Rubric - Glogster
CATEGORY / 3 / 2 / 1Planning / Brainstorming web was created that included all 11 of the requirements in pictures and/or words. / Brainstorming web was created that included between 8 and 10 of the requirements in pictures and/or words. / Brainstorming web was created that included less than 8 of the requirements in pictures and/or words or brainstorm web was not created at all.
Requirements / Glogster contains the 11 requirements and it is evident that the brainstorming/planning web was used in its creation. / Glogster contains between 8 and 10 of the requirements and it is evident that the brainstorming/planning web was used in its creation. / Glogster contains less than 8 of the requirements and/or little to no evidence is shown that the brainstorming/planning web was used in its creation.
Relevance of the Connections / All 8 connections are relevant to the special number. / 6 or 7 connections are relevant to the special number, while the others are either irrelevant, inappropriate, or missing. / Less than 6 connections are relevant to the special number, while the others are either irrelevant, inappropriate, or missing.
Accuracy of the Content / 2 interesting facts about the special number are included and are accurate. / 1 of interesting facts about the special number is accurate, while the other is either inaccurate or missing. / Neither of the interesting facts about the special number are accurate or they are missing completely.
Graphics / All graphics are related to the special number or to its' connections to the real world. / Most of the graphics are related to the special number or to its' connections to the real world, but some are irrelevant and do not fit in with the topic. / Half of the graphics or less are related to the special number or to its' connections to the real world, while the rest are irrelevant and do not fit in with the topic.
Multimedia / An appropriate video file or audio file is included in the Glogster. / A video file or audio file is included in the Glogster, but it is not relevant to the topic. / No video file or audio file is included in the Glogster.
Access / The completed Glogster is correctly embedded into the student's classroom wikipage. / The completed Glogster is incorrectly embedded into the student's classroom wikipage but it is evident that the student attempted to include it. / The completed Glogster is not embedded into the student's classroom wikipage.
Total Points: ____ / 21