Would like an additional female GP / The Partners are looking at becoming a trainee doctor practice / Yes / AUG 2012 / Dr Khan / Practice Manager
Can appointment times be reviewed with additional clinics being made available such as a late /early clinic / Appointment times and availability will improve with the extra GP. / OOH has now been implemented on a Monday,Tuesday nights with Wednesday early morning start, this has been successful and popular with our patients. Additional Friday afternoon clinic at Ryhope along with two early starts has also been well received by our patients.
Possible Weekend clinic on Saturday morning in the very near future / Most of this has been achieved with the trainee doctor coming on board in the practice Aug /September 2012
In the next year or so / GP / Practice Manager
Would like to see a patient forum group to represent the patients views / They would like to see a group formed so that they could get regular patient input and where possible improve the practices service. / Yes. Need to review timing s and gage how to get more people on board. Need to advertise more or see if I can generate any interest via questionnaire.
Also liaising with the other two practices to see if we can have one big patient forum group / On going recruitment but the more the merrier
Now have a joint Patient forum group with Dr Lefley’s surgery and we will have meetings every 3 months or so until we are established then once every 6 months / GP / Practice Manager
Would like to see some sort of literature about the practice maybe in the form of a newsletter / We review the practice leaflet annually but have never thought about a newsletter. We could possible run with a seasonal newsletter which would be produced 4 times a year. Relevant information being up in the newsletter such as new clinics and new initiatives.
Also bought in an information board to highlight significant monthly subjects and any information we feel that the patients need to know / Yes. Newsletter done on a seasonal basis with up to date information and subject matters pertaining to the season / On going / Practice Manager/Assistant manager
Would like the waiting areas more patient friendly / The GPs have provided monies for improvements to waiting areas such as reading material and pictures. The life channel does provide interesting programmes both for adults and children / Difficult to improve on this but we are open to new ideas.
Get Ryhope a book shelf and a variety of books and magazines
Provide a jayex board at Ryhope
Provide a few feel good pictures
Pallion / Ryhope have both been refurbished, with Pallion having a complete rebuild which has been purpose built to the practices specifications
Open to any patient suggestions please pass them on to main reception / On going / Practice Manager
The use of Choose and Book / Doctors where possible endeavour to offer the patient choose / Yes. Even though we are not being paid for it we offer the patients this service as it has many benefits for the patient such as choice of hospital and timescales are quicker. / On going / Assistant Manager
The use of ETP 2 / ETP 2 will be implemented in the near future / Pallion will start ETP2 again in the near future this will allow the prescription service to run more efficiently and effectively, and is of a big benefit to the patient. / On going / Practice Manager
Would like to tackle DNA rate / GPs unhappy with DNA rate as this could have an adverse effect on Access targets / Letters sent out to regular offenders. Need to review could think about charging patients for DNA similar to Dentists
Have now implemented an automated telephone message system
Now have a mobile phone to allow patients to text in to cancel appointments and request prescriptions.
Also looking at possibilities of having a website facility which allows patients to leave messages / Jun 2012 / GP/Nurse/ Practice Manager
Telephone triage system for patients who want immunisations to go abroad / Nurses happy to provide this system
Also a yellow fever centre now
Providing HPV to age group 20 -26
Looking at providing Shingles vaccination and malaria kits
Providing insulin clinics for diabetics
Providing 24hr BP readings for patients
Sexual health advice given including emergency contraception / Yes
Good service provided along with other travel vaccinations and advice given.
Will provide on patient request but at a cost to the patient / Mar 2012
On going
On going / Practice nurse /Practice Manager
To provide an implanon, pessary and coil service / Dr Khan provides this service / Dr Khan provides this excellent service / Mar 2012 / GP/Nurse
To provide a facility for patients to ring through prescriptions / GP happy to provide this service / Now implementing this service and reviewing regular.
Timings are an issue, so will keep a close eye on this. / Achieved
On going / Practice Manager/Assistant Manager
To become a GP training practice / GPs are happy to take the surgery forward and see this as a good opportunity
To take on board trainee GPs / Dr Khan is now a qualified GP trainer / Apr /May 2012
Aug 12 / Practice Manager/Nurse/GPs/Staff
To provide counsellor services / With the present climate we see this as an opportunity to provide a worthwhile service / Yes we have 3 trainee’s called Jemma, Angie and Maria who are providing this service.
Counselling now in high demand due to the strains everyone is under with the recession / Jan 2010
On going / Practice Manager/GPs
To provide Hypnotherapy services / GP happy to give this a try as we have had some great results with some difficult patients
Advertise this service to patients on advertising board / Yes we have a hypnotist interested called Edie in providing this service / Achieved
On going / Practice Manager/GPs
To provide another nurse prescriber for the surgery / GPs happy for the nurse to do her training as this will be an asset at Ryhope/Pallion / This will benefit both surgeries and take pressure off GPs
Susan Goldsmith is presently doing her training / Achieved
Achieved / Practice Manager/GPs
To gain a better understanding of the Consortia and the plans that they expect the practice to engage in / GPs will have to engage in the plans of the consortia so that we can go forward in the NHS / Better continuity of care for the patients
Better community services for patients
Look at avenues to improve service / Dec 2012 / Practice Manager/GPs