Drafted August 28, 2007

Revised Friday 31st March 2017 at Harley’s

Section A League Organization

A.1The organization shall be known as the Subic Bay Expat Pool League

A.2The purpose of the League is to provide a scheme of recreation League Play that provides an alternative format from established local leagues.

A.3Administration of the League shall be conducted by duly elected and appointed officers in accordance with these by-laws.

A.3.1Elected officers shall be a President, Vice President, Min three Arbitration Board members.

. These four along with the League Secretary and Treasurer shall make up the Executive Board. No team may have more than one member on the Executive Board (this rule may be waived when there are fewer than ten teams in the league and insufficient members are willing to serve as League Officers.).

A.3.2The Association Secretary shall be a 500 peso per season (for each of the Tuesday & Friday leagues) salaried officer appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the elected officers.

A.3.3The League Treasures shall be appointed by the President and approved by majority of elected officers.

A.4Election of officers of the League shall be held during a meeting held after the conclusion of one season and before the start of the next. . ( in both the Tuesday & Friday leagues ) Officers shall serve a term of one scheduled season.

A.5Duties of Officers

A.5.1The President shall be the chief administrative officer and shall preside over the annual meeting. When eligible (see A.8) the President shall also convene and preside over The Executive Board to resolve protests or rule interpretations. The President shall also make appointments to vacated offices.

A.5.2The Secretary shall maintain all records of the League and compile and make available weekly reports on league standings for the league. The Secretary shall also assist the President in any administrative requirements otherwise not specified. The Secretary shall also serve on the Executive Board when eligible.

A.5.3The Treasurer shall maintain accounts and have custody of all monetary resources of the League. The Treasurer shall serve on the Executive but shall be a non-voting member in matters of arbitration or protests.

A.5.4The Advisory Council members shall participate to resolve protests and rule interpretations. They may also be individually asked for an opinion on a situation not requiring the convening of an Executive Board. There shall be three elected Advisory Council members.


A.6.1A simple majority vote shall prevail for the election of officers. A 2/3 majority of eligible voters present shall be required for By-Law and Rule changes.

A.6.2Each team is entitled to one Delegate vote..

A.6.3A Delegate may be the sponsor or the sponsors designated representative. A Delegate may represent more than one team and thus have more than one vote.

A.6.4Only official team Delegates may vote in the election of officers.

A.6.5Incumbent League officers, if not otherwise a team Delegate, shall each have a single vote in matters other than election of officers.

A.6.6Other attendees at the annual meeting may participate in open discussions, but may not vote.

A.7Assets of the League and management of such assets shall be entrusted to the League Treasurer. Assets of the League are the property of the League and accountability shall be immediately transferred to the incoming Treasurer upon completion of a term of office.

A.8Officers may not rule in arbitration matters that directly involve the team they play for. In the event the President is ineligible the League Secretary shall preside. No team may have more than one member on the Executive Board. In the event the Association Secretary is also ineligible to preside – the three remaining Advisory Council members shall select at least one temporary member from the league rosters to convene an arbitration panel.

A.9 By-laws and Rules

A.9.1By-laws and rule changes voted in at the League meeting shall become effective for the up-coming season.

A.9.2Rule clarifications and additions provided on the weekly standing sheets are considered official interpretations and will be added to the official league rules as appropriate at the next revision of the rules. Team Captains are responsible for knowing these rule clarifications and modifications, and for communicating them to their players.

A.9.3All team Captains are responsible for knowing the rules thoroughly and making sure all of their players know the rules. Every team Captain will be provided a copy of the rules and ignorance of a rule is no excuse for an infraction. An up to date copy of these Administrative By-laws and rules of play must be made available by the home team during match play.

A.9.4The rules of administration and the game as specified herein must be adhered to. Infractions are not allowed simply because two team Captains agree to break the rules. The overall standings are affected and other teams are affected too.

A.9.5The League President and the Executive Board may collectively make exceptions to rules where they feel extenuating circumstances exist that make application of the rule beyond the intent of the written rule. The League President and the Executive Board will resolve anything not covered by these by-laws and rules.

A.10Special Provision: Sponsoring venues are usually in the business of selling beverages and/or food. Unless the sponsoring venue has an express policy to the contrary, all beverages and food consumed on the premises shall be limited to those provided by the venue. An exception to this is small amounts of vender offered specialty items such as peanuts or other such snack items.

