Eustis Heights Elementary School

Title I Plan Outline

2011-2012 Programs

I. Members of Planning Committee:

Keep sign-in sheets of planning meetings on file at the school.

Douglas Kroulik, Principal

Brenna Burkhead, Assistant Principal

Cheryl Parmelee, CRT

Lee Ann Whipple, Literacy Coach

Kim Jorgensen, Math Coach

Kristen Svenson, Guidance Counselor

Linda Bob, ESE Specialist

Melynn Hall, Computer Tech.

Mrs. Marie Sylvain, Parent

Mrs. Candice Whitford, Parent

Mrs. Laura Varich, Parent

II.  Dates of Planning Meetings:

  1. March 17, 2011
  2. April 8, 2011
  3. April 19, 2011
  4. April 21, 2011 to SAC

III.  Evidence of Planning with Title I Program Specialist:

November 10, 2010

December 7, 2010

February 15, 2011

February 25, 2011

April 1, 2011

IV.  Evidence of Needs Analysis:

Our Needs Analysis is monitored throughout the year. Data analysis is based upon Vertical Team Meetings, and weekly data meetings using data from: SuccessMaker, FAI, Harcourt Assessments for Reading, district Benchmark Assessment for third, fourth, and fifth grade Reading & Math, and fifth grade Science; Harcourt Math Inventory test for K-1-2; FTE; attendance roster; student discipline referrals and student behavior reports; SESIR data; and Mid-Year Report.

V.  Objectives Developed as a Result of the Needs Assessment:

·  Reading Objectives: Achieve a 10% reduction in non-proficiency of student sub-groups in order to meet AYP safe harbor standards during the 2011-2012 FCAT AYP Report.

·  Mathematics Objectives: Achieve a 10% reduction in non-proficiency of student sub-groups in order to meet AYP safe harbor standards during the 2011-2012 FCAT AYP Report.

·  Writing Objective: 90% of all subgroups will score 3.0 or higher as measured by the 2011-2012 Fourth Grade FCAT Writing Assessment (FCAT Writes!).

·  Student Discipline Objective: The student discipline at Eustis Heights Elementary will show improvement as evidenced by a 75% reduction in reported incidents.

·  Parent Involvement Objective: The number of parents involved in all school related activities will increase by 5% during the 2011-2012 school year as measured by parent sign in sheets and recorded volunteer hours.

VI.  Professional Development Plan and Budget





·  Brenna Burkhead, Assistant Principal

·  Cheryl Parmelee, CRT

·  Lee Ann Whipple, Literacy Coach

·  Kim Jorgensen, Title I Math Teacher

·  Melynn Hall, Computer Tech.

·  Kristin Svenson, Guidance Counselor

·  Habeeb Shafeek, Potential Specialist

·  Grade Level and Department Chairs

Vision Statement:

Working Together…Learning Together… Reaching New Heights!

Mission Statement:

For our diverse community of learners, Eustis Heights Elementary will provide high-quality educational experiences.

Challenges: (All data needs to be updated and aligned with 2011 FCAT data). Listed below is SY 2009-2010 data; the 2011-2012 plan will be adjusted to 2010-2011 FCAT results.

·  African American – 49% met proficiency in reading, 58% was required

·  African American – 46% met proficiency in math, 62% was required

·  African American – 83% met proficiency in writing, 90% was required

·  Hispanic – 60% met proficiency in reading, 58% was required

·  Hispanic – 63% met proficiency in math, 62% was required

·  Economically Disadvantaged – 55% met proficiency in reading, 58% was required

·  Economically Disadvantaged – 56% met proficiency in math, 62% was required

·  Economically Disadvantaged – 76% met proficiency in writing, 90% was required

·  Students With Disabilities – 17% met proficiency in reading, 58% was required

·  Students With Disabilities – 30% met proficiency in math, 62% was required

Goals Based on SIP:

·  Inclusion – Eustis Heights Elementary School will have full inclusion of all applicable students. Those students not successful will be placed in the least restrictive environment possible with appropriate support facilitation. All students will receive flexible grouped differentiated instruction.

·  Technology – Technology training will be offered to meet the needs of teachers and students.

·  Diversity – Faculty and Staff will be trained in meeting the needs of our very diverse population.

·  Every faculty member will participate in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) related to lesson study, and analysis and disaggregation of individual student data.

·  Writing – Faculty will receive training in order to improve writing instruction and student proficiency.

·  Reading – Faculty will receive training to improve instruction and student proficiency.

·  Math – Faculty will receive training to improve math instruction and student proficiency.

Staff Development Activities and Follow Up:

Ø  Inclusion / Differentiated Instruction

1.  Differentiated instruction training through PLCs and school wide book study.

·  Minutes from each PLC meeting turned into principal.

