

(16 MARCH 2009)


  1. The current FAOR took up his position on 6 January 2009 and was not involved in the evaluation processes (Original Evaluation Report (ER-2007) and Management Response (MR-2008).
  2. The current Assistant FAOR (NPO-Programme), the Administration officer (International Consultant – FAO Retiree) and Operations Officer (National Consultant) were recruited post (ER and MR) and were also not involved in the processes.
  3. In view of this limitation this follow-up report has been prepared to the best (current) knowledge and interpretation of the context, recommendations and agreements of the ER and MR. Where appropriate further indications to improve Representation efficiency have been indicated.

Follow-UP Report on Agreed Actions Cambodia March 2009
Recommendation / Agreed Action / Action Taken / Comment
Yes / No
1: Restore the FAOR Capacity
The Representation needs to quickly build up a team to restore lost operational and technical capacity, with support of FAO Headquarters and Regional Office, as appropriate. The contractual practices need re-consideration. / 1.1 NMTPF consultant recruited (Sept 2007).
1.2 Operations specialist recruited
1.3 UNV recruited
1.4 Operations and Budget training provided by FAO-RAP
1.5 NPO Prog/AFAOR recruited / Oct 07
Oct 07
Jan 08
Aug 08 / x / Contextually- the background for this agreed action not clear – in particular why the recruitment of consultant for the NMTPF would sustainably restore the longer term technical capacity of the Representation. Nonetheless the current FAOR will undertake a review of the present NMTPF to ensure that in addition to addressing emerging priorities in agriculture due to the economic crisis that it also provides a solid entry point to the UNDAF and UN Joint Programs.
The current FAOR is exploring a number of options to recruit additional technical staff into the representation through APO,UNV and bilateral volunteer programmes (in particular Australia which has well reputed programme in Cambodia). The disciplines include economics/policy and planning, NRM (fisheries/forestry) and ICT. This will enable FAO to participate more fully in strategic discussions around technical working groups with government and donors, and UNDAF and JP discussions.
2: Use of AOS
FAO Representatives should direct the use of AOS in the most effective manner, without restriction on the type of staff that can be hired. / 2.1 The Representation will discuss AOS use plan upon receipt of the budget authorisation for 2008. / Early 2008 / A system of AOS use planning was initiated The current FAOR will aim to further rationalize AOS use.
3: Reporting Systems
A report construction frame and standard customized management reports meeting FAOR requirements should be developed. / 3.1 Report format of the Representation has been shared with all national project managers and staff concerned / 1st half 2008 / Following the training on Jan 08 from FAO-RAP staff and the recruitment of the operations specialist and retiree admin officer reporting formats were standardized and are being effectively used.
4: Procedures
The Representation should update/develop its operating procedures and administrative manual and maintain key statistical information. / 4.1 First action plan can be made in Feb 08; however, it needs to be modified and adjusted as vacant positions are filled. / 1st half 2008 / Reporting procedures will be further improved as all staff positions have been fully filled (in particular the NPO-Admin). A recent review by OCD on IT and Registry has also made a number of recommendations which are being implemented to streamline registry and archiving procedures. In line with FAO procedures, the aim is to move to a electronic registry system in 2009 and remove files and records which are more that 5 years old .
5: Role of the FAOR in Technical Missions
Based on NMTPF, the FAOR should create synergies between sources of technical support brought to the country and should be the decision maker for identifying the areas in which technical support is required and its timing. / 5.1 Technical level interaction is continued.FAOR continues support to technical missions.Regional and global project formulation includes consultation with FAOR at the early stage. / Ongoing / The current FAOR will give strong emphasis to technical involvement and in determining areas for further technical support. This is key to ensuring that the renewed emphasis on agriculture and food security in Cambodia(especially given economic slowdown) is as fully supported by FAO as possible.
