Grand Prairie ISD
Created by Deborah Herring Edited for Elementary by Ginger Blevins
[Adjusting Grades and Printing Grade Proof Sheets]
The following pages show you how to Drop Grades, enter Citizenship, post comments, adjust overall grades (after you’ve averaged your grades with the Inclusion Teacher’s grades), and, finally, how to print proof sheets after you’ve posted your grades. GRADE PROOF SHEETS MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE NOON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5TH!

First Six Weeks Grades due by 10:00 AM, October 5, 2009!

The best way to drop grades is to select Display Options >Advanced Drop Lowest Score

Select the appropriate six weeks.

Select the appropriate six weeks.
You may have reasons for not dropping grades for a student. Simply uncheck the box before the name.

Select the number of scores to drop. You can exclude an assignment in the dropping process by unchecking its box.

Before you process the drops, review the scores that will be dropped for each student. If you need to make changes, move to a previous screen by clicking Prev. Clicking Process Drops will recalculate student averages and dropped grades will be denoted with AD*.

**NOTE: Skyward will automatically roll into the 2nd Six Weeks Friday evening (October 2). If you enter assignments that should count toward the 1st Six Weeks, make sure they are dated appropriately: October 2 or earlier!


Click on C1. Enter a S, N, or U in Grade blank and hit enter to

assign all students a grade. Change individuals
as needed and then click Save.


Click on Posting………………then, “Post Comments”…………then, Post Comments, again.

Select a comment and enter the code number into C1 and then Save.

If you need to make overall adjustments before grades are posted:

Click on Options under 1st and click on Enter 1st Term Grade Adjustments

Enter grade adjustments or an I for Incomplete and Save.

WHAT TO PRINT: after you have posted all grades.

From the My Gradebook window, choose Reports for all Classes, Grade Proof Sheet.

Click once on 910 and then click on Print

Wait until Display Report appears. Click on display report to see pdf file. Then, click Print.

Please print a copy of this for each class and bring to the Principal before Noon, Monday, October 5th.