Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo introduce oneself to the rest of the class.
To locatethingsin the classroom.
To identify and talk aboutschoolsubjects.
/ To interact with classmatesappropriately.
To listen and identify specific information.
To learn vocabulary related to class subjects and talk about it. / Competency in linguistic
Knowledge andinteraction with thephysical world
Social competencyand citizenship
Learning to learn
Autonomy and personal initiative
To talk about school subjects.
To understandand sing a song.
To express opinionsand preferences. / To participate in guided aural interactions.
To sing a song chorally.
To talk about what one likes. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Mathematical competency
Learning to learn
Toidentifydays of theweek.
To talk about school.
To tell the time. / To learn and identify the days of the week.
To show interest in communicating in L2.
To interpret and say the time orally. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Mathematical competency
Autonomy and personal initiative
To identify colorsand shapes inthe class.
To describethe colorsof things.
To describegeometric shapes. / To use previously meet vocabulary.
To identify and describe the colours of things.
To talk about geometric shapes. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Knowledge andinteraction with thephysical world
Cultural and artistic competency
Todescribea picture ofan everyday scene.
To identifyerrors ina scene.
To identify professionsand clothingfor the job. / To describe a picture.
To develop basic learning to learn strategies.
To relate previous knowledge with L2. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Social competencyand citizenship
Autonomy and personal initiative
Describethingsin the classroom.Introduce a classmate:What's yourname?I'mAnna.
Introduce afriend: This isPaul.He'slikeMaths.
Talk aboutfavourite subjects: What'syour favouritesubject?It'sArt
Telling Time: What timeisMaths?Atnineo'clock.
Identifythe class time table:It's Monday I have Science today.
Expressviews onsubjects.
Identifyelements:Thereisa dog.ThereareManyflies. / Thingsat school: bag, plant, door, guitar, cabinet,fish.
Schoolsubjects: Maths, Español,Art, Music, Science, History, Geography, sports.
Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Hours: before,after.
Colors: purple, gray, orange, pink.
Geometric Shapes: square,rectangle, triangle, circle.
Listposition: on theleft,on theright,at thetop,at thebottom.
Career: doctor,fire fighteruniform. / Listen and extract specific information or the gist from simple messages of increasing difficulty.
Interact using L2 in real or pretend situations using verbal or non-verbal messages increasingly less guided communication routines with a variety of possible interactions.
Produce spoken language from texts that have been previously met using active participation in individual activities or groups while using the help of a model.
Read different types of texts in order to get the gist or extract specific information.
Write simple texts using a model as a guide while including simple expressions and sentences.
Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo describediseases and aches.
To say that oneissick.
To give advice. / To talk about how they feel.
To participate in oral interactions.
To give advice. / Competence in linguistic
Social competencyand citizenship
Autonomy and personalinitiative
To speakabout illnesses and aches.
To make recommendations.
To sing asong abouthealth. / To read and identify words that has been previously presented.
To make recommendations onhealth status.
To sing a song chorally. / Competence in linguisticcommunication
Knowledge and interaction with thephysical world
Social competencyand citizenship
To talk aboutaccidentsand injuries.
To describetreatments. / To acquire and show knowledge of new vocabulary.
To participate in guided aural interactions. / Competence in linguisticcommunication
Knowledge and interaction with thephysical world
Learning to learn
To talk abouthealth problems.
To describesymptoms.
To saythey havea fever. / To participate in guided aural interactions.
To relate previous knowledge with L2.
To identify andsay they have temperature. / Learning to learn
Mathematical competency
Knowledge and interactionwith the physical world
To review thedays of the weekand hours.
To describethe evolution ofthe temperatureof a patient. / To read and identify words and that have been previously presented.
To relate previous knowledge with L2. / Social competencyand citizenship
Mathematical competency
Knowledge and interactionwith the physical world
To understandand sing asong abouthealth.
To askcolleaguesabout their habits. / To actively participate in a song.
Toparticipate in guided aural interactions. / Competence in linguisticcommunication
Mathematical competency
Knowledge and interactionwith the physical world Social competencyand citizenship
To speakof healthy habits.
