Installing Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2016

Microsoft Corporation

Published: October 2016


Installing Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2016


Installing Message Pack 2016

Configuring Message Pack 2016

Enabling SWIFT 2016 Service Release Validation

Deploying and Undeploying Assemblies and Policies

Deploying FRR Schemas

Publishing and Unpublishing InfoPath Forms

Disabling SRG 2016 Validation

Updating Custom MRSR

Known Issues

Uninstalling the Message Pack 2016


Installing Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2016

In order to provide industry-standard compliance with the SWIFT 2016 Standards Release specification, Microsoft® has released the following:

  • SWIFT Message Pack 2016for Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) 2013
  • SWIFT Message Pack 2016for Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) 2013 R2
  • SWIFT Message Pack 2016 for Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) 2016

Upgrading to anew release provides the compatibility required for ongoing use of the SWIFT standard that is to be imposed starting in November 2016.

This document provides upgrade guidance to ensure minimum downtime. It also describes the feature updates in the release so you can plan accordingly.

The A4SWIFT Message Pack 2016contains the following:

  • Complete re-packaging of all SWIFT FIN FF message types and business rules (not just net change).
  • Updates to schemas and business rules that are fully compliant with SWIFT 2016certification requirements.

The Message Pack carries forward all hot-fixes related to schemas and business rules that are not superseded by the 2016 requirements.
  • The Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2016does not have any components outside of schemas, business rules and Microsoft Office InfoPath® Forms.


Ensure that the following prerequisites are installed prior to running setup:

  • Microsoft Windows Server® 2008 R2, Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows Server® 2012, Microsoft Windows 8.1, or Microsoft Windows Server® 2012 R2

The A4SWIFT Message Pack 2016is available as onedistinct downloadable package.

BizTalk Server Version / A4SWIFT Version and Service Pack
(if required)
BizTalk Server 2010 / A4SWIFT 2010
BizTalk Server 2013 / A4SWIFT 2013
BizTalk Server 2013 R2 / A4SWIFT 2013 R2
BizTalk Server 2016 / A4SWIFT 2016

Installing Message Pack 2016

To install Message Pack 2016

  1. If any schemas and Business Rule Engine (BRE) rules are deployed from earlier version of message pack, then run the BRE Deployment utility and point it to the schema assembly.Undeploy all existing (e.g. SWIFT 2014MessagePack) BRE policies by running the BRE Deployment utility.
    Note: Manually remove the A4SWIFT_Codelist and A4SWIFT_Functions vocabularies using the Business Rule Composer tool.
  2. Back up the A4SWIFT database or any other database that is used for SWIFT.Also back up your SWIFT message schemas.
  3. Unzip the MP_2016.exe package.
  4. Run Setup.exe to install the Message Pack 2016.
  5. On the Installation Completed page, click Finish.

If Run Configuration Wizard is selected on the Installation Completed page (the default), the Message Pack 2016configuration wizard will run automatically when you click Finish.
  1. After the installation completes, continue to the following section,Configuring Message Pack 2016, to configure the Message Pack as it is mandatory for BRE Validations.

Configuring Message Pack 2016

To configure Message Pack 2016

  1. On the Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2016Configuration page, click DB Configuration in the left pane.
  2. In the DB Configuration pane, select Do you want to create a new database group to create the groups shown in the Group pane. Clear Do you want to create a new database group to join an existing database group.
  3. Click Apply Configuration.
  4. On the Summary page, verify the configuration settings, and then click Apply Configuration.

You can save the configuration settings as an XML file if desired.
  1. On the Configuration Wizard page that indicates that you have successfully completed the Configuration Wizard, click Finish.

Installing the SWIFT Message Pack 2016will not automatically validate messages for SWIFT 2016 Service Release compliance. Use the following procedure to enable SWIFT 2016Service Release validation.

Enabling SWIFT 2016Service ReleaseValidation

Deploying and Undeploying Assemblies and Policies

To deploy andundeploy assemblies and policies

  1. Undeploy all existing (e.g., SWIFT 2015 MessagePack) schema assemblies. In a multi-computer environment, you must manually remove these schema assemblies from the GAC on all run-time servers and the Business Activity Services (BAS)/MRSR Site(A4Swift2013/A4Swift2013 R2 / A4Swift 2016)
  1. Rebuild and deploy the schema assemblies with the schemas provided in the Message Pack under <drive>:\Program Files\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016.


drive>:\Program Files (x86)\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016.
The rebuilt schema assemblies need to be installed in the global assembly cache (GAC) on all computers that have the A4SWIFT run-time components installed.

