Consulting - Credit Cards Security Certification

Ahmed A. Shaalan

Group 99, Bldg. 11, Apt. 04,Tel.: + 20 2 2692 1322

Al – Rehab City,Mob.: + 20 10 500 8507

Cairo – Egypt.Email:

Consultant – Credit Cards Security Certification

OBJECTIVE: To offer consulting services in order to achieve the Physical Security

Certification for plastic card manufacturers.


Desired Type:Consultant

Description: Setting-up industrial plants to be approved for the physical security

certification, as per the international security standards.

“ Visa & MasterCard Physical Security Certification “

Career Level : High Career (30 + years of experience)

Date of Availability : To be agreed.


Company Size : Large / Medium

Category : Industrial

Description : Card manufacturers requesting to obtain the Physical Security



►8 Years:Industrial production planning and production process control.

►10 Years : Establishing new industrial manufacturing plants, including :

♦ Lay-out design,

♦Machinery selection & installation,

♦Production & plant management.

►14Years : Setting-up and managing the physical security arrangements &

audit trail documentations for :

Credit Cards Security Certification by

Visa & MasterCard International

As well as the practical implementation of the security

systems operations and manufacturing processes.

Projects References :




►Italy:♦CARDNET S.p.A.





Projects In-Process :


►Cote D'ivoire



June, 1976 :Military Technical College – Cairo – Egypt.

Bachelor's Degree :Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering & Military Science.


(1)Skill Name: Industrial Plants management.

Skill Level : Expert

Last Used : 1994

Experience : 10 years

(2) Skill Name: Industrial Projects Management.

Skill Level : Expert

Last Used : 1999

Experience : 5 years

(3) Skill Name : Consultant – Credit Cards Security Certification

Skill Level : Professional

Last Used : Currently used

Experience : Since year 2001


Filippo LongoManaging Director - Compunet Cards

Phone Number: + 39 095 292 037/ + 39 335 750 6333

Email Address :

Han WandersCard Plant Consultancy

Phone Number: + 31 70 32 45172/ + 31 640 052 050

Email Address :

Marco RampinelliProject Systems Manager – Conforti spa

Phone Number : + 39 348 902 9867 / + 39 045 887 7338

Email Address :



1.Provide a security consultation services to the card manufacturer for the following :

1.1Provide proposed building's lay-out design.

1.2Provide building physical requirements.

1.3Provide security systems lay-out design.

1.4Provide security systems requirements.

1.5Review the security doors and special doors technical specifications verses Visa/MasterCard security standards.

1.6Review the security systems technical specifications verses Visa/MasterCard security standards.

1.7 Provide "Check List" : Security Systems Devices Locations

1.8"Check List" and "Security Systems Requirements" must be reviewed and corrective actions must be taken by the security systems suppliers and under the supervision of the security manager.

1.9Provide the internal security procedures.

1.10Provide the internal security forms.

1.11Provide the personnel requirements.

1.12Provide the production requirements.

1.13Provide the storage & shipping requirements.

2.Provide the necessary guide lines to the responsible employee for security matters and concerns ( Security Manager ).

Security Manager will be also representing the card manufacturer and in-charge of the physical site security inspection by Visa/MasterCard International.

3.Provide the necessary guide lines to the responsible employee for the reception area

( Security Receptionist ).

4.Provide the necessary guide lines to the responsible employee for the security control room

( Security Controller ).

5.Provide the necessary guide lines to the responsible employee for auditing the production orders processes ( Security Auditor).

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______Tel. : + 20 2 2692 1322 Mob. : + 20 100 500 8507

Email :