7/22/1947 – 1/13/1985 cu. ft.

ARC ID 278744

This series consists of the working files of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York concerning the investigation of Ethel Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, and Morton Sobell. The files include witness lists, transcripts of pre-trial testimony, witness statements, correspondence, transcripts of grand jury testimony, copies of criminal court records, Freedom of Information Act petitions, and copies or records furnished to the United States Attorney's office by other government agencies. The records relate to the Justice Department's investigations into atomic espionage and Communist activities in the United States. The files also include investigations and court records relating to Abraham Brothman, Miriam Moskowitz, and Harry Gold.

Some files may include records from grand jury investigation. Records may include testimony, subpoenas, witness lists, juror lists, and notes created as a result of testimony. These records are closed under rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in perpetuity unless opened by court order, and exempt from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(3). NARA produced finding aids that include specific reference to witnesses or jurors are also prohibited from being disclosed.

Records in this group are also covered by provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Records less than 75 years old must be screened prior to release to patrons. See NARA 1601 for more information regarding the screening procedure.

The grand jury transcripts have been released pursuant to a court order in the case In re Petition of National Security Archive (S.D.N.Y. 2008).

The records are organized in four sections: U.S. Attorney’s Files, Grand Jury Records, Court Records, and Other Government Agency Records. Original Order was maintained except where noted.

Box File Contents Date


1 1 Original index drawers 1-9, A-C nd

2-4 Copies of drawers 1-9, A-C nd

5 Copies of folder tags nd

2 1 Subpoenas (EMPTY) 1951

2 District Court subpoenas – Fabricant/

Weintraub/Bernard 1951

3 Subpoenas – Price/Pataki/Pfleger (EMPTY) 1950

4 Do not release – FOIA (b)(3)

5 Government witnesses statements

(District Court) – Greenglass, Gold, Adomian 1950

6 Notes on trial witnesses (empty) 1950

7 List of Trial Witnesses (District Court) 1951

8 List of witnesses (District Court) 1951

9 Do not release – FOIA (b)(3)

Box File Contents Date

10 Do not release – FOIA (b)(3)

11 Do not release – FOIA (b)(3)

12 Interviews schedule (District Court Trial) 1951

13 Grand Jury Panel (empty) 1951

14 Opening Speech, summation, etc. 1951

15 Opening Speech 1951

16 Summation – Mr. Saypool 1951

Trial Interviews and Witnesses (A-K)

3 1 Louis Abel – testimony/statement 1950-1951

2 Dorothy Abel – pretrial testimony 1951

3 Lan Adomian (aka Weroth) – pretrial testimony 1951

4 Albuquerque National Bank – pretrial testimony 1951

5 Dora Bautista – pretrial testimony 1951

6 Elizabeth T. Bentley – pretrial testimony 1951

7 Dr. George Bernhardt - pretrial testimony 1951

8 Minerva Bravo - pretrial testimony 1951

9 H. K. Calvert 1951

10 Evelyn Cox – date of interview 1951

11 William Danzigar - pretrial testimony 1951

12 Glenn Dennis – letter 1951

13 John A. Derry - pretrial testimony 1951

14 Diana Einsohn - pretrial testimony 1951

15 Max Elitcher - pretrial testimony 1950-1951

16 Herman Einsohn - pretrial testimony 1951

17 Herbert J. Fabricant - address 1951

18 Klaus Fuchs 1951

19 Federation of American Engineers Chemists

and Architects 1951

20 General Electric – subpoenas 1951

21 Manuel Giner do los Rios - pretrial testimony 1951

22 Hilton Hotel – subpoena 1951

23 Hugh Holland - pretrial testimony 1951

24 James Huggins – subpoena 1951

25 outcard

26 Congressional Record, 82nd Congress 4/12/1951

27 HUAC – Report on Espionage Activities of

Communist Front Organizations 1944

28 Daily Worker (reprint) 4/25/1939

29 Hamilton Discs 7/15/1950

30 Indictment and Witness List (District Court) 1951

31 Walter Koski - pretrial testimony 1951

Box File Contents Date

Interviews and Witnesses (L–R)

