The Annual Town Meeting of WARE TOWN COUNCIL was held in Fletcher’s Lea, Ware on Monday 17 May 2010 at 8 p.m. when the following business was transacted.

PRESENT Cllrs K Little (Town Mayor, presiding), P Ballam, E Bedford, D Day, AMills, M Pope, G Powell and J Wing

ATTENDING J Rowlinson (Town Clerk), East Herts Councillors V Shaw and J Taylor and 13 members of the public


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr’s E. Bailey, R Lester and T Milner.


The minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 27 April were approved and signed by the Town Mayor as a correct record.

5. Report from the Town Mayor for the 2009/10 Civic Year on the work of the Town Council for that year

Cllr K Little presented a report on the work of the Town Council, copy attached

6. Report from the Chairman of the Priory Charity for 2009/10

Cllr K Little presented a report on the work of the Trustee, copy attached

7. Report from Committee Chairmen for the 2009/10 Civic Year

a) Finance and Resources Committee – Cllr M Pope (Vice Chairman)

Cllr M Pope presented a report on the work of the Committee, copy attached

b) Tourism, Leisure and Amenities Committee – Cllr G Powell

Cllr. G. Powell presented a report on the work of the Committee, copy attached

c) Planning Committee – Cllr E Bedford

Cllr E Bedford presented a report on the work of the Committee.

8. Questions, Observations or Proposals by those present on items affecting the town

Suzanne Ball, High Oak Road, Ware.

Burning Issue are keen to develop a dialogue with the Council and would like to give a presentation to the Planning Committee putting forward the arguments against the proposed incinerator. She also asked if Burning Issue could use Ware Town Council noticeboards for their publicity material.

Cllr Bedford suggested using the approach that objectors to the Asda proposals were taking, whereby objectors met with Asda to establish a dialogue. It was important to try and establish a dialogue with Biffa but it could also be possible for Burning Issue to have a meeting with Ware Town Council and it was suggested that Burning Issue put forward proposals to the Town Council. It would not be possible for Burning Issue to use Town Council noticeboards for their publicity as it could appear that the Town Council was supporting their point of view.

Mrs K Sanders, Cromwell Road, Ware.

Is anything happening with the Musley School site? The building is very sad and full of pigeons and it seems to have been going on interminably.

Cllr Pope attended Emmanuel Shared Church which hoped to form a community centre on this site. Members had been in touch with Hertfordshire County Council and it was hoped that the position would be resolved in about a week. It was noted that the Planning Committee would monitor this.

What is happening about the Pulham Arch in the Priory grounds which is now in the river.

The Clerk reported that the Pulham Arch had been pushed into the river and was subject to an insurance claim. The insurance company would pay for this to be reinstated and quotes were being obtained.

Mrs J Thorne, Beechfield Road, Ware.

What can be done about cars parking on the green and the grass verge before the steps in Cromwell Road?

Cllr Powell had raised this at the Planning Committee. The situation was that Riversmead Housing were developing the area behind the garages in Cromwell Road. Ware Town Council had requested that before the development started, a layby should be constructed. He hoped that something would be done in the next few months.

Cllr V Shaw, East Herts Council.

In the 8 years that this administration as been in charge what have you achieved? The failed Tudor Square scheme, the failed Youth Council, the Lido opening shorter hours, losses on Fletcher’s Lea.

Cllr Mills stated that Cllr Shaw had been on the Town Council when Fletcher’s Lea was agreed. Cllr Shaw replied that she had been excluded from all sub-committees and did not know all the details. She would not have voted for not having a second floor. Cllr Powell reported that the second floor plans had not been approved by the Fire Officer. Cllr Little stated that the Council was trying to get the best out of Fletcher’s Lea in the current economic climate, including using it for the cinema.

The Mayor reported that the Town Council was still working on the Youth Council but with a different format, possibly involving schools and through the internet. The money granted to the Youth Council had been set aside in a dedicated account.

