Agenda - January 27, 2014

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January 27, 2014

CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 pm Glen Ridge High School LGI




Mr. Campbell

Mr. de Leeuw

Ms. Eisen

Ms. Hilberth

Mr. Keppel

Mr. Moran

Mr. Romano

Ms. Yaros-Ramos

Ms. Ginsburg


This is a regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education. Adequate notice of thismeetinghas been provided in that this Board notified the Glen Ridge Paper and the Star Ledger on January 8, 2014. Said notice was published in the Star Ledger and the Glen Ridge Paper onJanuary 16, 2014. The date, time, and location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the Board's meetings.

John M. Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent

Peter Caprio, Business Administrator/Board Secretary

7:00 pmExecutive Session - Room 108

WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and

WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.

Adjourn to closed session




·  Report on the Common Core

·  Honoring the 2013 Girls Soccer Team


COMMITTEE REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)

Curriculum Committee

Personnel and Policy Committee

Negotiations Committee

Finance and Facilities Committee

Ad Hoc Committee for Communications

Ad Hoc Committee for Alternative Funding

LIAISON REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)

Home & School Associations

Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (GRASE)

Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF)

Glen Ridge Athletic Association (GRAA)

Glen Ridge Arts Patrons Association (GRAPA)

Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC)

Gas Lamp Players



P-1 Appointments

Approve the appointments of the following staff:

a. Alyssa Roqueni as a part-time special education aide (replacing T. Aumack) at Ridgewood Avenue School on aide step 1 ($17.72* per hour) effective January 9, 2014 through June 30, 2014.

b. Michelle Girardi as a part-time special education aide (replacing D. Harris) at Ridgewood Avenue School on aide step 1 ($17.72* per hour) effective January 14, 2014 through June 30, 2014.

c. Christopher Varga as a part-time special education aide at Ridgewood Avenue School on aide step 1 ($17.72* per hour) effective January 21, 2014 through June 30, 2014.

d. Marlene McMillan as a leave replacement part-time special education aide (replacing D. Gallagher) at Glen Ridge High School on aide step 1 ($17.72* per hour) effective January 21, 2014 until the return of the permanent staff member.

P-2 Home Instruction

Approve Sean McLearie, Joyce Mooney, Russ Pfister and Emily Ramos to provide home instruction services at a rate of $40 per hour for the 2013-2014 school year.

P-3 Reassignment

Approve the reassignment of Emily Rodrigues from part-time special education aide to short-term replacement 6th grade Language Arts teacher at Ridgewood Avenue School on BA Step 1 ($50,926 pro-rated) effective January 24, 2014 until the return of the permanent staff member.


C-1 Field Trips

Approve the following field trips for students for the 2013-2014 school year:

a. Ridgewood Avenue 5th grade students to visit Green Hill Nursing Home in West Orange, NJ on February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1, 2014 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.a)

b. High School Robotics FTC team (grades 9-12) to compete at the FTC competition being held at Hightstown High School in Hightstown, NJ on February 2, 2014 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.b)

c. High School 9th grade English classes to see a live production of Romeo and Juliet at the Pax Amicus Theater in Budd Lake, NJ on April 24, 2014 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.c)


B-1 Financial Reports

Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee:

a. Student activity account bills list for the month ofDecember 2013 as follows:

Forest Avenue School / $437.06
Linden Avenue School / $2,539.00
Ridgewood Avenue School / $6,411.57
Glen Ridge High School / $11,242.98
Glen Ridge High School Athletics / $7,615.38

B-2 Workshops/Conferences

Approve attendance at workshops/conferences for the following:

a. Christopher St. Genis to attend the 19th Annual Northeast Football Coaches Clinic being held at the Park Ridge Marriott in Park Ridge, NJ on January 30 & 31, 2014 for a total registration cost of $70.

b. Jon Heitmann to attend the high school PARCC English workshop on February 25, 2014 and the PARCC Math workshop on March 10, 2014 being held in Monroe Township, NJ for a total registration cost of $298.

c. Juliann Beckmann to attend the 2014 NJAHPERD (New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) being held at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch, NJ on February 25, 2014 for a total cost of $91.62 ($60 registration plus $31.62).

d. Christine Sullo to attend the NY NJ Google Apps Summit being held at Kean University on March 13 & 14, 2014 for a total registration cost of $249.

e. Tia Gist to attend the 28th Annual Athletic Training Conference being held at Mercer Community College on March 2 & 3, 2014 for a total cost of $152.54 ($135 registration plus $17.54 travel).

B-3 Donations

a. Accept, with thanks, the generous cash donation of $85,600 from the Ann Allen Cetrino Family to the Ridgewood Avenue Home & School Association to be used for various Ridgewood Avenue School projects such as: technology (chromebook carts & tables), upgrades to library, stairs to learning courtyard, and other updates throughout the building. (Exhibit B-3.a)

b. Accept, with thanks, the generous cash donation of $2,600 from Jonathan and Lisa Wolfe and family to be used for teaching supplies at the Linden Avenue School. (Exhibit B-3.b)

B-4 Out-of-District Placement

Approve the out-of-district placement for student #15007 to attend Montclair High School for a total cost of $25,998.27 for the 2013-2014 school year. Transportation will be provided by the parents.

B-5 Pre-Kindergarten Tuition Rates

Approve the annual pre-kindergarten tuition rates as follows:

School Year / Program / Tuition Rate
2014-2015 / Half Day
Full Day / $5,415
2015-2016 / Half Day
Full Day / $5,525

A 10% discount will be applied to the second child and each additional child’s tuition during the same school year (e.g. twins, triplets).

B-6 Glen Ridge Educational Foundation Donations

Accept, with thanks, the following generous donations from the Glen Ridge Educational Foundation:

a. First Tech Challenge Robotics Competition Team - $1,929.39

b. Language Arts Staff Development - $10,000

c. High School Weight Room Equipment - $5,000