If any custom changes have been made to these schemas, the same changes must be made to the Message Pack schemas after adding them to the schema projects.
The Message Pack does not support side-by-side deployment of SWIFT 2016 MessagePack schema assemblies with SWIFT 2015MessagePack schema assemblies.
Message instances that were originally parsed with SWIFT 2015 MessagePack schema assemblies may be suspended. Suspended messages can then be resumed so that they use SWIFT 2016MessagePack schemas and validation policies.
  1. Back up the BREDeployment utility configuration file BREDeployment.exe.config from the drive>\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SDK\Tools folder.
    Open the configuration file in Notepad and modify the values of the following keys to point to the appropriate directories in the SWIFT Message Pack2016 installation directory. For example:
  • <add key="BasePoliciesDirectory" value="%Program

Files%\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016\Base Policies" />

  • <add key="SchemasDirectory" value="%Program Files%\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016" />
  • <add key="VocabularyDirectory" value="%Program Files%\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016\Base Policies\Vocabulary" />
  • <add key="LogFileName" value="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BREDeploymentLog.txt" />
  1. Go to drive>:\Program Files\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016\Base Policies.
    Open the file DBConnection_Master_Policy.xml. Change the “DATBASE SERVER” and “DATABASE NAME”. Ensure that “DATABASE NAME”is the same as you have entered when configuring the Message Pack 2016.
  1. Manually deploy policy DBConnection_Master_Policy.xml using the Business Rule Engine Deployment Wizard. The file pathtoDBConnection_Master_Policy.xmlis drive>:\Program Files\MP2016\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2016\Base Policies\.
  1. Run the BRE Deployment utility and point it to the schema assembly as in step 1.
  1. Deploy the policies.

Note: Use “%ProgramFiles(x86)%” instead of %ProgramFiles% for (x64) bit OS.

Deploying FRR Schemas

Manually deploy %ProgramFiles%\MP2016\Assemblies\Microsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.FrrSchemas.dll by adding BizTalk assembly resource in BizTalk Server Administration Console or execute following command in administrator mode

“<BizTalk Installation Folder>\BTSTask.exe” addresource -Type:System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly -Source: “%ProgramFiles%\MP2016\Assemblies\Microsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.FrrSchemas.dll”-Overwrite

Note: Use “%ProgramFiles(x86)%” instead of %ProgramFiles% for (x64) bit OS.

Microsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.FrrSchemas.dllcontains FRR schemas compatible with both MQHA and MQSA

FRR Orchestration should be unenlisted Before deploying FRR schemas dll.

Publishing and Unpublishing InfoPath Forms

If Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 forms have been published previously, they need to be unpublished and republished with the forms in the Message Pack on the server that hosts BAS.

In a command prompt, navigate to the drive>:\Program Files\MP2016\Tools folder and run FormPublish.exe with the –d option. It will unpublish your previous forms. Then publish the SWIFT Message Pack 2016InfoPath forms by running FormPublish.exe again with the –p option.

To work with A4SWIFT 2013R2 and Message Pack 2016, user needs to generate the InfoPath forms 2007 manually using FormGenerator utility and publish them onto the SharePoint site if you use office 2007 or office 2010; otherwise user needs to generate the InfoPath forms 2013 manually using FormGenerator utility and publish them onto the SharePoint site . The steps to achieve the generation and publishing of forms can be followed from the Form Generator help documentation.

You can get Form Generator utility and the related help guides downloaded from <A4Swift Installation Folder>\SDK\Tools\FormGenerator path.

Disabling SRG 2016Validation

To disable SRG 2016validation

  1. Undeploy all SWIFT Message Pack 2016BRE policies by running the BRE Deployment utility. Manually remove the A4SWIFT_Codelist and A4SWIFT_Functions vocabulary using the Business Rule Engine Composer tool.
  2. Undeploy all existing SRG 2016schema assemblies and remove them from the GAC on all runtime servers and the BAS server/MRSR site server in your deployment environment.