The Mayor reported that Ware was one of the few towns which still had a Lido. The Council had had to address the fact that Lidos do not make money. Ware Town Council was doing its best to keep the facility open and was working with Friends of Ware Lido and she thanked them for their hard work. She suggested approaching East Herts Council for assistance. Cllr Pope reported that it cost Ware Town Council £40,000 to open the Lido for the usual 16 week season. The Council had been affected by the economic downturn and had to make savings to balance the budget. It had been agreed to have a shorter season for a temporary period and the Town Council was working with FOWL to maximise use and was investigating grant funding.

Cllr J Taylor, East Herts Council stated that when she was on the Town Council a swim at the Lido was subsidised by £12. It was now subsidised by £14 per swim. East Herts Council had granted £300,000 to Ware Town Council for the construction of Fletcher’s Lea. The reserves which were in place when this administration took over had been used to build Fletcher’s Lea and this had not been instigated by most of the current Town Councillors. The Town Council did not have enough money to construct the second floor access now because the Council had to service the debt for the building. Everyone should get behind Ware Town Council to make Fletcher’s Lea a success.

Cllr Pope reported that it was fair to say that the Council’s reserves had been affected in the recession. However, the Council still had a planned maintenance programme for the Priory and any necessary repairs have been carried out. The Council is budgeting over several years to fund external redecoration, which will be very costly.

Cllr Wing stated that it was correct that East Herts Council had given £300,000 towards Fletcher’s Lea but they were now about to spend £1.1m on Castle Hall funding another loss-making building. £300,000 was a modest contribution towards facilities in the town and he was appalled at the unfairness of spending across the district.

Mrs J Wing, New Road

I have been working very hard for the town and this year Ware has been put forward for the Market Towns Award for Ware in Bloom and I have put in an application to the People’s Millions for work on Tudor Square. Activity by the Scouts on St George’s Day was tremendous with 150 Scouts and Guides cleaning up the town. I have 40 troughs and 70 hanging baskets and am looking for volunteers to help plant them up.

The Mayor thanked Mrs Wing.

Mr I Ball, High Oak Road

I am involved in the Music and Motors event which took place in Tudor Square. Tudor Square is not really used at all. How can the Council help groups to use it and how can others such as East Herts Council help?

The Mayor advised that the Council’s Tourism, Leisure and Amenities Committee could assist community groups with grant funding for this type of project.

Cllr Powell gave credit to Mrs Wing and the Ware Town Partnership who had organised events at Tudor Square. He asked that if residents had ideas about events they could write in to the Town Council and these could be considered by the TLA Committee.

Mr Ball replied that it was not really about money but people and time. He would like to get a dialogue going to improve the situation.

Cllr Mills pointed out that it was a year ago since East Herts Council agreed to the landscaping of Tudor Square and proposed that Ware Town Council ask East Herts Council if they are going to carry this out.

Cllr Ballam reported that the reason for the delay was that this was to be carried out as part of a Section 106 agreement and funding would only be forthcoming once development had started. Events in Tudor Square would need to be licensed. It was noted that the Town Council was making a joint entertainment licence application with Ware Town Partnership.

Cllr Shaw reported that she had put forward a proposal to the Town Centre Enhancement Fund to do something about Tudor Square.

Mrs Hovell, Beechfield Road asked that Ware Town Council make a note to pursue the S106 funding.

Cllr Wing stated that smaller projects could be carried out in Tudor Square rather than waiting for the S106 funding.

Mrs Sanders believed that when East Herts Council first planned Tudor Square the plans included landscaping.

The Mayor summed up that all felt strongly about Tudor Square and that Ware Town Council was determined to see this improve.

Mr A Gubb, The Pastures, Ware

I am here representing Love Ware Live Ware. There are a lot of community activities around the town. Would it be a good idea for Ware Town Council to produce a booklet publicising this?

The Mayor replied that this was a good idea and could be considered.

Mrs J Wing, New Road, Ware

Has the Council reviewed the need for grave spaces?

Cllr Powell reported that there was grave space for approximately 10 years.

The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

Town Mayor