2.  Classroom Walk Through (CWT) – CWTs to observe differentiated instruction.

·  Observations and data discussed during Leadership Team meetings

3.  Faculty CWT in-serviced

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

4.  National Board of Certified Teachers (NBCT) and designated mentor teachers will offer assistance as needed to other teachers.

·  Share with faculty and staff

5.  School visits to observe diversity, flexible groups and differentiated instruction.

·  Share with faculty and staff

6.  Model classroom visitations

·  Discussions during PLCs

7.  Kagan Structures

·  Cooperative Learning and Class Building/Team building workshops

·  Sign In sheets, documentation in lesson plans, data from walkthroughs, and follow-up with Kagan coach.

8.  Classroom setup (ergonomics) and procedures

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

Ø  Technology

1.  ILS and Tech Con. will in-service teachers on various technologies as needed.

·  Observation of use of new technologies during CWTs

2.  Evaluation & Accountability Dept. will provide specific student data for school use.

·  Data placed in Share Folder periodically to be viewed by Leadership Team

3.  Virtual Field Trip (VFT) room to provide background knowledge and enriched vocabulary for learning.

·  Will be a part of the Enrichment rotation for students K-5

·  Will incorporate writing strategies as a part of the VFT curriculum

4.  SuccessMaker

·  Teachers will continue to be trained in proper usage and data analysis.

5.  Fast ForWord

·  Teachers will be trained in proper use and data analysis

Ø  Diversity

1.  Weekly meetings to discuss student reading, math, or behavior data (RtI)

·  Teachers will maintain individual data and interventions to review at each meeting

2.  Weekly data analysis meetings by grade level

·  Reports from SuccessMaker, Benchmark Assessments, FAIR, Fast ForWord, and classroom assessments.

3.  Semi annual Vertical Team meetings with administration

·  Minutes from each meeting turned into principal

4.  Implementation of tier II Positive Behavior Support program (Faculty and Staff)

·  Observation of use during CWTs

5.  PLC – Lesson Study

·  Minutes from each PLC meeting turned into principal.

6.  All instructional personnel either certified or endorsed in ESOL

·  Documentation of ESOL strategies in lesson plans

Ø  Writing

1.  Extended into the Virtual Fieldtrip program

2.  Monthly writing prompts

·  Scored using FCAT rubric

3.  4 Square writing procedure taught K-5

·  Samples displayed

Ø  Math/Science

1.  Thinking Math 1 offered at Eustis Heights Elementary School.

·  Documentation of Thinking Math strategies in lesson plans

2.  ILS and Tech Con offer a variety of in-services on math computer programs available on campus.

·  Documentation of math technology used in lesson plans

3.  SuccessMaker

·  Sign In sheets, and data from Team meetings

4.  Use of Manipulatives and Hands on Opportunities

·  Sign In sheets, documentation in lesson plans, and data from walkthroughs

5.  Use of Science kits and Hands on Opportunities

·  Sign In sheets, documentation in lesson plans and data from walkthroughs

6.  Curriculum Maps/ Pacing Guide

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

7.  Word Walls/Walls that Teach

·  Sign In sheets, documentation in lesson plans, and data from walkthroughs

8.  Edusoft

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

9.  Math coach models effective teaching

·  Schedule

10.  Math curriculum supported with researched based supplemental materials

·  Wylye’s Warm-ups

11.  Kagan structures

·  CWT

Ø  Reading

1.  FAIR testing

·  Sign In sheets and data from FAIR assessment

2.  SuccessMaker

·  Sign In sheets and data from Team meetings

3.  Curriculum Maps/ Pacing Guide-Focus Guides

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

4.  Literacy Centers and Hands on Opportunities

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

5.  Word Walls/Wall that Teach

·  data from walkthroughs

6.  Edusoft

·  Sign In sheets and data from walkthroughs

7.  Differentiate Reading Instruction

·  Training for selected instructional personnel

·  Training and implementation over a two year period

8.  Kagan structures

·  CWT

9.  Literacy coach models effective teaching

·  Materials, training, sign-in sheets, agenda


1.  September all staff will be trained on IPDP through a workshop and PowerPoint presentation.

2.  Administration meets with each teacher prior to October 31, 2011 to review IPDP goals and strategies.

3.  Goals are to be based on student achievement in Reading, Writing, and Math for remediation for the lower quartile and acceleration for the upper quartile.

4.  Administration meets with each teacher during the year, as well as the end, to discuss the IPDP progress and to reflect on the outcomes.

5.  Available in-services are sent to staff via e-mail, and/or posted on the bulletin board, and/or discussed in faculty meetings if appropriate.