Section BGeneral Rules

B.1 Team Eligibility

B.1.1Any local establishment(Private residence pool tables are not allowed to participate) having a minimum of one pool table may enter a team – as long as they field a team within the player eligibility requirements and adhere to the following conditions:

B.1.1.a Local drink prices during a league match shall not exceed “70 peso” or other routine scheduled promotional drink prices.

B.1.1.b If a player from an opposing team has incurred the wrath of the hosting venue and has been deemed “persona non grata” by that establishment - for the duration of that match the establishment shall accept his presence. At the conclusion of the final game, the establishment management shall allow him fifteen minutes minimum to consume his beverages and conclude the affairs of the match. After fifteen minutes, at their discretion, the management may ask him to leave.

B.1.2Team makeup must be of at least three players and no more than four players for a match. Over the course of a season, any number of players may be on the roster, but no more than four may be used in any given match. Players must be male expats (Foreign person born in another country other than the Philippines) No women or Pilipino men are allowed. Requests for exceptions to this strict rule in special cases must be petitioned to the Executive Board

B.1.3Hosting venues must provide a regulation table and balls in reasonable playing condition. They are also to ensure there is a bridge, powder, and cue tip chalk available for use.

B.1.4If for any reason the home team venue cannot host the match then an alternative table needs to be found

1st choice will be away teams venue (if that is not also available) then the 2nd choice will be only a bar that is in the current pool league season

This is for all money generated from the match is kept in the participating bars in the pool league joined that season.

B.2Player Eligibility

B.2.1Players must be at least 18 years old and be foreign national male expats.

B.2.2A player may not change teams during a season.

B.2.3Eligibility of a team player within the rules of the league shall be ascertained and agreed to by the team captains prior to the start of each match. Once an agreement is made on the eligibility of a player, he may legally play his allotted games in that match. Both team captains must agree on the eligibility of a player. If there is a dispute and it cannot be resolved, the player may not play. If the player alleged to be ineligible by either team captain feels this was not a fair determination, he may petition the league to verify or establish his eligibility. A player who cannot unquestionably establish his eligibility is subject each week to the opposing team captains’ approval until he has petitioned the league to establish once and for all his eligibility.

B.2.4Eachestablishmentis responsible for a P1500 League entry fee. Entry fee has to be paid to the treasurer seven days before the new season starts (last Tuesday before start of the season) to allow for the schedule to be made. Failure to pay on time will result in a P500.00 fine. Whether this is provided by a sponsor or team members is each team’s discretion. This League entry fee will go towards record keeping expenses, any awards, and a league party. Each team will allotted fourfree admissions to the party. Additional food admissions will be allowed at a cost P200 each. Invited females and Filipinos may attend the party

B.2.5Teams who have dropped from the league during a season or have been dropped from the league due to excessive forfeitures during a season shall be expelled for the season following their offense. And players from the bar cannot play for another team in the league UNLESS THE BAR HAS CLOSED DOWN.

B.2.6 Fines and expulsions continue to apply to first – a sponsor who relocates and maintains the same or similar name: and second – a new owner of an existing establishment, maintaining the same name. An establishment with a new owner and a new name is considered a new team. A sponsor who relocates with a new name is considered a new team.

B.2.7 Teams who have forfeited once may not forfeit again for the rest of that season or they will be expelled and are ineligible for the lottery to host the season ending MVP tournament / party. Also those bar team players are not eligible to play or have any food or drinks at the MVP tournament / party at the end of that season.

B.3Time/Date of Play

B.3.1All matches will begin at 6:30PM Tuesday/Fridays in accordance with the issued schedule. The match table will be made available to the visiting team from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM on match day for practice. The home team may have priority use of the table earlier than 6:00pm

B.3.1.a A match may start earlier or later if agreed upon by both team captains. In such instances, the match table shall be made available to the visiting team 30 minutes prior to the start of the match.

B.3.1.b A late arriving visiting team will have their practice time shortened and the match will begin on time.

B.3.3If a team requests the rescheduling of a match for their own convenience, it must be done with no less than 24 hours notice and the rescheduled date shall be within one week at the convenience of the team that did not request the rescheduling. A shorter time frame for requesting a postponement is solely at the discretion of the team captain who is ready to play as scheduled. Requests for postponement after 6:30PM on the scheduled match date will only be allowed for reasons beyond anyone's control. This includes extreme weather conditions, power failures, or an unavoidable incident approved by the League Officers.

