Title of article
Given name and SURNAME [(]
title of article
Outline of the content: typeface 10 pts, aligned, interval before 0 pts after 0 pts, interline: exactly 13.
Key words: 5 key words, typeface 10 pts, centred, interval before 0 pts after 0 pts, interline: exactly 13.
Text of the paper: typeface 11 pts, indent of the first paragraph line: 0.72cm, text aligned, interval before 0 pts, after 0 pts, interval between lines (interline) exactly 13 in the whole paper.
Text of paper: typeface 11 pts, indent of the first line of paragraph: 0.72cm, text aligned, interval before 0 pts, after 0 pts, interval between lines (interline) exactly 13 in the whole paper.
Sample figure
Fig. 1. Model
Source: A. Kowalska, Zarządzanie kontaktami, Wydawnictwo, Gliwice 2002, p. 15.
Sample table:
Table 1. Population of Poland on the grounds of lists
Source: Demographic Yearbook 2005, Central Statistical Office, pp. 74-75, Demographic Yearbook 2006, Central Statistical Office, pp. 78-79.
Sample notation of a formula:
/ (1)Bibliography
1. Kotarbiński T., Traktat o dobrej robocie, PWN, Warsaw 1965.
2. Historia literatury rosyjskiej XX wieku, jonit publication ed. by A.Drawicz, Warsaw 1997.
The abstract of the paper in the English language: typeface 10 pts, aligned, indent of the first paragraph line: 0.72cm, interval before 0 pts, after 0 pts, interline: single.
Keywords: 5 words.
Rules for making bottom footnotes:
1T. Kotarbiński, Traktat o dobrej robocie, PWN, Warsaw 1965, p. 56.
1. Papers in the Research Bulletins of the Faculty of Economic Sciences are published in B-5 format. Please set the following diminensions in the text editor:
· page height: 23.5 cm;
· page width: 16.5 cm;
· text column width: 12.5 cm;
· text column height: 19.5 cm;
· margins: upper 2.5cm; bottom 2.4 cm; left 2 cm; right 2 cm;
· headline: 1.3 cm;
· imprint: 0 cm.
Mirror margines are to be set.
2. The number of pages is to be 10 including figures, tables, literature references and abstract.
3. The content of the paper is to be written in the WORD editor with the Times New Roman 11 typeface, while maintaining an interval of exactly 13 pts between lines (interline) for all paragraphs.
4. The layout of the paper is to be drawn up in accordance with the pattern presented on the previous page.
5. Abbreviations used should be in accordance with applicable rules.
6. All figures, charts and tables need to be directly placed in the text, or they should fill in whole pages (they are not to go beyond margins, in the vertical layout). Figures must be grouped.
7. Bibliography, only of the literature quoted in the paper, is to be supplied at the end of the paper in the alphabetical order.
8. Bottom footnotes with continous numbering are to be used for the whole text of the paper.
9. A short abstract in the the English language is to be supplied with a paper written in the Polish language. Papers in other languages need to include abstracts in the Polish language.
10. The article is to be supplied via electronic mail under the following address: . A statement concerning copyright laws and a consent for a review and publication of the work is to be appended to the text.
* In a footnote marked *, details concerning the autor (authors) need to be supplied: scientific title (degree), Faculty/Institute, Department/ Unit, University.