CMCL-C 121/SPCH-S 121 Public Speaking– Spring 2015

Westfield High School

Credits / 3 / College of Arts and Sciences Education
CASE / Arts & Humanities
Instructor / Mrs. Holly Reineking / Office / 867-6961
Email / / Office Hours / 2:25-2:55 W/R or by appt
Meeting Times / M-F 2nd period 8:49-9:59 and 3rd period 10:05-11:17 / Meeting Location / Room 1233
Prerequisite(s) / None / Enrollment Cap per Section / 24
Course Description / Theory and practice of public speaking: training in thought processes necessary to organize speech content; analysis of components of effective delivery and language. Credit not given for both S121 and C121.
Core Transfer Library Course / Yes, CTL Name: Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Textbook Title & Author / The Speaker: The Tradition and Practice of Public Speaking (2nd edition) by Joseph Valenzano III and Stephen Braden. Fountainhead Press: 2012.
Learning Objectives / 1. Use appropriate organization or logical sequencing to deliver an oral message.
2. Adapt an oral message for diverse audiences, contexts, and communication channels.
3. Identify and demonstrate appropriate oral and nonverbal communication practices.
4. Advance an oral argument using logical reasoning.
5. Provide credible and relevant evidence to support an oral argument.
6. Demonstrate the ethical responsibilities of sending and receiving oral messages.
7. Summarize or paraphrase an oral message to demonstrate comprehension.
How IU Grade will be Calculated / Speeches & Written Work (375 total)
Introductory Speech (35)
Public Speaking Inventory (5); Speech (25); Video Reflection (5)
Media Review Speech (75)
Outline (10); Speech (60); Video Reflection (5)
Informative Speech (125)
Topic Proposal (10); Outline (10); Speech (100); Video Reflection (5)
Advocacy Speech (140)
Outline (10); Speech (125); Video Reflection (5)
Class Participation (50 total)
Includes quizzes, journals, impromptu or brief speeches, short writing assignments, overall professionalism, verbal participation during class, other activities
How High School Grade will be Calculated / The trimester grade will be out of 510 points and the final will be out of 60 points.
See IU grade category above for Speeches & Written Work (375 points total)
See IU grade category above for Class Participation (50)
Homework and Quizzes (85) – Additional impromptu speeches, reading assignments, and homework (35); Quizzes (50)
Final Exam (60) – Final reflection (10) and Ceremonial Speech (50) = 20% of total grade
IU Grading Scale
A+: 97-100% / C+: 77-79.9%
A: 93-96.9% / C: 73-76.9%
A-: 90-92.9% / C-: 70-72.9%
B+: 87-89.9% / D+: 67-69.9%
B: 83-86.9% / D: 63-66.9%
B-: 80-82.9% / D-: 60-62.9%
High School Grading Scale
A: 93-100% / C: 73-76%
A-: 90-92% / C-: 70-72%
B+: 87-89% / D: 65-69%
B: 83-86% / F: 59.9% & below
B-: 80-82%
C+: 77-79%
Schedule of Assignments / You will receive a monthly calendar of due dates and presentations.
Topic 1: Foundations of Public Speaking – Chapter 1 “A Rhetorical Perspective”
Topic 2: The Active Power of Language – Chapters 2, 8, 9; Intro. Speeches
Topic 3: Intro. to Persuasion – Chapters 4 and 6 “Ethos,” “Pathos”; Media Review Speech
Topic 4: Informative Speaking – Chapters 3, 5, 10, 11; Informative Speech
Topic 5: The Art of Reasoning – Chapters 7, 12, 13, 14; Advocacy Speech
Topic 6: Ceremonial Speaking – Chapters 15 and 16; Ceremonial Speech
Classroom Policies Information / Civil, Respectful Discourse—C121 is an active class characterized by a great deal of discussion, often of controversial subjects. At all times, a supportive classroom climate of mutual respect for all people is expected. Even if people vigorously disagree with one another, they can and must do so with civility and respect. Any behavior that is disrespectful to others or has the potential to damage the learning environment of our class will not be tolerated
Attendance Policy / This class will move rapidly and relies heavily on in-class discussions, student presentations, and activities as well as lectures, so it is critical that you regularly attend class. We expect you to be an active member of our learning community. Therefore, C121 enforces a strict absence policy. Any day that you are not in class you will not receive participation points. These points CANNOT be made up.
Late Work Policy / No Late Work — All work is physically (bring a printed copy) due at the beginning of class on the specified date. Start early on your work to allow for last-minute problems. If you do not turn in an assignment in class on the day it is due, it will receive a score of zero. If you must miss class on a day an assignment is due, make arrangements for me to receive your work before it is due.
No Late Speeches— There is no “right” to make up a missed speech. The only day you are guaranteed to be able to deliver your speech is on your assigned speech day. Reasonable adjustments may be made for extreme circumstances (e.g., hospitalization). If you do not deliver your speech on your assigned speech date, the maximum score you may receive will be a C.
Make-up/Re-take Exam Policy / Per the WHS handbook policy
Dual Credit-High School Credit Policy Statement / The rigor of this course will be periodically reviewed by Indiana University faculty in an effort to maintain the high quality of education that each student receives. Due to the unique format of this course, students must decide during the IU enrollment period whether they wish to receive dual credit (high school and IU credit) or only high school credit. Students who choose to take the course only for high school credit and receive a passing grade may not register at a later date or repeat the course (while in high school) for college credit.
IU Academic Misconduct Statement / The rights and responsibilities of Indiana University students are explained in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, The Code describes the types of misconduct for which students may be penalized, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism and interference with other students’ work, as well as actions which endanger the University and the University community and possession of firearms. The Code also indicates the procedures to be followed in these cases. All students are required to adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the Code
The definition and clarification related to academic misconduct is here:
Examples of Plagiarism:
Per IU policy, ACP instructors are required to investigate and then report all incidents of academic misconduct to the Dean of Students.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees, effective August 1, 2009

Additional contact information:


Twitter: @hreineking