Follow-UP Report on Agreed Actions Cambodia March 2009
Recommendation / Agreed Action / Action Taken / Comment
Yes / No
6: FAO’s Partnership with RGC
FAO should revisit and discuss its role in the agriculture development of Cambodia with relevant government institutions / 6.1 The Representation will keep building close relationships at both top and working levels with relevant institutions and locate the area which matches FAO’s technical priorities. This will be reflected in the action under Recommendation / Ongoing / FAO is co-facilitator of the Technical Working Group (TWG) (RGC/donor) framework for the development for programmes to support the Govt’s strategy on Agriculture and Water (TWG-SAW). The Representation will also provide support to the TWG on Food Security and Nutrition and some of the TWGs in Natural Resources including fisheries and forestry. The level of engagement will depend on technical support through APOs and UNVs (see 1 above)
7: Revision of NMTPF
The NMTPF should be revised and updated as a 5 year indicative rolling plan, focusing on a few, more narrowly defined priority areas. / 7.1 Continue consultation at both top and technical levels to revise the document. Revised NMTPF will be presented at a workshop / x / However, the FAOR agrees strongly that the NMTPF needs to be revisited and more narrowly focused to ensure that FAO’s comparative advantages are fully utilized. See also point 1 above.
8: FAO as a Service Provider
FAO needs to assess its role as a subcontractor in project management. / 8.1 The experience of TSEMP analyzed and shared with the management of the Representation / To end of 2008 / The TSEMP project with the ADB was extended from March to the end of 2008 when it closed. Several lessons were learnt in the implementation of the project which will be used in improving FAO as a service provider in future. The FAOR is actively engaging with the financing institutions to improve the Organization’s image a reliable and efficient service provider. See also point 5 above.
9: Technical Cooperation Programme
TCP should not be used as a funding mechanism for activities that require more time and larger budgets. / 9.1 Efforts to involve donors at the early stage are certainly preferable and will be sought. / x / Efforts will be made to use TCPs more strategically possibly as pilots for activities and interventions which have a strong possibility of being scaled up by financing institutions (IFIs) and larger donors. This will require establishing good understanding with the IFIs and donors. The TCP will also be used where possible to provide technical, policy and programming support as is the case for TA support to the development of the Research (program 5) and Small holder irrigation (program 4) under the TWGSAW see also point 6 above
10: Community-based Natural Resource Management
FAO should continue its involvement in work related to sustainable management of the Tonle SapGreatLake and environment. / 10.1 Proposal development and fund raising.Follow up of the use of FAO’s normative work. / x / The FAOR is exploring various avenues to improve FAO involvement in sustainable community based NRM. This includes (i) Establishing sound links with key donors such as DANIDA, New Zealand and Belgium who previously worked with FAO in NRM (forestry and fisheries) (ii) Securing an APO placement either through the Netherlands or DANIDA to spearhead the work on NRM especially on aquaculture and (iii) collaborating with ADB.
11: Food Security
FAO should continue with the promotion of the National Programme for Household Food Security and Poverty Reduction. / 11.1 National consultants started their assignment in programming of FSSP in Dec 07. International consultant joined the team in Jan 08. The programming will end in Jun 08, after consultation with stakeholders and endorsement of the Task Management Support Group and Co-chairs of the Program. / End June 2008 / FSSP finalized and is awaiting endorsement by the RGC. A decision is awaited that a ‘slice’ of the FSSP will be financed by the EC under the global food facility
Follow-UP Report on Agreed Actions Cambodia March 2009
Recommendation / Agreed Action / Action Taken / Comment
Yes / No
12: Value and Supply Chain Approach
FAO should proactively seek opportunities for partnership in these areas emphasizing its normative outputs and international experience. / 12.1 Further discussions to find an area to contribute will be undertaken. At the same time, The area with fewer supports could be explored (e.g. fish processing partnering with DFID/DANIDA). / x / FAO will work with the AusAID who is leading the work on value chain development under program 2 of the TWG-SAW. It will also continue to promote normative work on standards, SPC, legal aspects to improve competitiveness of agri-products in Cambodia. On
13: Regional Trade in Agricultural Commodities
FAO should look to expand and add value to current phyto-sanitary interventions enabling Cambodia to realize befits from its membership of WTO / 13.1 A new TCP project on Strengthening the sanitary and Phyto-sanity services has been approved by DG / May 2008 / TCP effective. The FAOR is also working with the project to engage with the RGC and ensure Cambodia makes use of an available WTO Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) –.
