – Tutored a girl whose native language is Chinese; designed lessons focusing on vocabulary development. Gained teaching skills and understanding of how to best assist ESL students. Assisted students and developed an understanding of classroom management and teaching strategies.
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RELATEDBOCES # 1, East Rochester, NY (summer 2002)
EXPERIENCEParaprofessional / one to one aid – Worked in a 6:1:1 where each individual student required a one to one aid according to their IEP. Helped a 4 year old girl with multiple disabilities and autistic like tendencies progress in a preschool setting. Used multiple forms of communication such as sign language, pictures, verbal communication, and a dynamite computer. Learned and implemented crisis prevention and intervention through working with all the students in the rooms. Opportunity to work with a diverse array of students, including those with autism, Down syndrome, mental retardation and language deficiencies.
BOCES #1, East Rochester, NY (summer 2001)
Paraprofessional – Worked in a 6:1:1 classroom, serving as a 1:1 aid for a 7-year-old boy with
ADHD and conduct disorder. He was also abused as a younger child. Responsible for assisting with the other children, who had multiple disabilities. Implemented behavioral modification techniques, communication skills with parents, social workers and other teachers in the building.
Deborah Mackay School Of Dance, Webster, NY (Sept. 2001-present)
Dance Teacher– Responsible for teaching three classes, a preschool class, beginning ballet class and a beginning tap class. Learned time management skills along with lesson planning.
Generations Childcare Center, Rochester, NY (summer 2000)
Childcare Assistant- Cared for children ranging in ages from infant to kindergarten in an urban setting. Children were from difficult family backgrounds-welfare, drugs, divorced families; many of the children were emotionally and behaviorally disturbed.
YMCA, Webster, NY (summer 1997,1998,1999)
Camp Counselor- Provided support and supervision to children ranging from the ages of 6 to 12. Planned programs for the children and communicated with parents.
COLLEGENazareth Childcare Center, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY (8/99-present)
EMPLOYMENTChildcare Assistant- Provide care for children ages 3 to 5; also responsible for keeping the center clean.
Admissions, Nazareth College, Rochester, NY (9/01-present)
Student Ambassador- Communicate to prospective students of Nazareth College by conducting tours and hosting overnights. Requires extensive knowledge of campus programs and facilities.
COMMUNITY St. Paul’s Church, Webster, NY (1996-1999)
SERVICEReligion Teacher – Taught a preschool class of 10 children basic principles of religion.
Camp Chin-Gu, Rochester, NY (summer 1997,1998)
Junior Counselor- Assistant in a classroom for children from a Korean background. Assisted with teaching these children their Korean culture by helping plan and implement different activities.
COLLEGEDance Team (Captain), (Sept.99-present)
ACTIVITIESSpanish Club, (Sept 99- May 01)
Active member of the class of 2003, (Sept. 2000 – present)
COLLEGE Orientation Leader,(Fall 2001- present) – Collaborate in a team environment to plan extensive
LEADERSHIPprograms for incoming students to promote a healthy transition to college. Includes
Social, educational and community service components.
Student Activities Council,(Sept. 2000 –present) – Assist when planning activities and
campus wide events.
COMPUTERIBM and Macintosh
SKILLSMicrosoft Word, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, Excel,Internet, E-mail