HOUSTON, TEXAS, CHAPTER (member of Us TOO International)

Someone to talk to... who understands

Meeting Announcement

Date: Monday, October 9, 2017

Time: 7:00 P.M

Place: St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer at Edloe (between Buffalo Speedway and Weslayan).

Topic: "Robotic Surgery for High RiskProstateCancer."

Speaker: Brian Chapin, MD

Agenda: The speaker's presentation will be followed by an informal meeting with chapter members to discuss personal prostatecancer questions and issues.

Getting There: PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING MEETING ROOM CHANGE! The montly meetings are now in Room EN207. Park behind the Church.Enter through the front center brick portico. Proceed ahead down Fellowship Walk to its end at front of Church.Turn left . Stairs to second floor immediately on left. Take corridor to Room EN 207 on left. For Elevator, on first floor continue down hallway past the Rotunda Room to corridor on left (sign indicates Elevator). A quick left again will bring you to Elevator. Room EN207 on your right." (Refreshments will be served).

Tex US TOO is a prostate cancer support group for the purpose of sharing information, education, experiences and mutual support. WE DO NOT DISPENSE MEDICAL ADVICE.

Dr. Brian Chapin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. He provides complete surgical care for men and women diagnosed with urologic malignancies. He performs open surgery and minimally invasive/robotic surgery, for patients with prostate, kidney, bladder and testis cancers. His major clinical focus is on the treatment of high risk- localized, locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancers. He has active clinical research protocols developing the integration of surgical, radiation and medical therapies in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Dr. Chapin is involved with the basic science/translational research program at MD Anderson, which is attempting to identify the immunologic changes that occur with surgical and systemic therapy treatments in advanced prostate cancer and how these changes may be exploited with use of newer immune modulating therapies. Using a comprehensive multimodality approach to this disease, Dr. Chapin’s goal is to ease suffering and prolong survival in men with advanced prostate cancer.


Want to Learn de Basics of Prostate Cancer? We Have a Prostate Cancer 101 Animated Video Series; From the Prostate Insights Magazine, Summer 2017, Volume 20, Issue 3, produced by the Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI). These videos help explain essential concepts, created in partnership with KMI E-Learning. Entertaining and easy to understand. Your newsletter editor recommends these for everyone, but specially for the “newbies.” Video Topics are:

·  The Gleason Score Demystified

·  All About Imaging

·  What’s the Deal with the PSA Test?

·  For the Loved Ones of Prostate Cancer Patients

·  So, Your PSA is High, What Know?

Watch the above Video Series from the Prostate Cancer Research Institute Video Library at this website: www.pcri.org/videos

Self-Care During Prostate Cancer (Excerpts) from Prostatepedia Weekly online 9/29/17. Wellness speaker Angela Gaffney teaches simple and effective strategies to help people achieve health, increase productivity, and live stress-free while reaching their personal and professional goals.

She offers her tips for nurturing your Number One Fan.

Picture your number one fan, the one who supports you most in life. The one who shows up no matter your mood, how tired you may be feeling, or how much pain you may be experiencing. Whatever the situation, your number one fan is there for you. I’m sure many of you pictured your spouse, partner, or maybe a parent or best friend. While these people are all great supporters in your life, your number one fan is much, much more! Your number one fan is your body.

We hurry through life at such a fast pace that we often forget to support the one that supports us most! Sometimes it takes a diagnosis or health crisis before we realize that our body may need more from us than what we’ve been willing to give. It was true for me, and it was true for many of you. Caring for your body goes far beyond just eating well and exercising. It takes commitment and conscious effort to ensure you’re giving your body all it needs to heal and achieve optimal health.

We all need to practice these four principles to care for our bodies through diagnosis, treatment, and in lifelong health.

1.  Build Awareness

Daily habits are so second nature that it’s easy to underestimate the impact they have on our health. Start tapping into your daily habits and assess whether they’re offering you the supportive environment your body needs to heal and be well. If change is needed, take it one step at a time.

2.  Consciously Choose

We often make decisions, big and small, out of convenience, haste, or emotions we’re feeling. It’s time to pause and choose differently. Before every decision you make, stop and ask yourself: “What will this provide me?” Just answering this one question will help you make a conscious choice and to move forward in a healthy direction.

3.  Create a Supportive Environment

It’s hard to avoid sugar if there are cookies and cake in the kitchen. Building a supportive environment is of greatest importance if your goal is lifelong health. Replace processed foods with whole, fresh foods that nourish the body. Say no to unnecessary obligations to give yourself space and time to heal. Share your needs with your friends and family so they too can support you in this journey. Everything in our environment— the food we eat, the toxins we’re exposed to, and the stress we feel from everyday life—impacts our health. Do your best to create a healthy, supportive environment for you and your family.

4.  Above All Else, Be Kind

You are on a health journey, which means some days will be easier than others. Use positive affirmations and encouraging words to support yourself in healing and lifelong health. If you veer off track, assess what you’d like to do differently next time and move forward. You have a choice in every matter, and you get to decide how you’d like to participate. Above all else, be kind to yourself in the process.

You are your best advocate! Take care of your number one fan by assessing your current habits, making conscious choices that serve you well, creating a supportive environment, and above all else, being kind to yourself through the process.

“You understand so little of what is around you because you do not use what is within you.”

--Hildegard of Bingen, (d. 1179) from her book Scivias.

We welcome suggestions, criticisms and contributions to this publication. This is your newsletter. Please contact Manny Vazquez at 936-597-6646, or by e-mail at