K.W.F. Committee 23rd September 2014


Minutes of the Keynsham Winter Festival Committee held on Tuesday 23rd September 2014 at 2.00 p.m. in the Town Council Offices

PRESENT: Councillors G Hellier, A Crouch and L O’Brien (KTC),

P Sawyer (Churches Together) and N Baker (Tesco Community Champion).

IN ATTENDANCE: Dawn Drury (Deputy Town Clerk)


Councillor C Duckett and S Dixon (B&NES)


There were none.


There were none.


There were none.



That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd September 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


There was none


Lynn Young is interested in becoming a member and has taken away the necessary paperwork for completion. The Manager from the Platinum Gym on Bath Hill expressed an interest in attending the meetings. The necessary paperwork was forwarded to him but we have not heard anymore to date.

37. FORMAT FOR 2014

The action plan for 2014 was distributed to the Committee for information.

a) Site layout, stage, road closure:

·  Confirmed licences

The Deputy Town Clerk confirmed that the banner license has been approved and she is waiting to receive the other license approvals

·  New banners and signage

The design work for the new banners and signage has been sent to Saltford Signs for production. The protocol for logos on banners is that this type of signage should be free of any sponsorship markings as the sponsors change annually. Promotional logos will be used on all other advertising and publicity material.

·  Site meeting with authorities and security

A site meeting was held on 22nd September with the representatives from the Police Authority and Parking Services. A representative from the stewarding company did not turn up for the meeting and a new meeting is being arranged in the middle of October. The Police said that they would not be happy with having stalls in Temple Street without a road closure even if they were on the pavements. Lisa reported that she had spoken with John Paget and he has no plans for any activities on the night in Temple Court. Parking Services confirmed that there should be no problem with the use of Ashton Way car park for the fun fair and that the storage area for building materials will, be reduced by then giving increased parking in this car. They also confirmed that the top floor of the multi-storey car park should be open next month, plus free parking in all the town’s car parks from 3.00 p.m. on the day was confirmed as not being a problem. The Police and Parking Services confirmed that they were happy with the plans for the event.

·  Use of upstairs of the Key Centre

The Youth Services have decided that with the employment of a new lead youth worker that they would be better doing outreach work on the night so that they are out and about with the young people on the streets. The youth workers will work two shifts so that the whole evening is covered and will base themselves mainly in the fun fair area, so we will now only require the ground floor of the Key Centre and the Church has been contacted about this.

·  Litter picking

Keynsham Wombles have confirmed that they would be happy to collect the litter on the night in exchange for a £50.00 donation and the use of a free stall. Waitrose will be providing all the black sacks for Wombles to put their waste collections in and Lisa’s bins will be decorated and put beside the Wombles’ stall.

·  Park and ride

The Deputy Town Clerk has a meeting arranged with the Manager of Waitrose to discuss the logistics of the Park and Ride.

b)  Entertainment

·  Upshot circus stilt walkers

The following characters have been booked the Snow Queen, the Christmas tree, the Snowman and the Toy Soldier.

·  Compere

Jimmy Mack has been booked at a fee of £175.00

The following have been booked as part of this year’s Festival:-

For the procession - The Town Crier, 2386 Air Cadets Marching Band, the Lions sleigh and Father Christmas. We are waiting for the number of Rotary members that will be able to help with the procession. There may also be some help from over 18 students from secondary schools and also help from Wellsway art students for the workshops.

For the stage - St. John’s Junior/Youth Choir, 2386 Air Cadets Marching Band and KLOGS plus judging of the fancy dress competition.


A copy of the stalls booked to date was distributed to the committee for information. Jackie will forward the car registration numbers to Neil once she has to full list of Fear Hall stallholders wishing to use the Tesco car park. Steve Rossitier catering company have asked if they can hold a barbeque. It was decided that as the church hold a barbeque that on this occasion the company should not be offered a pitch.

The Play Bus

The Deputy Town Clerk has received three quotes for play buses:-

Quote 1 – The play bus run by Midsomer Norton – Supervised craft area (free squash offered – accommodates approximately 25 children - £370 to attend (plus £30 per ½ hour) to the event and Keynsham Winter Festival could keep the takings charging £2 per 20 minutes per child.

Quote 2 – The Bristol Play Bus – Christmas activities, sensory experience and face painting - £300.00

Quote 3 – The Happy Play Bus – Soft play centre on wheels plus disco area with flashing lights, for children up to 8 years old. Free hire and they charge £2.00 per child.


That the Happy Play Bus be booked.

c)  Competitions

Window competition judges

Window Competition judges have been confirmed as either the Tesco’s Store Manager John Weed and Verity, Deputy Manger from Waitrose they have been asked to meet Tony at the Town Council office at 4.00 p.m.

Pre-event workshops

The workshops are booked. Notices of the workshops will be sent to all schools before the October half-term break along with details of the fancy dress competitions and the colouring competition.

Publicity - Posters and fliers

These have already been prepared ready for distribution. Marie will print ready for distribution (along with the window competition fliers) at the next meeting. Fliers and posters will be distributed along with letters to the businesses by members of the committee following the next meeting on 23rd October.

Press release

The first press release has been sent to The Voice for printing and distribution on 2nd October and further press release will be sent to The Week In in mid-October. Both papers will receive a further press release and the full programme for printing and the beginning of November.


That the format/layout as above for the Winter Festival 2014 be agreed.


The Budget was presented to the groups in addition to the items recorded on the budget the following quote and expenditure figures were noted.

Enlightened stall lighting - £480.00

Stationery and decorations - £8.64

Compere - £175.00

Photocopying – 5.43


Sponsorship letters have been sent to local businesses and developers. Gill will chase Barratts.

Waitrose have agreed to provide black sacks for litter picking, selection boxes for prizes for the children of the colouring competition and tea, coffee and mince pies for the Baptist Church. Pauline will let the Baptist Church know that the refreshments are coming from Waitrose.


That the draft budget for 2014 be approved.



That the Committee's next meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd October at 2.00 pm.

SIGNED...... DATE......