B.3.4A team must have a minimum of two players to begin a match. If a team is unable to start play due to the lack of the minimum number of players to start, they shall be allowed a fifteen-minute grace period. If they are unable to start play after the grace period, they shall forfeit the match. A longer waiting period is strictly at the pleasure of the team ready to begin play.

B.3.4.a With the minimum number of players, a team may play the match and forfeit games only as necessary.

B.3.4.b Insertion of late arriving third player to complete a line-up is permissible at any time and the team assessed forfeitures only for those games where a third player was not available.

B.4Match Format

B.4.1A match shall consist of three sets and a Scotch doubles beer round. In the Scotch doubles play if the breaker sinks any balls on the break, his partner takes the next turn.Partners take turns shooting until one of them does not make a ball. Play than passes to the other team, which chooses the same procedure. Their will be a total of thirteen games. In the first set, a round robin format will have each player play a different player on the opposing team during the first three sets. The fourth game in each of the first three sets will be a doubles game and plaid as a Scotch double match. Each set doubles game will pick two players from each team, with each player playing one doubles game with each of his teammates

(i.e - set 1: A and B player - set 2: B and C - set 3: A and C) No player will play more than two doubles games in a match and no two players may play more than one doubles game together in a match The last game shall be a beer round with players playing through a team rotation,. All games (including the beer round) will count in the standings. Loss of the beer round results in the losing team buying a round of drinks for the winning team. This rule also stipulates that the venue is not responsible for the cost of the beer round - the idea being rather that each player on a losing team buys a player on the winning team a local drink of their choice. If a team plays with three players throughout the match, they must also play with three players during the beer round – or forfeit that game. If they have played the match with only two players and suffering the consequential forfeits, they may play the beer round with two players.

B.4.2A single substitution (fourth team member) may be made in a match, but the substituted player may not subsequently be re-entered in the line-up to play any more games during that match. He is permanently substituted for during the rest of that match. Illegal players will be assessed a loss for any illegal games. If the illegal game was a loss, the illegal player shall be assessed a loss from a prior or subsequent legal win. If an illegal player has no wins to forfeit, there will be no penalty. If an illegal player forms a minimum line-up to qualify the team for play, the match shall be forfeited by his team.

B.4.3The team captain may create his line-up order in any fashion, including specifically any strategy he decides in establishing the order of play. One or all sets at a time, all players must be noted before the start of play of that set, doubles must be noted according to the A B C players listed from that set.


B.5.1One point shall be awarded for each game won. Seven points or more wins the match.

B.5.2All thirteen games must be played or forfeited. Total number of games won will be a factor in breaking ties for regular season standings and seeding for the playoffs (if any).

B.5.3A single score sheet shall be signed by both team captains to verify match results and lineups. The first and last names of players present must be annotated in space provided for team roster.

B.5.4BOTH team captains or his representative is responsible for texting the score to Paul at 09196471234 immediately after the match. Home team sponsor will maintain score sheets for future reference.

No score texted in by midnight of day of match will be 0-0 score to both teams

B.5.5Teams establishing the habit of not texting the score in; turning their score sheets in on time; or turning in inaccurate, incomplete, or illegible score sheets may be faced with forfeitures after warning by the League Officers


B.6.1League and standings will be first determined by the highest of matches won.

B.6.2If two or more teams are tied in number of matches won, the higher percentage of games won shall be the tie breaker.

B.6.3If a tie between two or more teams exists at the end of the regular season and total games won fails to break the tie, the League Officers shall determine a fair and appropriate method of breaking ties.

B.7 Forfeits

B.7.1Forfeited matches shall result in a score of 13 - 0 in favor of the non-forfeiting team and 0 - 13 for the

Forfeiting team.

B.7.2Establishments invest some expense to sponsor teams with a purpose of providing an activity for their regular patrons, advertisement and public relations, and for the business generated during home matches. Forfeitures deny an establishment the benefits of sponsorship. To compensate an establishment for the loss of benefits, fines shall be assessed for forfeitures. Forfeiting visiting teams shall be fined P300 and forfeiting home teams shall be fined P300. Failure to pay fines will result in expulsion from the league and exclusion from the league for the following season, and exclusion for any subsequent seasons until fines have been satisfied. Fines shall go to the offended establishment. The League Officers may rule on extenuating factors to exempt a team from a fine, however, the match must be rescheduled and made up to fulfill the terms of exemption. Payment of forfeiture fines is the responsibility of the fined team captain.