Before rebuilding and redeploying your schemas project, remove all Message Pack 2016schemas and replace them with schemas from Message Pack 2015. Any custom changes made to those schemas may not be preserved.
  1. Rebuild and deploy the schema assemblies with the schemas provided in the original SWIFT Accelerator under one of the following locations:
  2. installation drive>:\%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT 2013
  3. installation drive>:\%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT 2013 R2
  4. installation drive>:\%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT2015
  5. Rebuild and deploy schema assemblies to the GAC on all runtime servers and the BAS server/MRSR site server in your deployment environment.
  6. Go to the <installation drive>:\%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SDK\Tools folder and back up the existing BREDeployment.exe.config file.
    Replace the BREDeployment utility configuration file that was backed up in step 3 of the “Deploying and Undeploying Assemblies and Policies” sectionof this document, so that the keys listed below now point to the appropriate directories in the A4SWIFT2013/A4SWIFT2013R2/A4SWIFT2016 or the Message Pack 2013installation directory. Here the path of the files would be different based on the version of the MessagePack currently being rolled back to. For example:
  • <add key="BasePoliciesDirectory" value="%Program Files%\MP2015\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2015\Base Policies" />
  • <add key="SchemasDirectory" value="%Program Files%\MP2015\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2015" />
  • <add key="VocabularyDirectory" value="%Program Files%\ MP2015\SWIFT Messages\A4SWIFT-SRG2015\Vocabulary" />
  1. Run the BREDeployment utility and point it to the schema assembly deployed in step 3.
  2. If you have published any InfoPath forms previously, you will have to unpublish them.At a command prompt, navigate to the

installation drive>:\%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT\SDK\Tools folder.

  1. Run FormPublish.exe –d. It will unpublish your previous forms.Rebuild and deploy any projects or assemblies that you had previously used with A4SWIFT 2013 /A4SWIFT 2013 R2/ A4Swift 2016 orMessage Pack 2013 as applicable.

Note: Use “%ProgramFiles(x86)%” instead of %ProgramFiles% for (x64) bit OS.

Updating Custom MRSR

If you are using custom MRSRs located in the drive>:\%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT \SDK\Samples\CustomMRSRModel folder, you must update the tables in the custom MRSR database to make the Message Pattern feature compatible with changes in the SWIFT 2015Standards Release Guide specifications.

To update the custom MRSR tables, run the UpdateDefaultDataSRG2006.sql script located in the drive>:\Program Files\MP2016\SDK\Samples\CustomMRSRModel\DB\SRG2006\ folder.

If you do not run the script, you will not be able to create patterns specific to the SRG 2016 update. Patterns related to non-SRG2016 changes will continue to function.

Known Issues

  1. Uninstalling the SWIFT Message Pack 2016leaves behind the root folder.

Issue: When you uninstall the SWIFT Message Pack 2016, you might notice that the following folder is not deleted: MP2016.

Resolution: You can safely delete this folder manually after uninstalling the Message Pack.

  1. Failed upgrade

Issue: During Upgrade, upgrade will fail if a prerequisite is missing otherwise upgrade will be successful but Upgrade will not show prerequisite missing dialog. Setup Log file will contain particular prerequisite missing statement in case of prerequisite missing.

Resolution: Install prerequisite software mentioned in the Prerequisite section above.

  1. Unconfiguring MessagePack deletes A4Swift Database.

Issue: If you don’t close MessagePack configuration wizard before unconfiguring MessagePack, the A4Swift database gets deleted.

Resolution: After configuring MessagePack, close the configuration wizard and start the wizard to unconfigure MessagePack.

  1. Issue: All the validations for field 98E (Date Time UTC Indicator) have been incorporated except for the one where in we put the Sign character "N" incase of UTC indicator. Because of the limitation we have with the schema, we are not able to validate the sign unit. If you enter any character, this will not be validated by the schema and the instance will pass successfully and also one more positive instance (:98E::PREP//20080513123548/0215) fails to pass validation.

In the above instance /0215 is the UTCIndicator Sub field. The instance fails validation because it treat 0 as sign unit,21 as SignFirstPart and throw error for secondPart i.e 5. SecondPart field is optional and of length two.

This limitation was pre-existing in other MT's (provided by the customer) as well.

  1. No Upgrade Support for MP2006/MP2007/MP2008/MP2009/MP2010/MP2011/MP2012/MP2013/MP2014 to MP2016.

Issue: If any older MP is installed the system and its upgrade to MP2015 is tried, then it will fail. Only MP2015is supported to upgrade to MP2016.

Resolution: Uninstall the older MP first, and then install MP2015on the system.

  1. Issue: Install of Message Pack may warn that it is unable to deploy the new runtime assembly. This may occur when installing Message Pack 2016 after an older version of the Message Pack has been uninstalled without unconfiguring it first.

Resolution: Unconfigure the older version of the Message Pack before uninstalling it.

Uninstalling the Message Pack 2016

  1. Click Start, go to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. In Add or Remove Programs, click Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2016, and then click Remove.


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