14: Statistics
FAO should discuss with the government the first Agricultural Census in 2009. / 14.1 Mission of statistics experts from HQ & FAO-RAP planned under TCP Facility. Larger funding for census needs to be secured. / Mid 2008 / ESSS experts fielded under the TCPF to scope possibilities of a TCP and funding from donors for an Agriculture Census. Although the TCP as part of FAO’s contribution for the Census was approved, larger funding for the census from donors and RGC is not forthcoming and the TCP and Census has been put on hold.
15: Partnerships and Donor Relationships
FAO should pursue partnership with potential partners within established coordination mechanisms such as TWG. / 15.1 Recognizing the feelings of other donors, in formulation of FSSP of TWG-AW, partnership is specifically emphasized. With TWG-F and F&E, project ideas are openly discussed in order to ensure integration into the national workplan. / Ongoing / FAO remains active as Co-Facilitator of the TWG-SAW and is exploring ways of broadening engagement with the TWG-FSN (with support from the FMPP) and TWGs on Forestry and the Environment and Fisheries. On NRM related issues the engagement will depend on securing technical support through an APO or UNV See also point 1 above.
16: Follow-up to TSEMP Component 2
a)exit strategy to lead to long-term development of CFis.
b)Lobbying on the shortcomings of Sub Decrees
c)Discussion with ADB and Fisheries Administration to revisit issues of TSEMP
international worksho / 16.1 Discussion among the project, Fisheries Administration and the donor is on going and extension in a limited scale is likely.
16.2 Given sensitivity and complexity of legislative process, this matter needs cautious consideration.
16.3 It is agreed that it is important to ensure all matters solved and relationships strengthened.
16.4 The suggestion of international workshop/conference is well received. Support from RAP and HQ for international workshop/conference will be requested. / Concluded / Actions were concluded before the project closed in December 2008.
Follow-UP Report on Agreed Actions Cambodia March 2009
Recommendation / Agreed Action / Action Taken / Comment
Yes / No
17: Coordination of FAO Interventions in Livestock
An in-country technical coordination mechanism should be developed to promote a programme approach for the livestock sector. / 17.1 Meeting with TCAs
Consultation with DAHP / x / FAOR is working with the AI programme in Cambodia to broaden engagement in livestock related activities. FAO will also work to incorporate livestock related issues under the TWG-SAW.
18: Avian Influenza
FAO should use the current National Animal Health AI Strategy as the basis for continuing engagement with government and other partners. / 18.1 Sector development of AI / Ongoing
19: EU-funded Smallholder Livestock Development Project
a)CTA time
b)operational support
c)technology selection
d)selection of processes for activity implementation
e)more farmer training
f)revise marketing component
g)define its strategy with respect to relationships with RGC and between government, private sector and NGOs / 19.1 a) and b): no action
c) to g): the project will have further discussions with support of FAOR and RAP. / Ongoing
20: Food Security at Community LevelFuture support should be aimed at mainstreaming the experience, monitoring of results and impacts, quality control and capacity building. / 20.1 A national trainer pool was established and the use of this pool is in discussion with GNO partners in terms of further mainstreaming activities / Ongoing
21: Food Security Information Systems
FAO should urgently develop a coherent strategy for its future support in FSN-IS. Discuss FIVIMS’ institutional location and support. / 21.1 During the FNPP extension period, its former Team Leader, who was recruited as a National Programme Officer of FAOR, will coordinate the activities. The strategies for future development/support need to be identified during this period.
Discussion on FIVIMS will take place according to fund potential. / Ongoing / FAOR sees information and knowledge exchange as priority areas to support the Representation’s work in policy and programming and in normative areas .
Follow-UP Report on Agreed Actions Cambodia March 2009
Recommendation / Agreed Action / Action Taken / Comment
Yes / No
22: Farmers’ Field Schools
a)capitalise experiences and identify the next stage
b)share lessons on achievements and shortcomings to improve FFS models
c)more collaboration among FAO projects employing FFS
systemic M&E and documentation of IFFS in Kamping Pouy / 22.1 Preparation of the seminars/workshops/local study tours starts towards the end of the Food Security Support Program formulation finalization. Donors and potential field agents should be invited to the events.
Collaboration of the projects employing FFS starts with review of FFS activities of GCP/CMB/009/ITA. / Ongoing / Concept paper and request for Phase II of Kamping Pouy GCP/CMB/009/ITA.submitted through TCAP to the Italian Govt February 2009.