Stage 1 Applied Mathematics: Earning & Spending Worksheet 2


Earning & Spending Worksheet

1Convert an annual income of $37 460 into:

(a)a monthly amount


(b)a weekly amount


(c)an hourly amount (assuming a 36-hour week)


2Convert a monthly salary of $3870 to:

(a)an annual income


(b)a weekly salary


(c)an hourly salary (for a 36-hour week)


3Emma is paid $427·60 for a 38-hour week, while Lauren gets $394·80 for a 35-hour week. Calculate which one gets the higher rate of pay per hour.




4Bonnie is paid $7·60 per hour at the factory. Calculate her week’s wages if she works her normal 37 hours and also works 4 hours at time and a half.


5Joshua works at a jeans factory attaching studs, and is paid on a piece work basis, earning 76¢ for each piece he makes, up to 100 pieces per day. If, however, he produces more than the 11 in a day, he gets paid 92¢ for each piece over the 100 each day.

Calculate his week’s pay when he produces:

Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri
86 / 102 / 114 / 98 / 127

(Remember, the pay and the bonuses are worked out on a daily basis.)


6Stephen’s hourly pay rate is $10·40, and his normal week is 38 hours. Calculate:

(a)his pay for a normal week


(b)his pay for 4 hours of overtime at double time.


(c)His holiday pay, which is 4 weeks’ worth of pay with a 17½% loading.


7Last year, Rhys worked 40 weeks at Ray Nella’s Crash Repairs. Because he was a casual worker, he did not receive any holiday pay.

His normal working week was 40 hours long, and any overtime was paid at time and a half.

Over the year, he worked a total of 44 hours overtime.

Calculate his annual income for last year.


8Matthew works as a rat-catcher at Abby Foyle’s Bakery. He is paid 65¢ for each rat caught per day, up to a maximum of 150 rats. Any rats above that amount earn him $0·75 per rat. Calculate his pay for a week when he makes the following catches:

Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri
135 / 95 / 198 / 55 / 151


9Adam earns $11·50 per hour washing milk-shake glasses at Wendy’s. His normal working week is a 44-hour week, consisting of 8 hours each weekday, and 8:00 to 12:00 each Saturday.

Times worked beyond these hours is paid at time and a quarter.

Calculate his pay for the week:

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
8 / 9 / 9·5 / 8·5 / 10 / 6


10Determine the time differences between (give your answers in hours and minutes):

(a)7:15am and 11:23am


(b)8:57 and 12:17pm


(c)6:39am and 3:15pm


(d)8:29 and 15: 08


(e)13:33 and 22:17
