Lesson Observation Commentary Form

Trainee’s Name: / Jimmy Cricket / School: / Sporting College
Date: / 5th December 2007 / Class/Year Group: / Year 7 Boys
Lesson Theme: / Gymnastics – Partner Balances (counter) mirroring & matching / Lesson Time: / 10.10 11.10
Observer: / PE Mentor / Number in Class: / 25

In addition you should comment, where appropriate, upon the standard of the trainee’s Professional Attributes, Professional Knowledge and Understanding & Professional Skills.


What a good calm entry into the gym, very disciplined. You have high expectations of behaviour and the boys are responding well.

Your manner is very calm and reassuring as you introduce the lesson. I’m pleased to see you use the whiteboard to reinforce previous learning but be aware of your writing (is it legible)? Good to hear you use technical language and emphasise the need for body tension. Good subject knowledge of forward rolls and in gymnastics generally.

I really like the way you recapped on previous lessons, went over technical language and teaching points and explained the lesson objectives well.

The boys carry the mats out well and the whole method of distribution was done calmly. Well done.

I suspect the mats being used should be condemned just be aware.

Warm Up – Foxes and rabbits. This is a good pulse raiser and helps develop upper body strength. I’m really pleased you have taken off your trainers this is a good example to the class. Well done.

Stretches – model the stretch and then move around the group to ensure the boys are stretching correctly. Good knowledge of stretches. Try and use the technical name of muscles ie. Quadriceps rather than thigh muscle.

Side roll – good demonstration and explanation of the side roll. Good pace of lesson. You gave really tight criteria for the observation of the side roll demonstration by the pupils but could they have worked in pairs and observed and coached their partner.

Jimmy, try not to ask for volunteers to demonstrate because you might not always get a good example. Try and spot a pupil and ask them to demonstrate. However, your analysis of the demonstrations was good.

Backward roll – Great demonstration of the first stage of the backward roll. The back needs to be curved and a lot of the boys are having difficulty rolling because they have a straight back and are ‘landing’ on their back rather that rolling along it.

Good to point this out.

I like the way you give really clear criteria in what to look for when pupils are observing.

Counter balances – I’m glad to see you have provided the boys with a visual resource. I’m also glad to see the two boys being split up but ‘Jack’ is not a good partner for anyone to have.

Could your demonstration of a counter balance have been simpler? Your resource sheets are proving to be really useful for the boys to work from.

You have a really lovely manner with the boys. You are a very good role model Jimmy.

Please be aware of your positioning as you move around helping groups you must be able to see everything that is going on. Including Jack and his new partners.

You have been very clear in your building up of a sequence and once again have given good criteria to the observers but could you have been more specific in the way you do this i.e. John & Fred watch Toni & Mike etc and make all the class observe and feedback instead of asking for volunteers to perform and the rest to observe. If one group perform and the others watch I would want to see a really good example for the rest of the class to aspire to. Think quality and if you don’t see it tell them what has to be done to achieve it or the use of digital camera could be very useful for this.

I am pleased you have asked Jack’s group to demonstrate because they have been off task ever since Jack joined them. I would have made more of their inability to answer the task but perhaps this could be used as a behaviour strategy in future.

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