



2nd Corinthians 10:1-5, 7, 10,12, 16-18

“What’ya Doing ?”

2 Cor 10:1-5 (HCSB)

1Now I, Paul,

make a personal appeal to you

by the gentleness

and graciousness of Christ—

I who am

humble among you in person,

but bold toward you when absent.

2I beg you that when I am present

I will not need to be bold

with the confidence by which

I plan to challenge certain people who think we are walking

in a fleshly way.

3For although

we are walking in the flesh,

we do not wage war in a fleshly way,

4since the weapons

of our warfare are not fleshly,

but are powerful through God

for the demolition of strongholds.

We demolish arguments

5and every high-minded thing

that is raised up against

the knowledge of God,

taking every thought captive

to the obedience of Christ.

Now look at verse 7...

2 Cor 10:7 (HCSB)

7Look at what is obvious.

If anyone is confident

that he belongs to Christ,

he should remind himself of this:

just as he belongs to Christ,

so do we.

Look at verse 10...

2 Cor 10:10 (HCSB)

10For it is said,

“His letters are

weighty and powerful,

but his physical presence is weak,

his public speaking is despicable.

Look at verse 12...

2 Cor 10:12 (HCSB)

12For we don’t dare

classify or compare ourselves

with some

who commend themselves.

But in measuring

themselves by themselves

and comparing

themselves to themselves,

they lack understanding.

Look down at verse 16-18.

Paul is saying that my desire is...

2 Cor 10:16 (HCSB)

16so that we may preach the gospel to the regions beyond you,

not boasting about

what has already been done

in someone else’s area [of ministry]

17So the one who boasts

must boast in the Lord.

18For it is not

the one commending himself

who is approved,

but the one the Lord commends.

Up until this point

he has been very loving,

dealing with problems

that exist at Corinth

he's been very positive and upbeat.

When you close the ninth chapter

Paul is rejoicing,

he's thanking God for them,

he's praising the Lord

for their wonderful

Christian response.

But when you get to the 10th chapter

there's a different atmosphere.

Paul becomes very stern,

he's confrontational

in his language.

Why such a sudden change in tone

such a transformation in attitude

on the part of Paul?

Well the reason is,

as you may recall,

The Corinthian church

had a division in the fellowship.

In the first letter he said,

I hear there are divisions among you

and there were.

So Paul,

in the first nine chapters,

is writing to the repentant majority,

but now in chapters 10 and on:

he addresses the rebellious minority.

There were some people

who had come to the city of Corinth

who were trying to undermine

everything he had done

in the name of Jesus .

They were the Judaizers,

trying to destroy the gospel

of Jesus Christ,

leading the people

in legalistic bondage.

Launching their attacks upon Paul

and, in essence,

they were doing

a spiritual demolition job

on the believers

in the city of Corinth.

So Paul just meets them head-on,

Paul just launches a counter attack

he deals openly and directly

with his accusers.

It's never pleasant

to have to deal with problems

or to deal head-on with people who're opposing you,

but we can be thankful

and grateful to God

for the fact

that it did happen to Paul

because it teaches us

some very important lessons

about the Christian life.

First of all, in the first six verses,

there is an attack on his approach,

and basically in verse 1

he is reflecting

what his opposition is saying about him in the city of Corinth.

What they were saying was this:

Paul is real tough

when he's not around.

If he's just writing you a letter

he's a real tough guy;

He's altogether different

when he's here in person.

Paul responds to that attack

on his approach

and what he says to them is:

I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord,

I'm a commander-in-chief,

I'm a general in the Lord's army.

So he says, first of all,

you don't understand our warfare.

Now look at 10:verse 3.

He says,

3For although

we are walking in the flesh,

we do not wage war in a fleshly way,

Now when you read those words,

all of a sudden you hear

the firing of the guns

and the booming of the cannons,

And you look at Paul

and he is now a commander-in-chief

and he's leading a military operation,

And he's saying to them:

Folks, I want you to know

that this life we live

is more that just a

normal kind of existence,

we're in a warfare, we're in a battle.

So he says now,

We walk after the flesh,

In other words

we're living our lives

just like everybody else lives it.

We go through the same situations

and we live the same existence

but, he says, I want you to know

there is more than

just living in the flesh,

we're warring in a spiritual battle.

The Christian life is not a playground

it's a battleground.

And Paul says,

I want you

to understand our warfare.

What he's dealing with here

is the fact that the devil

has taken certain strong holds.

Notice what he says inverse 4

The pulling down of strong holds?

There are certain areas of life

where the devil's got a strong hold

For the most part,

in theworld of politics

the devil has a strong hold.

And on thecollege campuses

the devil's got his strong holds.