To ask questions abouthealth. / To actively participate inclassroom activities.
To listen and answer questions about health. / Competence in linguisticcommunication
Social competency and
Cultural and artistic competency
Autonomy and personal initiative
Express discomfort:Ithurts.I'vegottocut. Health:He'shurt.He'sbruisedknee.Ask questions about health: Doesit hurt?Isit clean?
Make recommendations: stayin bed, putabandage.
Describehealth problems: Ihavea badheadache.Shehasafever.
Speak about solutions: He isstayingathome.
Describeprocesses: He isbetter.Is thetemperaturelower.
Talk abouthealthy habits:Do you have ahealthylifestyle?Yes,I do.
Describinghabits:Ieat alotof fruit. / Health:fever,headache, cut,bruise,thermometer, degrees, temperature.
Actions:hurt, clean,stay inbed,Takescare,stay at home, stayin bed.
Remedies: icepack,bandage.
Animals: dog, cat, bird.
Express degrees: higher, lower.
Dates andtimes:Mondayatfiveo'clock. / Listen and extract specific information or the gist from simple messages of increasing difficulty.
Interact using L2 in real or pretend situations using verbal or non-verbal messages increasingly less guided communication routines with a variety of possible interactions.
Produce spoken language from texts that have been previously met using active participation in individual activities or groups while using the help of a model.
Write simple texts using a model as a guide while including simple expressions and sentences with the intention of transmitting information to communicate.
Show interest in the carful presentation of written work
Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo readand understanda story.
To describe someonephysically.
To writethe endof a story. / To get the gist of a story.
To participate in guided oralinteractions.
To write sentencesin present continuous. / Competency in linguistic communication
Social competencyand citizenship
Cultural and artistic competency
To talk abouthow you feel.
To sing asong abouta story. / To express feelings.
To sing a song chorally. / Competency in linguistic communication
Cultural and artistic competency
Learning to learn
To talk aboutpresent actions.
To ask aboutwhatsomeone is doing. / To use the present continuous in an oral way.
To ask about specific information. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Processing information and digital competency
To speakof paintand colors.
To describecolor blends. / To talk about specific information
To describe colors. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Mathematical competency
Cultural and artisticcompetency
To identify members ofthe family.
To describe people.
To describechanges over time / To acquire and show knowledge of new vocabulary.
To show ability of making descriptions.
To use L2 as means of communication. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Mathematical competency
Social competencyand citizenship
To talk about family members.
To describe andcompare people. / To describefamily members
To show knowledge of vocabulary. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Social competencyand citizenship
Cultural and artisticcompetency
Autonomy and personalinitiative
To tella story.
To speak aboutfood.
To describehow to preparea recipe.
/ To transfer knowledge from L1 to L2.
To process and talk about information.
To use the present continuous to describe a process. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Processing informationand digital competency
Social competencyand citizenship
Learning to learn
Autonomy and personalinitiative
Housework: chore.Actions: he's swimming, he's painting.
Say how you feel: I'm bored. She's not happy.
Describe actions: I'm painting. She's cooking. He's playing. He's cleaning.
Indicate cause: I'm mixing red and blue to make purple.
Compare people: Bigger, Younger, older.
Narrating sequence: at first, Then, finally, one day, later.
Describing people: young, small, old. / Family:cousin,aunt,,sister, father, mother, uncle,aunt, grandmother,grandfather,cousin.
Adjectives:boring, easy,angry, older, younger.
Daily activities:play, clean,cook.
Mixing colors:Redand whitemakepink.
Food:cake, biscuits / Listen and extract specific information or the gist from simple messages of increasing difficulty.
Develop basic strategies to support listening comprehension and spoken expression: use of the visual context / support or knowledge about the topic or situation transferred from other languages.
Read different types of texts in order to get the gist or extract specific information.
Use ICT to read write and transmit information.
Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo speakabout celebrations.
To identifydates on the calendar. / To participate inguidedoral interactions.
To transfer knowledge from L1 to L2. / Competency in linguistic communication
Processing information and digital competency
Social competency and citizenship
Cultural and artisticcompetency
To identifydates.