4 1 John Lansdale - pretrial testimony 1951

2 David Levitov - pretrial testimony 1951

3 Wendell E. Marshman - pretrial testimony 1951

4 Occupations – Grand Jury Panel (empty) 1951

5 Helen Pagano – address 1951

6 Mark Page – address 1951

7 Morris Pasternak - pretrial testimony 1951

8 New York City Police Department 1939-1951

9 Sarah Powell – address nd

10 Richard W. Protwe – subpoena (empty) 1951

11 Stanley E. Price – address

12 Stanley R. Rich – statement 1951

13 O. John Rogge – address 1951

14 Ethel Rosenberg – employment records 8/9/1950

15 Daily Worker nd

16 Constitution of Mexico, Extradition Law nd

Interviews and Witnesses (Sobell)

5 1 Morton Sobell – General Electric personnel file 1951

2 Morton Sobell – General Electric, Division

of Aeronautics status reports 1951

3 Morton Sobell – Court exhibits 1950

4 Morton Sobell – subpoenaed records Reeves

electric nd

5 Morton Sobell – memos used for FOIA request 1971

Interviews and Witnesses (S-Z)

6 - Exhibit – “Save a Spanish Republican Child”

collection can nd

Pretrial and Exhibits – Contents Removed to Security Vault

7 1 Pretrial testimony supplement 1951

2 Cross examination of Sobell, et al 1951

Box File Contents Date

3 list of exhibits nd

4 exhibit 1- book of security regulations nd

5 exhibit 2 – Sketch of H. E. lens mold nd

6. exhibit 3 – Photo of Mike and Anne Sodorovich nd

7. exhibit 4 – Photos of Rosenbergs, Greenglass, Sobell nd

8. exhibit 5 – photo of Harry Gold (empty) nd

9. exhibit 6 – Sketch of lens mold delivered

to J. Rosenberg 1945

10. exhibit 7 – Sketch of experimental set up

to implode materials delivered to Harry

Gold 6/45

11. exhibit 8 – Cross-section of A Bomb 8/18/59

12. exhibit 9 – Passport photos, Greenglass nd

13. exhibit 10 – Wrapping paper from $4000

given to Greenglass by Rosenberg nd

14. exhibit 11 – Photo of Yankolov nd

15. exhibit 12 – Photo of Klaus Fuchs nd

16. exhibit 13 – Photo of Ruth and David Greenglass nd

17. exhibit 14 – Shipping receiving form memo

from Arthur A. Thomas nd

18.  exhibit 15 – State Department records of

Yakalov nd

19.  exhibit 16 – Photocopy of Harry Gold

registration at Hilton Hotel in

Albequerque nd

20.  exhibit 17 – Transcript of Ruth Greenglass

bank account at Albequerque Nat. Bank nd

21.  exhibit 18 – Selective Service file of

Morton Sobell nd

22.  exhibit 19 – Letter of H.R. Calvert

re: Baker nd

23.  exhibit 20 – Pamphlet – Safegarding

Military Information nd

24. exhibit 21 – Card of M.Sand, De la Gencias Hotel nd

25. exhibit 22 – Registration card of M. Sand

at de la Gencias Hotel nd

26.  exhibit 23 – Original registration card

at Hotel Tampico nd

27. exhibit 24 – Airline ticket of CMA nd

28. exhibit 25 – INS Records – Deportation

of Morton Sobeell and wife nd

29. exhibit 26 – Records of U.S Shipping Lines nd

30. exhibit 27 – Collections can of Joint

Anti-fascist Refugee Committee nd

Box File Contents Date

31.  exhibit 28 – Illustration of console table

gap nd

32.  exhibit 31 – Photocopy of nomination

petition for councilman nd

33. exhibit 32 – Photo of shop of Ben Scneider nd

34 exhibit 33 – Jell-O box nd

8 1. Photocopy of 1940 Communist

membership book issued to J.