·  Florida Inclusion Network

·  School-based professional development

·  Integrated Technology (IT)

·  Planning, Evaluation, and Accountability

·  Lake County Schools Staff Development

·  Lake County Schools Curriculum Department

·  FDAM – Florida Differentiated Accountability Model


·  Moodle and Blackboard Learning

·  Various website resources given to faculty and staff after each in-service/workshop


·  Inclusion - $0.00 all expenses reimbursed by Florida Inclusion Network

·  Technology - $0.00 all in-house training.

·  Diversity - $0.00 all in-house training.

·  Writing - $0.00 all in-house training.

·  Math - $0.00 all in house training.

·  Reading - $0.00 all in house training.

·  Kagan summer workshops $18,500.

·  SuccessMaker training and follow-up $10,050


·  CRT will notify staff via emails, training flyers, announcements at faculty meeting, reference to the Staff Development website, or individually of in-services available for teachers and staff, which will meet their needs for IPDP goals.

·  Calendar, log & teacher summary will be kept of each in-service / workshop attended.

·  Survey staff, train staff, implements lessons, and assessment of students.

·  Teachers will present strategies learned at faculty meetings

Eustis Heights Elementary School

Professional Development Calendar

Summer 2011 / 1.  Kagan Cooperative Learning workshop
2.  Summer writing teams with focus on
·  DRI
·  Focus Calendar
·  Essential Questions and objectives
·  Curriculum map
First Semester / 1.  DRI training for 3rd and 4th grade
2.  Curriculum Maps / Pacing Guide- Focus Guides (on-going)
3.  SuccessMaker training (on-going)
4.  FAIR training (on-going)
5.  Model classroom/Lesson Study
6.  FLKRS training for Kindergarten
7.  New Teachers – Mentors, School Visitations including observation check list
8.  Continued RtI Training and implementation of tier II PBS (on-going)
9.  Kagan Strategies/High Yield Strategies (on-going)
10.  Differentiated Instruction (on-going)
11.  Progress Monitoring / presentation of forms / expectations
12.  Teacher Handbook, IPDP, CWT, Discipline Ladder, IPPAS, PG-13
13.  Use of Science Kits and Hands on Opportunities (on-going)
14.  Content Integration (on-going)
15.  Use of Manipulatives and Hands on Opportunities (on-going)
16.  Literacy Centers and Hand on Opportunities (on-going)
17.  Edusoft (on-going)
18.  School / Home Connections for Non-Instructional employees
19.  Thinking Math I
20.  Bullying Policy
21.  School Improvement Plan reported to faculty
Second Semester / 1.  Positive Behavior Support update.
2.  DRI training for Kindergarten and fifth grade
3.  Review and adjust on-going activities

VII.  Parent Involvement Plan and Budget:

  1. Research-Based Approaches to Parent Involvement that will be implemented:

·  Allocation of Family School Liaison

·  Readers of the Caribabean

·  Workshops for parents and families after hours and weekends

  1. Method for Tracking Parent Involvement:

·  Phone logs

·  Family School Liaison and CRT Title 1 Records Box

·  Sign-in sheets

·  Parent Climate Survey

·  Recorded volunteer hours

·  Front office visitor’s log

·  FSL Portal

·  Title 1, Accountability & Testing surveys

  1. Coordination with Title I and District Parent Involvement Council:

·  School Advisory Council (SAC)

·  Family School Liaison will also represent EHES on the District Parent Involvement Council

·  District Parent Involvement Regional Meetings

VIII.  Periodic Evaluation Plan:

FAIR, Benchmark Assessments, SuccessMaker, Wylye’s Warm-ups for math, and classroom assessments are being used to drive instruction and monitor students’ progress. A Data Wall will continue to be utilized to post the disaggregated data in order to differentiate instruction and monitor students’ progress. Overall progress will be evaluated at leadership and grade level meetings.

IX.  Compliance narrative including how you will address the 10 Title I-mandated compliance objectives and four sub-points of NCLB, Sec. 1114, Components of a School-wide Program:

  1. A comprehensive needs assessment :


·  Benchmark Assessment


·  SuccessMaker.

·  FCAT Practice tests (Grades 3-5)

·  FCAT Writes and monthly writing prompts

·  Student portfolios for evaluation purposes

·  Title 1 Parent Involvement survey

·  SAC and PTO meeting minutes

·  SESIR report

·  School climate survey

·  Discipline data and student behavior reports

  1. School-wide reform strategies :

·  Positive Behavior Support initiative

·  Kagan Structures

·  SuccessMaker

·  Title 1 reading resource teacher

·  Math/Science coach

·  Literacy coach

·  Potential Specialist with affective instruction and intervention

·  Virtual Field Trip teacher

·  Family School Liaison