To recognizemonths of the year. / To recognize dates.
To identify the months of the year. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Mathematical competency
Processing information and digital competency
Social competency and citizenship
Cultural and artistic competency
To speakaboutbirthdays.
To tellage.
To express possession. / To participate in oral interactions.
To say how old they are.
To expressing possessionusing It's mine/ It'syours. / Competency in linguistic communication
Mathematical competency
Social competency and citizenship
Autonomy and personalinitiative
To talk aboutlight and itsuses.
To readand understand a textabout light. / To identifytypes of lighting.
To extractsome information froma story. / Competency in linguistic communication
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Social competency andcitizenship
To speakabout the daysandseasons.
To understandhowthe days are formed andseasons. / To show knowledge of basic vocabulary.
To recognize days and seasons. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Learning to learn
Processing information and digital competency
To speakabout celebrations.
To make a card. / To respect other country´s celebrations.
To write phrases to express birth day wishes from oral or written model. / Competency in linguistic communication
Mathematical competency
Social competency and citizenship
Cultural and artistic competency
Autonomy and personal initiative
To speakabout celebrations,festivals and customs.
To reviewwhat has beenlearned in the unit. / To respect other country´s celebrations, festivals and customs.
To read and identify words that have been previously presented. / Competency in linguistic communication
Social competency and citizenship
Autonomy and personal initiative
Dates:It's Monday.It'sJuly 10th.Birthday:It's mybirthday.
Prepositions: InApril,on10thMay.
Referto the months: Whenis yourbirthday?InSeptember,inJanuary.
Identifyingobjects:Isitthis one?NoIt Is not.
Celebrations:Makea present, sendacard.
TalkingBirthday:MybirthdayisinMarch.When isyours?
Expressing possession: It's mine,it'syours / Numbers1 to 31.
Types of lights: light, lights, trafficlights, safetyprettylight, safetylight.
The seasons:in winter,in spring, insummer,in autumn.
Celebrations:It's Halloween, It's Christmas, It'sMother'sDay, It'sValentine'sDay.
Customs:wedress upin, We Have. / Listen and extract specific information or the gist from simple messages of increasing difficulty.
Produce spoken language from texts that have been previously met.
Read different types of texts in order to get the gist or extract specific information.
Use ICT to read write and transmit information.
Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo understanda story.
To understand anddescribe events. / To extractsome information froma story.
To show interest in communicating in English. / Competency in linguistic communication
Processing information and digital competency
Social competence andcitizenship
Cultural and artistic competency
To sing asong about theprehistory.
To statewhat does not belongto a series. / To listen and participate singing along.
To participate in guided oral interactions. / Competency in linguistic communication
Social competence and citizenship
Cultural and artistic competency
To saywhat someone isdoing.
To express likes. / To describe what someone is doing.
To participate in guided oral interactions. / Competency in linguistic communication
Knowledge and interactionwith the physical world
Autonomy and personal initiative
To identifynumbers and dosums.
To count totens, hundredsand thousands. / To use numbers in English.
To recognize theones, tens, hundreds andthousands. / Competency in linguistic
Communication Knowledge and interactionwith the physical world
Autonomy and personalinitiative
To read andunderstand a textabout the prehistory.
To summarizea text. / To extract information from a text.
Tounderstand andtell a story. / Competency in linguistic communication
Social competence and citizenship
Autonomy and personal initiative
To sing asong about theprehistory.
To say what youlike todo. / To listen and participate singing along.
To express likesusing the structurelike+ ing. / Competency in linguistic communication
Processing information and digital competency
Social competence and citizenship
Cultural and artistic competency
To understand andtell a story.
To reviewwhat has beenlearned in the unit. / To use basic learning to learn strategies.
To read and identify words that have been previously presented. / Competency in linguistic communication
Social competency and citizenship
Autonomy and personal initiative
Talking about what there is:IsThere ahorse?Yes, Thereisa horse.Actions:He'sclimbing.
Likes andhobbies: I likeswimming, Robotlikesdigging.
Quantity: How manyfingers?
Actions in present:VisitorstoLascaux. / Location:In the forest.Atschool.On abus.Downwhole.
