4thSunday of Easter April 26, 2015


PLEASE, sign and pass the blue attendance pads that are in every row

*Chorus of Welcome “The Family of God”

I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God—I’ve been washed in the fountain,

cleansed by His blood! Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod;

for I’m part of the family, the family of God.

*Call to Worship Psalm 23

L: The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.

P: He lets me rest in fields of green grass

and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.

L:He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths, as He has promised.

*Opening Hymn “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want” [TUNE: AMAZING GRACE] #136

*Opening Prayer Psalm 23

Good Shepherd of us all, “even if I go through the deepest darkness,

I will not be afraid, Lord,for You are with me. Your shepherd’s rod and staff

protect me. You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me;

You welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim.

I know you’re your goodness and love will be with me all my life;

and Your house will be my home as long as I live.” Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Children’s Message

Scripture Lesson Acts 4:5-12 # 1058

Hymn “There’s Something About That Name“ # 171

Birthday Recognitions

Joys & Concerns Gathered Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer (Please use “debts” and “debtors”) # 896

*The Doxology “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” # 95

*The Offertory Prayer

*Hymn “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” # 381

Children 8 and under are dismissed to the Nursery

Gospel Lesson St. John 10:11-18 # 1040

Sermon “The Reason…”

*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed # 881

*Hymn “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation” [TUNE: REGENT SQUARE] # 559


Quiet Meditation, Reflection, and Prayer

*Choral Benediction “Precious Name” # 536

Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow and of woe;

it will joy and comfort give you; take it then, where’er you go.

Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven.

*Please stand if you are able


It is a pleasure to have you with us today, and it will be an even greater pleasure to see you again! We hope that your faith will be strengthened by your time here. It is a genuine privilege to gather as God’s people to open ourselves to the presence of God and to praise God with living hearts. Large print hymnbooks and bulletins along with listening devices are available.


We at CrescentvilleUnitedMethodistChurch believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and we will invite people into a relationship with Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will continue to grow spiritually in our relationship with Christ. As a fellowship of caring, concerned people, we will respond as disciples to reach out and serve the community.

In lieu of flowers, June Moeckel has made a donation to the memorial Fund

in memory of her father, Robert Borlase’s birthday on April 27.

Our thanks to June for this kind donation.

2015 Flower Chartin the Narthex. Cost is $25 for 2 bouquets, $20 for a centerpiece.

Weekly Offering Report: Our General Fund Offering for Sunday, 4/19/2015 was $1,314. Thank you to those who have increased their weekly giving. Expenses continue to be $2,000 per week. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please speak to Sue Creevey. Thank you!

Beginning July 1, 2015, Pastor Randy will have his pastoral duties divided between Crescentville UMC and St. Philips UMC (located at F & Tioga Sts.). This means that each church will be a Half-time Appointment with each church continuing to have weekly Sunday worship services.

Whosoever Gospel Mission needs your help!

Please bring in Men and Women’s Business Clothing,

gently used, clean and in good condition. Thanks!

We were saddened by the news of the death of Doris Eichelberger, a former member here at Crescentville. Please keep her husband, Bill, and their family in your prayers. If you would like to send a card or note to Doris’ family, Bill’s address is 1412 Greene Oak Road, Asheboro, NC 27205. A memorial service here at Crescentville is being discussed and we will let you know when we know more.


Today – Worship Service 10 AM / Sunday School for children age 8 and under during sermon / Ad. Council Meeting following Worship

Wed., April 29 – Soup & Study, 6:30 PM, here at Crescentville UMC

Sat., May 2 – Men’s Breakfast and Meeting, 8:30-10:00 AM

Sun., May 3 – Worship Service 10 AM / Sunday School for children age 8 and under during sermon


Week 1: Jean; Luoli; St.JudeHospital

Week 2: Amanda White; Bill Eichelberger and family; Harley Fong; Page family

Week 3: Betty Shields; Cathy Chalfont; Janet Evans; Joe Goebig; Lorraine Jackson; Theresa & her father; Trokon Kofa; Wong family

Week 4: Anthony, James & Vickie; Braydon Kelly; Claudette Brown & family;Ed Budman; Grandmom Carseo; Imran; Jane McGovern; Janet Evans; Jay; Jean Bernard & family; Jean Garteaus Marcu; John Evans; Kathy Lynch; Kathy Onslager; Margie; Okane family; Phil Poindexter, Rev. Donald Anderson, Russell family; Slewion & Wleh Kofa & John;West Africa

On-going: Anna & Suzanne Turner; Annie Freeman; Ben, Betty, & Beth Brzoza & family; Bette Sauerwald; Dorothy Buzzard; Dot Gallagher; Edwina & Emma Paye and children; Evelyn Atkinson; Joan Morris; John Tarsnoh & family; June Christopher’s family; Lawncrest Community; Lenin & MacEachnie family; Liberia & Ebola Crisis; Lowe & Appenzeller families; Philadelphia Fire Department; Philadelphia School District; Ruth Dillon; Tillie Haeberle; Vi Engle; Wleh Kofa & family

Family & Friends Serving in the Armed Services: Please include Pastor Randy and family, and all your family and friends of CUMC in your daily prayers. Also, pray for Pres. Obama, our Men & Women serving here and abroad, our nation and for world peace.

Crescentville United MethodistChurch

A Changing Church for Changing Times

Rev. Randy M. Brubaker, Pastor

412 Sentner Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19120

215-745-7115 – Fax. 215-745-7258

Web Site – crescentvilleumc.com

May Birthdays

1Marge Rosenkaimer23Apoo Kokolee

13Kathy Lynch24Mohamed Jabati

14Dorothy Buzzard28 Jean Frank

21Annie Freeman 29Wadiya Korpoi

Marie PetersonJoan Morris

22Joyce Samuel31Sarah Kokolee

Is there anyone else celebrating a birthday in May?

Celebrants: We thank God for the gift of life.

People: We thank God for you whose birthdays we celebrate this May!

Celebrants:Life is precious.

People:We are grateful for all of you. May God bless you in this time and throughout all your days.

All:We are glad that God has brought us together in this world. We are enriched by those who come into our lives, our families, our church, and our community. May we always be open to seeing God in others. May we always follow God’s leading into the future.

Celebrants:Thanks be To God for the gift of life.

People:Thanks be to God for the gift of life. Amen.

Crescentville United MethodistChurch

Pastor: Rev. Randy M. Brubaker

412 Sentner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120

Phone: 215-745-7115 ~ email:

Website: crescentvilleumc.com

Visit us on Facebook! ~ Crescentville United Methodist

Saturday, May 30th

United Methodist Men’s

Fish Fry!

Sunday, June 21st

Father’s Day Bake Sale

Sunday, September 20th

Rally Day with Indoor Picnic

Saturday, October 24th

Flea Market & Bazaar

Sunday, November 8th

Crescentville UMC’s

95th Anniversary!