BPOs: ABCW1400832 – ITD

ABCW1400835 – MDAD

ABCW1400836 - WASD

Contract No.: 9241-0/15-C

Title: Information Technology Consultant Services

Commodity Code(s):918-29, 918-28, 918-95

Living Wage Applies: YES NO

Contract Period:July 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016

Contract Manager: Juliana Manjarres, Procurement Contracting Officer

Phone:(305)375-3065 Fax: (305) 375-5688



The Information Technology Department (ITD) will administer this contract on behalf of all departments. Departments must follow the steps outlined below to obtain services under this contract.


User departments (including ITD for internal ITD projects) must develop a “Statement of Work” (SOW) clearly detailing the requirements of each project to be issued under this contract using a Request for Quote (RFQ) process. The SOW should be drafted using the template included in FORM A. This SOW will become the technical specifications portion of the RFQ that is to be solicited.

Points to consider when developing the Statement of Work (SOW):

A statement of work (SOW) is described as a detailed description of the work that is to be performed. A SOW is unique to each solicitation document, but usually consists, at minimum, some or all of the following:

  • A detailed statement of the purpose, objective or goals to be performed by the Vendor.
  • Identification of all significant material or services to be developed or provided by the Vendor and delivered to the County (technical specifications)
  • Identification of all significant material to be provided by the County to the Vendor
  • Delivery requirements and/or an estimated time schedule for the provision of these services by the Vendor, including the duration (term) of the project
  • Acceptance criteria for the work to be performed
  • Payment schedule

User departments (including ITD for internal ITD projects) must complete either FORM B for an RFQ or FORM C for an RFR. These forms must be executed by the appropriate approval authority for each department.


After completing FORM A and FORM B or FORM C, departments must use the ITD REMEDY system to generate a Change Procurement Ticket. The approved forms must be attached in the REMEDY system. For instructions on the use of the REMEDY system, visit the following link:


ITD will review all submitted forms and provide approval to the user department via the REMEDY system.


Solicitations under this contract can be complete via two methods. RFQs should be completed to obtain consultant services on a project basis. RFRs should be completed to obtain staff augmentation. The instructions for each process are outline below.


  1. For internal ITD projects, ITD must complete FORM B, “Request for Quote.” This FORM B should be combined with the FORM ASOW. These two forms together constitute the complete RFQ package. For projects being completed on behalf of user departments, FORM A and FORM B will be provided to ITD via REMEDY.
  1. ITD can opt to complete market research for each new RFQto narrow the number of firms that the RFQ is sent to ORITD can send the RFQ to all awarded vendors. All market research conducted shall be documented on the market researchFORM E, and be included in the documentation for each new RFQ.
  1. ITD must send the RFQ (including FORM A and FORM B) via email to those firms awarded on Contract 9241-0/15-B that have been identified through market research or to all awarded vendors. ITD must set a deadline for submission of responses, allowing a minimum of 5 business days.
  1. Depending on the complexity of the RFQ, a “Question and Answer” session may be in order, to consider issues and questions which could not be addressed in the solicitation document, or via written communication with the participating vendors prior to due date.
  1. ITD must then select the responsive, responsible firm providing the lowest fixed price based on a review of all submitted responses. Selection shall generally be based on the firm offering the lowest cost only; however, per Section 2.22 of Contract No. 9241-0/15, time for completion of the project may also be a factor in determining the award. ITD must also follow the guide lines for the application of Local Preference and SBE Bid Preference as outlined Part 2 of this Roadmap. Additionally, ITD must collect the Collusion Affidavit (FORM G) for the selected Bidder and provide an Award Recommendation Letter (FORM H), including an email copy to the Clerk of the Board at , to all Bidders that replied to the RFQ.
  1. If, in ITD’s opinion, an insufficient number and/or quality of quotations are received by the required date to satisfy a request, ITD, at its option, may initiate a new RFQ process. Should the selected firm not fulfill the project guidelines as outlined in the request to the satisfaction of ITD, ITD reserves the right to terminate the engagement. ITD then has the right to either go back to the list of quotations received in response to the RFQ or process a new one.
  1. Vendors may attempt to provide the County with their own contractual documents for execution in connection with the specific engagements. ITD should discourage the presentation of such documents, as their inclusion will put the burden on the County to ensure that the language in such documents is not to the County’s detriment and/or inconsistent with the solicitation processes conducted. If unavoidable, such documents will require the participation of the County Attorney’s Office in determining their acceptability for inclusion.