Place:In aforest,in ahole.
Thousands / Listen and extract specific information or the gist from simple messages of increasing difficulty.
Interact using L2 in real or pretend situations using verbal or non-verbal messages increasingly less guided communication routines with a variety of possible interactions.
Develop basic strategies to support listening comprehension and spoken expression: use of the visual context / support or knowledge about the topic or situation transferred from other languages.
Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo discuss how tofind things.
To saywheresomething is. / To participate inguidedoral interactions.
To transfer previous knowledge from L1 to L2. / Competency in linguistic communication
Processing information and digital competency
Cultural and artistic competency
Social competence and citizenship
To sing asong abouttreasures.
To identifyobjects and tools. / To listen and sing chorally.
To learn new vocabulary. / Competency in linguistic communication
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Learning to learn
To talk aboutpresent actions.
To ask questions. / To review present simple and continuous.
To participate in guidedoral interactions. / Competency in linguistic communication
Social competency and citizenship
Autonomy and personal initiative
To understanda text about how to orientate oneself.
To identify elementsfor orientation. / To extractany information from atext.
To recognize and namethe cardinal points. / Competency in linguistic communication
Knowledge and interactionwith the physical world
Autonomy and personalinitiative
To understand andfollow instructions.
To giveinstructions on how todo something.
To ask and say thetime. / To givedirections toa destination.
To participate inguidedoral interactions.
To indicate thehours using asunclock. / Competency in linguistic communication
Mathematical competency
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
To sing asong about amap.
To describeelements and theirposition on a map. / To listen and sing chorally.
To locate elements in a map. / Competency in linguistic communication
Mathematical competency
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
To askand indicatedirection.
To help someonefind their way. / To participate in oral guided interactions.
To give directions. / Competency in linguistic communication
Learning to learn
Autonomy and personal initiative
Expressing possession:He'sgot amap.Location: Where's theprize?
Indicateexistence:IsThere aprize?Yes, Thereis.
Locatingthings: Near themap,in a box.
Existence: Thereisa box.Therearetoysinit.
Questions:Do youown acompass?
Prepositions: between the hour had and 12, to the South, in your hand.
Identifythings: It's aprize.
Identifywhere something is: It'shere.It's overthere.Here's acompass.
Indicate direction:turnleft,gostraight,totheright. / Cardinal Points: North, South, West, East.
Hours: It'steno'clock.
Directions:Gonorth, turnleft. / Listen and extract specific information or the gist from simple messages of increasing difficulty.
Interact using L2 in real or pretend situations using verbal or non-verbal messages increasingly less guided communication routines with a variety of possible interactions.
Develop basic strategies to support listening comprehension and spoken expression: use of the visual context / support or knowledge about the topic or situation transferred from other languages.
Use ICT to read write and transmit information.
Objectives / Evaluation criteria / Key CompetenciesTo understanda traditional story.
To tell a story inthe past. / To extractsome information froma story.
To tell a story. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Social competency and citizenship
Cultural and artisticcompetency
To sing a songabout the story.
To understandand reconstructa story. / To chorally sing a song about the story.
To understand and write a story in groups. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Cultural and artisticcompetency
Learning to learn
To expresswhat youdo.
To talk aboutobligations / To talk about oneself.
To expressing obligationusingthe structure:have to. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Social competency andcitizenship
To identify thename of differentcountries.
To saywherethey are. / To learn new vocabulary.
To express location. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Processing information and digital competency
Social competencyand citizenship
To saywhere one andothers live.
To meet peoplefrom other cultures. / To indicate whereoneandothers live.
To learn about people from other cultures. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Social competency andcitizenship
Autonomy and personalinitiative
To speakingof housework.
To state obligation. / To participate inguidedoral interactions.
To expressing obligationusingthe structure:have to. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Social competency and citizenship
Cultural and artisticcompetency
To reviewwhat has been learned inthe unit.
To self-assessprogress. / To consolidate one’s knowledge of the vocabulary acquired during the unit.
To complete evaluation and self-evaluation. / Competency in linguisticcommunication
Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Autonomy and personalinitiative