And in themedia

the devil has got his strong holds.

So Paul is saying

we're in a military campaign

we have got to be on the offensive

in this warfare.

Now notice what he says inverse 4.

He says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.

In other words

you don't fight spiritual battles

with physical,


carnal weapons.

You don't fight fire with fire

in the battle of the Lord.

Well what are our weapons?

Well, one of the weapons

we use is theWord of God.

Paul, inEphesians chapter 6,

was talking about the armor

of the Christian soldier

and out of all the pieces of armor

he listed

most of them were defensive,

The one offensive weapon he gave

wasthe sword of the Spirit

which he said isthe Word of God.

In other words,

The Bible is our offensive weapon.

God has placed in our hand a tool,

God placed in our hand a weapon,

and it is not a carnal weapon,

it is not a physical weapon,

but it is a spiritual weapon.

Folks, I want you to know

that there is power in this Bible.

I never cease to be amazed

at the power of God's Word

and how God uses His Word.

The Lord Jesus, you remember,

did battle with the devil

I think Jesus looked at the devil

and said:

Now, Devil, I know and you know

that I'm the eternal Son of God

with one word

I could wipe you out forever

But, Devil, I want you to know:

I'm going to take you on

just exactly like believers

of all of the ages

will be able to do

and I'm going to demonstrate

to the Christians

through all of the ages

how the battle is to be won.

He gave Jesus Christ

three temptations:

The FIRST ONE, the devil said,

All right, if you're the Son of God

take these stones

and turn them into bread.

That was the physical temptation.

And the Lord Jesus

just reached in the sheath

and pulled out

the Sword of the Spirit

And He said:

It is written,

Man shall not live by bread alone,

but by every word

that proceedeth

out of the mouth of God.

And, boy, the devil took off running,

wiping his wounds

and licking his bruises.

Then he came back again the SECOND TIME

this time with


and he said to Him:

If you're who you say you are,

cast yourself down

from the pinnacle of the temple

so the people will believe in you.

Well how did the Lord win the battle

Did He turn on His charm

Show off His charismatic Personality,

Whip him with

the keenness of His mind


Jesus reached again into the sheath,

He got outthe Sword of the Spirit

and He said:

It is written,

Thou shalt not tempt

the Lord thy God.

And, brother,

the devil took off running again,

he lost that campaign.

And then theTHIRD TIME

the devil came

he showed the Lord

all the kingdoms of the world.

Now the devil knew

what the Father

had promised to Jesus

He was going to be King of kings

and Lord of lords

that the kingdoms of this world

would become HIS Kingdoms.

Yet the devil came to Jesus

with the temptation

to take a shortcut

and not go to the cross of Calvary

and he said:

I'll give you all of those kingdoms

if you'll fall down and worship me.

Well what did Jesus do?

How did He win the battle?

He reached in the sheath

of His sword again,

He got out the Sword

and He said,

It is written, Thou shalt worship

the Lord thy God

and Him only shalt thou serve.

And I want you to know,

in a cloud of dust the devil took off

and Jesus had won the battle.

I want to tell you something, folks,

that's why

you ought to get in the Word of God.

The Bible is not only a medicine

that heals the heart,

The Bible is not only a road map

telling you how to get to heaven,

The Bible is

not only a psychology manual

that tells you

how to live a wholesome life,

But the Bible is a Sword

that can give you victory

and pull down the strong holds

of the devil.

Paul says:

you don't understand our warfare you don't understand our weapons,

they are mighty through God

to the pulling down

of strong holds.

This gospel of Jesus Christ

is the power of God unto salvation,

it'll do to live by,

it'll do to die by,

It'll take you into the gates of glory.

That's what it'll do.

Paul says,

I've got news for you, friend,

you don't understand

the methods of my battle,

I'm in a warfare

and I am not battling

with carnal weapons,

I'm battling with spiritual methods

and it doesn't matter

whether you understand it or not.

And Paul says

you don't understand my identity,

you don't understand my authority.

Look at 10:verse 8:

2 Cor 10:8 (HCSB)

8For if I boast some more

about our authority,

which the Lord gave

for building you up

and not for tearing you down,

I am not ashamed.

It's not the commendation of men that counts,

he says in verse 18,

2 Cor 10:18 (HCSB)

18For it is not

the one commending himself

who is approved,

but the one

the Lord commends.

He's saying the bottom line is:

Is God pleased

with what you're doing?

Is Jesus pleased with your work?

That word "approved"

means to be put to the test,

and the Bible says:

at the judgement seat of Christ

every man's work

shall be tried by fire

according to what sort it is.

And in that day

it's not going to matter

what men think about your work,

what's going to matter is:

is the Lord Jesus

pleased with your work?