  1. For internal ITD projects, ITD must complete FORM C, “Request for Resumes.” All RFRs are to be processed using FORM C. This form outlines the specific classification, job title, required skills and other specific personnel requirements such as: education, general work experience, specific hardware and/or software application knowledge, required certifications, etc. It also contains vendor instructions for completing the form. This FORM C constitutes the complete RFR package. For projects being completed on behalf of user departments, FORM C will be provided to ITD via REMEDY.
  1. ITD can opt to complete market research for each new RFRto narrow the number of firms that the RFR is sent to ORITD can send the RFR to all awarded vendors. All market research conducted shall be documented on the market researchFORM E, and be included in the documentation for each new RFR.
  1. ITD must send the RFR(FORM C) via email to those firms awarded on Contract 9241-0/15-B that have been identified through market research or to all awarded vendors. ITD must set a deadline for submission of responses, allowing a minimum of 5 business days.
  1. Upon receipt of resumes, ITD shall review the Master Price list for the selected vendor and verify that the proposed hourly rate for the candidate does not exceed the ceiling rate listed in the Master Price list. ITD may seek to further negotiate any proposed rate to ensure the best value to the County.
  1. ITD will provide the contact person with copies of all resumes received for review and confirmation of contract compliance. User departments will coordinate with ITD to select the best-qualified individuals based on a review of all submitted resumes. At ITD’s option, individuals whose resumes closely match the Job Title and Job Description required may be scheduled for an interview that will either take place over the phone or in person. The final determination of the selected candidate shall be in the discretion of ITD. If hourly rate is a determining criteria in the candidate selection process, ITD shall also apply Local Preference and SBE Bid Preference in the manner outlined Part 2 of this Roadmap.
  1. Selected vendors are expected to have contacted potential employees and have all employment variables (salary, relocation expenses, etc.) negotiated with them prior to the Request for Resume submission to the County for consideration.
  1. The selected Bidder must provide drug and alcohol testing of all personnel. Proof of drug and alcohol testing must be received prior to approval of personnel for assignment. The selected Bidder is also subject to Administrative Order 7-35, including the County’s pre-employment physical examination policy. Additionally, ITD must collect the Collusion Affidavit (FORM G) for the selected Bidder and provide an Award Recommendation Letter (FORM H), including an email copy to the Clerk of the Board at , to all Bidders that replied to the RFR .
  1. If, in ITD’s opinion, an insufficient number and/or quality of resumes are received by the required date to satisfy a request, ITD, at its option, may initiate a new RFR process until the position is filled satisfactorily. Should the selected candidate not fulfill the job duties as outlined in the request to the satisfaction of the County, ITD reserves the right to terminate that employee. ITD then has the right to either go back to the list of candidates received in response to their request for resume, or process a new one.


Prior to making an award und this pool, ITD is required to:

  • Obtain a signed Collusion Affidavit from the vendor to be recommended for award.
  • Check that the recommended vendor is responsible, including checking the Pre-Award Vendor website at ITD may want to include a check of the vendor’s performance history in BTS. (Go to Vendors Home page, click on Registered Vendors, locate the vendor, in that vendor’s profile, click on the Non.Perf.Hist button.)
  • In your notice to participants of the quote results, copy the Clerk of the Board () and include language advising the vendor that the Cone of Silence is lifted.

(sample language – In accordance with the referenced solicitation, and Section 2-8.4 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, you are hereby notified that the Information Technology Department recommends award of this quote to: ______. Our provision of this notice also serves to confirm the lifting of the Cone of Silence from this procurement action as dictated by Section 2-11.1(t) of the County Code.

  • Allow a three (3) business day protest period, beginning the day after the award recommendation is posted with the Clerk and notification is sent to all participants.

Upon review from the user department, ITD will process a Purchase Order and provide it along with FORM F Work Order Letter to the selected Proposer.


For existing IT Consultant Resources, departments need to justify in writing the necessity to retain the services of the individual(s). This justification must be provided to ITD for review and approval through the REMEDY system. Potential grounds for justification include continuity of service in the case of an ongoing project, or not easily replaceable skills. Departments must retain a written record of such justifications, subject to record retention regulations. Departments may request to transition such existing personnel from the predecessor Contract No. 9241-0/15 or Contract No. 9241-0/15-A only if the vendor is awarded under this new contract. Transitioned personnel are subject to Administrative Order 7-35 and related processes, as any other temporary staff. Upon ITD approval, ITD will process a Purchase Order to complete the transition.


Each solicitation shall be consistent with IO No.3-38, “Master Procurement Implementing Order.” Individual Work Orders issued under the pool, valued above $1 million, shall be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for award prior to any work being performed.

Applicable Ordinances

Local Preference, Cone of Silence, UAP & Inspector General Ordinances shall be applicable to each solicitation issued under this contract.