Rosenberg 12/12/39 nd

2. Zerox of exhibits nd

3. Photos of exhibits nd

4. Ethel Rosenberg letter 8/24/50

5. Espionage Act of 1917 nd

6. Tags for items returned to

Rosenbergs 1951

7.  Letter accompanying return of

exhibits 1953

8. Brief: Motion to vacate appeal (District Court) 1953

9. Pre-writ of Habeus Corpus (Gold – District Court) 1950

10. Notes for trial brief (E Rosenberg) 1951-1953

11. U.S. Attorney conference 3/9/51

12. Trial brief – new trial appeal 1953

13. Trial brief, memos to Saypol 1951

Irving Saypol

9. 1. Telegrams re: Grand Jury trail 1950

2. Letter to McInerney re: Sarant 1951

3. Transcript of phone conversations

with McInerney 2/-7/50

4. Memos and letters 1950-1951

5. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg (FOIA b3) 1950

6. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg (FOIA b3) 1950

7. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg (FOIA b3) 1950

8. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg (FOIA b3) 1951

9. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg (FOIA b3) 1951

10. Letter of Tartikov release from

Sing Sing 4/17/51

11. Memo re: Brothman 3/19/1951

Myles Lane

10. 1. Memo to file re: Rosenberg 7/20/50

Box File Contents Date

2. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg 1952

3. Correspondence file re: Rosenberg 1953

4. Memo re: Danziger 7/16/52

5. Memos on file 1951-52

6. General correspondence 1954-55

7. General correspondence 1960-61

FOIA And Meeropol requests

8. Property receipts, tax information 1975

9. Copies of memos re Judge Hoffman 1951-75

10. 10. Misc. paper clippings 1951-75

11. Memo re: U.S. vs. Rosenberg and Sobell 3/29/51

12. Letter(s) to J.Edgar Hoover nd

13. Copies of misc. documents nd

14. Correspondence re: FOIA requests nd

15. FOIA Requests 1975-80

16. Drawer 2 – file list 1943-1951

17. Letters re: trail 1952

18. Harold Fructbaum – request to see

exhibits 1975-77

19. FOIA request – U.S Atty Gen. to

J. Boland 1/15/76

20. copy of phone message of E. Rosenberg nd

21. Miscellaneous memos and documents. nd


11. 1. Misc. memos/papers re: E. Rosenberg 1951

2. Protest correspondence 1952-53

3. Magazine/paper clippings 1951-66

4. Magazine/paper clippings (foreign) 1953

5. Readers Digest (Crime of the Century) 1951

6. Copies of items obtained in search

for Sobell 8/18/50

7. FBI file information on M. Sobell 1951

8. Saypol letter and letter of detention

re: M. Sobell 1951-52

9. FBI letter from Suarez re: Sobell 3/16/51

10. Draft brief, memos, notes re: Sobell 1953

11. Handwritten notes of interviews re: Sobell nd

Morton Sobell

12. 1. Draft of oral argument before Judge Williams 5/31/56

Box File Contents Date

2. Misc. notes and papers 1951-56

3. Affidavits re: appeal 1957

4. Draft briefs and memos for trail 1956

5. Draft briefs and memos for trail 1956

6. Appeal – brief with index, notes 1959-1962

Morton Sobell

13. 1. Memos on pardon application 1961

2. Pardon folder 1961-62

3. Appeal – petition brief and replies 1962

4. Cunniffe memo on conviction 1962

5. Agency reports and memos 1962-63

6. Legal records Vol. II 1966

Morton Sobell

14. 1. Legal research file (Trail) I 1965-66

2. Legal research file (Trail) II 1966

3. Legal research file (Trail) III 1966-67

4. Drafts of briefs used in trail 1969

