Dear PCNNZ Member,

Welcome to our first update for 2014!

There is no doubt we are well and truly into the New Year with March approaching and early signs of autumn. The PCNNZ committee have recently met via teleconference and identified key work for 2014 including: review of our strategic plan which is currently in progress and a draft will be forwarded to membership for comment soon; development of a media strategy; and some preliminary planning for our next PCNNZ conference in 2015.

Our Palliative Care Council representative Helen Sawyer, advises us announcements are pending of appointments to the soon to be formed Last days of Life Initiatives Working Group. The project this group is to be tasked is a review of current models of care being used in New Zealand to guide care in the final days of life, including the LCP. The intention will be to develop a consensus on minimum standards of care and recommendations for use nationally. Helen is a member of the Governance Group over seeing this key project that aims to forward recommendations to the Minister of Health by November 2014.

Jude Pickthorne and myself are attending the Palliative Care Nurses Australia Conference in Sydney in early April, as part of our MOU agreement with PCNA and on-going work to deepen links with our sister organisation across the Tasman. We look forward to feeding back news and information from the conference to you in due course. As always please contact us via our web page and/or Face book with your comments and thoughts both complementary and constructive, we place great importance on your feedback.

Warm regards to you all

Jacqui Bowden-Tucker


We have recently revamped our Facebook page and encourage you to come over and join the social conversation if you haven’t done so already. Click on the link below to take you there


Many of you will soon be receiving reminders to update your memberships; we hope that all the Gremlins are now fixed on Paypal so you are paying the complete membership fee of $60. Don’t forget that PCNNZ membership means cheaper conference fees!!

To find out more go online to PCNNZ

Skylight Summer Sale! 20% off all Skylight Resources

For the month of February all Skylight resources are 20% off the retail price.

Hurry and place your order while stocks last.

Ways to order:

Free Phone – 0800 299 100 (within NZ 9.00am – 5.00pm)

Online shop:


Genesis Oncology Trust

Professional Development Award grant round

Closing date March 14th 2014

Maximum of $3,000

Outcomes late April or early May 2014

Since 2002 The Genesis Oncology Trust has been supporting New Zealand-based initiatives that will lead to improvements in the prevention, detection, diagnosis or treatment of cancer, or improvements in the palliative care of cancer patients (hospice care). Over $10 million has been distributed in the form of grants. Seven categories of award are made including Professional Development Awards. The latter are designed to allow established cancer researchers and cancer-care professionals (including doctors, nurses, radiotherapists, radiation technologists, social workers etc.) to travel and participate in scientific meetings or advanced training programmes that will enhance their professional competence or extend their range of skills.

The Trust runs annual competitive grant rounds for all seven categories of grant with closing dates in late August each year. However, to make it easier for those involved in cancer care and research to plan ahead, the Trust provides an additional opportunity to apply for Professional Development Awardswith a closing date in 2014 of March 14th.

The maximum grant in the March 14th2014Professional Development Award grant round is$3,000,and is primarily intended to cover travel to attend conferences or participate in training courses. Larger amounts for professional development initiatives may be awarded in the main grant round which closes in late August each year, with outcomes announced in early December (see web site for main round closing dates). Outcomes of the March 14thround will be announced in late April or early May. Retrospective awards will not be considered, so please do not apply for travel or other initiatives that commence before or soon after the outcome date.

For more information on this award and to download the application form and advice to applicants please visit the Genesis Oncology Trust web site contact the Programme Manager Douglas Ormrod

Mary Potter Hospice is bringing together a number of specialist speakers who will focus on the varied aspects of this important subject. This day will include contributions of different applied disciplines looking at non-drug approaches to dyspnoea as well as medical approaches at the end of life.

Mary Potter Hospice invites all health professionals, community health, primary care and specialist groups to attend this special one day symposium to learn about breathlessness (dyspnoea) specifically at the end of life.

Places are limited – please register online now to ensure your place at the symposium. Alternatively, download the attached registration form and return to Mary Potter Hospice (details at the bottom of the registration form).

From The Education Team @ Mary Potter Hospice


A fantastic opportunity is available for a nurse with a passion and a commitment to Palliative Care to grow and develop further.


The Donny Trust in partnership with Canterbury Integrated Palliative Care Services are offering a 2 year training post in Palliative Care Nursing.

This unique opportunity is for Registered Nurses with at least three years post graduate experience who wishes to choose Palliative Care as their area of specialty practice or who would like to develop specialist skills in Palliative Care.

The successful candidate will receive:

  • Full salary for 2 years as a stipend
  • The stipend also includes

a. Funded post graduate University study in Palliative Care

b. Funded attendance at relevant National Conferences

  • Regular supervision and mentoring from a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner
  • High quality clinical placements in a variety of Palliative care settings including Hospice inpatient unit, community & hospital palliative care

The programme will start in July 2014. If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact Willem Vink, Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner, Canterbury District Health Board Ph 03 3641473 or Raewyn Jenkins Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Educator Nurse Maude Hospice Palliative Care Service Ph 03 3754185

Should you wish to apply for this position, please submit your application by sending your CV and covering letter to:

Raewyn Jenkins Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Educator

Nurse Maude Hospice Palliative Care Service

15 Mansfield Avenue

PO Box 36126



Closing Date for applications is March 21st 2014.