MHCO Policy & Personnel Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 3, 2017

Present: David Wicker (Chair), Kevin Otis, Lisa Proctor, LuAnne Clark, Dewey Preslar, Dr. Deidre Christy, Nicki Perry, Samantha Coleman, Jon Welborn


Next Meeting: Thursday, February 23, 2017 5:15pm tentatively

I. Welcome

Chairman Dave Wicker welcomed everyone to the meeting and led the group in prayer.

II. Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Ms. Nicki Perry to approve the minutes from the July meeting. Dr. Deidre Christy seconded the motion. Minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

III. Personnel Report


·  CCW, Junius & Palmvilla Reynolds 1-5-17

·  CCW, John & Evie Holwerda 1-18-17

·  CCW, George F. & Angela Strickland 1-25-17

·  Recreation Assistant, Tiffany Hawley 2-5-17


§  CCW, James & Beth Timmins 1-3-17

Beth – Diploma in theology. Beth has 2 years residential experience as a Houseparent at Bethel

Bible Village located in Hixson, TN. Beth started at the CCW III level with 2+ years of


James – BA in Social Work. James has 29 years of experience being a Counselor, Director, Principal, and Houseparent. James started at the highest level of Master CCW with 10+ years of experience.

Recruitment of CCW

Recruitment of CCW – most CCW interest comes from Ad was changed last year to reflect more benefits and highlight the great attributes of the Home. We are now going to utilize the “hot button” on the home page of The ad will be at the top of the page and will flash to different scenes. There will be 2 children and 3 CCW pictures that will flash and draw the attention of prospective CCW.

Recruitment Ads also listed: Elon Job Boards, UNC Job Boards, VGCC Job Board, Facebook, Benchmarks, Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, NC Center for Nonprofits

Changes to Utility Worker Job Description

(1) Hourly to Salary

(2) Change from “Assist Program with CCW duties in cottages during normal business hours” to “Assist Program with CCW duties in cottages as scheduled by Program Coordinator”

Ms. Nicki Perry made a motion that the job description be approved with changes and that it be presented to the BOD as such. Mr. Jon Welborn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

IV. Organizational Chart Revisions

Mr. Kevin Otis presented the new Organizational Chart. Chart reflects changed in the Financial Development area, Program Services area, and Finance area. There was no discussion. Motion made my Ms. Nicki Perry to approve Organizational Chart as presented and take the recommendation to the BOD for approval. Dr. Deidre Christy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

V. Maintenance/Recreation/PQI/Financial Development positions

Ms. LuAnne Clark talked to the committee about positions and needs on our campus. Recreation has had a resignation but there are no plans at present to fill it at this time. Maintenance is down 1 worker and there was no plan to replace the worker. Now, maintenance is showing signs that the position should be filled or some of the workload sourced out. Financial Development has been reorganized and restructured. Job duties have been reassigned and pay adjusted for these duties. In the future, it is possible MHCO will need to hire a maintenance worker to help with the work load. There are currently 2 male recreation assistants and MHCO needs to consider adding a female recreation assistant to run girls wellness. Lastly, there may be a future need to hire another employee in Financial Development to help coordinate events and process data entry.

VI. SAC Feedback

Mr. Kevin Otis discussed the SAC feedback from 12/15/2016 meeting. He said that most if not all of the issues discussed have been recognized at various levels. He said that he is personally energized to help address the issues. He feels that SAC is a major step in providing open communication at MHCO. He will work diligently to enhance the work experience and professionalism of all employees at MHCO.

VII. Policies and Procedures Review

Dr. Coleman discussed each policy and procedure with the committee. Below you will see a list of policies and procedures and the changes made to each. These changes will be discussed at the next meeting.

v  Protection of Suspected Misconduct Reporting Policy-clarified confidentiality of reporter, also made sure that disclosure is not promised through the rest of the manual

v  Human Subjects Research Policy-more information included to discuss standards of research and responsibilities

v  Confidentiality Policy and Procedure-clarified images of residents

v  Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure-reflects new standards for background checks for applicants, separated applicant qualifications and qualifications for continued employment, added marriage certification requirement for CCWs

v  Disciplinary Action Procedure-separated external and internal investigations, shortened time frames for conducting the supervisory session, clarified signatures on resolutions

v  Ethical and Professional Standards of Conduct-clarified sexual relations and fraternization for married couples, added section on ethical decision making, clarified clothing to avoid

v  Background Checks Policy-more information included to discuss convictions arising out of charges, what happens if arrested or found to have a charge, driver’s records, and new time frames for previous charges. Kevin is discussing this one with legal counsel.

v  Prohibition of Preferential Treatment Policy-clarified that characteristics protected by law must be unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform employment duties, clarified specific criteria required to qualify for a position or to determine appropriateness for the level of care consistent with service delivery

v  Fair and Equitable Treatment Policy- clarified that characteristics protected by law must be unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform employment duties, clarified specific criteria required to qualify for a position or to determine appropriateness for the level of care consistent with service delivery

Minor grammatical, semantic, or organization changes:

v  Conflict of Interest Policy

v  Harassment Policy

v  Nepotism Policy

v  Information Technology Policy

v  Smoking Policy

v  Supervision Policy and Procedure

v  Employee Records Access Procedure

v  Employee Rights Policy

v  Legal Assistance Policy

v  Contracting Policy

Next meeting will be held at 5:15pm on February 23, 2017 to discuss changes made to the policies and procedures.

With there being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.

Minutes prepared by Lisa Proctor