5. Drafts of briefs used in trail 1969

Morton Sobell

15. 1. Memos, correspondence re: legal

motions 1956-57

2.  Correspondence – Morganthau/King 1966

3.  Correspondence – Morganthau/King 1967-68

4.  Letter – Flannery?Seymour, SDNY 1970

5.  Correspondence file – Sobell v. Reed

(70CIV 1420) 1970-71

6. Correspondence file – Sobell v. Saxbe

(70CIV 1420) 1974

7. Response to FOIA request 1974

8. Correspondence re: Brodsky 1971

9. Memos, letters re: parole 1970-71

10. Notes on liability – 74CIV 1591 1974

11. Misc papers – 70CIV 1420 1971

12. Misc. papers re: appeal 1957-69

13. Redacted letters – 70CIV1420 1970

14. Draft letter, memo re 70CIV1420 1970

15. Misc. court papers re: 70CIV1420 1970-71

16. Rosenberg memo to Weshiere 1974

Box File Contents Date

17. Letter – Brodsky to Pauley

70CIV1420 8/27/71

18. News clippings 1956

Greenglass, Ruth and David

16. 1. Correspondence (photostat) 1942-43

2. Correspondence 1944

3. Correspondence 1945

4. Employment records (Ruth) 1945-49

5. Subpoena, pre-trail testimony

statements 1950-51

6. Pre-trial testimony (Ruth and David) 1950

Gold, Harry

17. 1. Pre-trial testimony 1950

2. Saypol to Gleason letter 12/1/50

3. Statements and interviews 1950-51

4. Interview 3/12/51

5. Tape interviews and papers nd

6. Transcript of tape interview (1 & 2) 1961

7. Transcript of tape interview (3 & 4) 1961

8. Transcript of tape interview (5 & 6) 1961

9. Transcript of tape interview (7) 1961

10. Misc letters including from parole

board (1960), FBI and Christy nd


18. 1. Correspondence 1950-51

2. Memos re: case 1947-55

3. Exhibits used in the case 1950

4. Attorney General’s letters re: case 1947

5. List of Grand Jury witnesses, Cover

tabs, Saypol conversation 1950

6. Copies memos, phone transcripts 1950

7. List of jurors nd

8. Government opening statement nd

9. Subpoenas, list of exhibits 1950

10. Memo – Robinson to Saypol 8/1/51

11. Memo – Cohn to Lane 1951

12. Misc. correspondence re: case 1951-55

13. Misc memos re: case 1950-1951

Box File Contents Date


19. 1. List of exhibits , exhibits 1950-51

2. Government exhibits 1950-51

3. Government exhibits (unnumbered) nd

4. Defendants’ exhibit list nd

5. Report of sentence recommendation

bench warrant 1950

6. Saypol letter re: appeal C113-106 8/8/51

7. Denziger letter 10/25/50

8. Request 67 – Remmington case nd

9. Letter on Florence “Herzog” nd

10. File on Daivd and Mary Sanzon Engelson

(AKA Engles) 2/17/53

11. Vego, O.J. – memos on re-trials 1950-53

12. Vego, O.J. – perjury testimony, list

of jurors nd

13. News clippings 9/29/50

14. Tartakov – various papers 1953

15. Yakalov fugitive, Rich, Stanley –

employment file Harvard 1944-45

FOIA – Meeropol

20. 1. Copy of FOIA Regulations nd

2. Bureau of Prisons policy statement 2/9/68

Federal rules decisions 10/60

3. Notes and research on Rosenberg Case nd

4. Lane: Sobell v. Reed, Meeropol v. Levi 1971-79

5. Report on activities criminal court 6/7510/75

6. Status report on criminal case – Justice

Department 1974

7. NCTRRC flier 1975

8. Glickstein message 4/28/75

9. Correspondence file re: Meeropol (FOIA) 1975

10. Letter of Wilson to Perlin re: case 10/29/75

11. Letter of Kelleher to Kelly re:

document review for 75CIV1121 10/14/75

12. Receipt of copies of documents 1975

13. Curren letter re: USN FOIA request 1975