Local Preference Consideration

The evaluation of competitive solicitations is subject to Section 2-8.5 of the Miami-Dade County Code, which, except where contrary to federal and state law, or any other funding source requirements, provides that preference be given to local businesses. A local business, for the purposes of this Section, shall be defined as a Proposer which meets all of the following:

  1. a business that has a valid occupational license, issued by Miami-Dade County at least one year prior to bid or proposal submission, that is appropriate for the goods, services or construction to be purchased;
  2. a business that has physical business address located within the limits of Miami-Dade County from which the vendor operates or performs business (Post Office Boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing said physical address.); and
  3. a business that contributes to the economic development and well-being of Miami-Dade County in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include but not be limited to the retention and expansion of employment opportunities and the support and increase in the County’s tax base. To satisfy this requirement, the vendor shall affirm in writing its compliance with either of the following objective criteria as of the proposal submission date stated in the solicitation:
  4. vendor has at least ten (10) permanent full time employees, or part time employees equivalent to 10 FTE (“full-time equivalent” employees working 40 hours per week) that live in Miami-Dade County, or at least 25% of its employees that live in Miami-Dade County, or
  5. vendor contributes to the County’s tax base by paying either real property taxes or tangible personal property taxes to Miami-Dade County, or
  6. some other verifiable and measurable contribution to the economic development and well-being of Miami-Dade County.

In the case of Requests for Quotes which are based on price and on Requests for Resumes in which hourly rate is a determining criteria, the following shall apply:

When there is a responsive bid from a Miami-Dade local business within 10% of the lowest price submitted by a responsive non-local business, the local business and the non-local low bidder shall have the opportunity to submit a best and final bid equal to our lower than the amount of the low bid previously submitted by the non-local business. When the above circumstances occur, ITD is to send out aFORM B-1 andFORM B-2 to obtain best and final offers.

Please note that the determination of the responsibility and responsiveness of all vendors that are to be included in the best and final process must take place prior to requesting the BAFO. This is to avoid a situation where a violation of the local preference ordinance to conduct a best and final process could take place. Even if low bidder, a non-responsive local vendor should not be included in this process.

The following vendors shall receive Local Preference:

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Revised 03/10/2017

  1. A. L. Jackson & Company, P. A.
  2. Alfa GL, Inc.
  3. A Management Group
  4. Apex Systems LLC
  5. Automated Port Solutions
  6. Blue Dot Solutions Inc.
  7. CNC Consulting
  8. Cyber Consulting Inc
  9. Edd Helms Group, Inc
  10. Enterprise Risk Management, Inc
  11. EscambiaSoft, Corp.
  12. GDKN Corp.
  13. Informatica El Corte Ingles USA, Corp.
  14. JRD & Associates Inc.
  15. KForce, Inc.
  16. MEC Personnel Consultants, Inc DBA Brightwing
  17. Miami Business Telephone Corp.
  18. Milian Swain & Associates, Inc.
  19. Modis, Inc.
  20. Momentum Consulting, Corp.
  21. P C Solutions & Integration, Inc
  22. Premiere Design Solutions, Inc.
  23. RadGov, Inc.
  24. Randstad North America, LP
  25. Ross & Baruzzini, Inc
  26. Signature Commercial Solutions, LLC DBA Signature Consultants
  27. SMX Services & Consulting, Inc.
  28. Softkey, Inc
  29. Sphere Business Consulting LLC
  30. Tempart, Inc DBA iCreatives
  31. The Ashvins Group Inc
  32. Think Forward Consulting, Inc.
  33. Transamerica Training Management Inc.
  34. TRG, Inc.
  35. Trident Telecom, Inc
  36. Veredus Corporation

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Revised 11/01/2016

Interlocal Agreement

At this time, there is an interlocal agreement in effect between Miami-Dade and Broward Counties until September 30, 2013. Therefore, a vendor which meets the requirements of (1), (2) and (3) above for Broward County shall be considered a local business pursuant to this Section.

Small Business Contract Measures

A Small Business Enterprise (SBE) bid preference applies to this solicitation.

A 10% percent bid preference shall apply to contracts $1 million or less and 5% percent on contracts greater than $1 million. A SBE/Micro Business Enterprise must be certified by the Department of Regulatory & Economic Resources Small Business Development division for the type of goods and/or services the Enterprise provides in accordance with the applicable Commodity Code(s) for this solicitation. For certification information, contact the Small Business Development at 305-375-3111 or access

The SBE/Micro Business Enterprise must be certified by bid submission deadline, at contract award and for the duration of the contract to remain eligible for the preference.

The following vendors shall receive SBE preference:

  1. A. L. Jackson & Company P. A.
  2. Automated Port Solutions
  3. Enterprise Risk Management, Inc.
  4. Miami Business Telephone Corp
  5. Milian Swain & Associates, Inc.
  6. The Ashvins Group Inc.
  7. Think Forward, Inc.
  8. Transamerica Training Management, Inc.
  9. JRD & Associates, Inc.

Insurance Requirements