Luis Leal: “ In Search of Aztlán“ Study Questions
- What is criticism and what is the function of a critic?
- Leal traces the emergence of Chicano literature to which events?
- Why can’t Chicano literary symbolism be separated from Chicano cultural background?
- Why does 1848 seem to be such a seminal event in Chicano history?
- What is symbolism and how has it played a role in giving unity to the Chicano movement?
- Why is the black eagle of the Farm Workers of such importance as a symbol?
- What symbol helped to create Mexican nationality and independence?
- .Why is “the symbol…a sensory image..”?
- .What is the myth of Aztlán and why is it important in Chicano Literature?
- How does the Mexican flag reflect the origins of the Mexican people?
- .In the search for Azatlán what did the emissaries of Moctezuma I have to do ?
- .What is the “Spiritual Plan of Aztlán” and why is it important to the Chicano Movement?
- .Who is Alurista and what is his connection with Aztlán?
- .What is the connection between Azatlán and peregrinos?
- .Leal feel that in order to find Aztlán what must Chicanos do ?
- .Define and/or identify the following:
César Chávez
Father Miguel Hidalgo
Literary symbols
New Mexico
Luis Leal: “A HistoricalPerspective”
- Why does Leal argue in favor of establishing a historical perspective for Chicano literatura?
- What is meant by a Chicano Renaissance as used by Phillip D. Ortega?
- Why is Chicano literature referred to as a “living organism”?
- What is meant by approaching Chicano literature from a Chicano perspective?
- Why does Leal think that to consider Chicano literature as part of American literature is an object “too idealististic for the time being”?
- Does Leal think that Chicano literature is a branch of Mexican literature, if so why, if not why not?
- What do Octavio Paz and Jose Vasconcelos have to say about Mexicans in the United States?
- What does Paz have to say about the Pachuco?
- Why is it believed that the attitude toward the Pocho by Mexicans has changed?
- What is Edward Simmens definition of a Chicano and why does he think that Chicano literature is of a recent origin and how does this differ from the position of Luis Davila,Herminio Rios C. and Luis Leal?
- What are the five literary periods that Leal sets forth for Chicano literature?
- The first period is characterized by what types of writing and why does Federio De Onis argue that it does not belong to Spanish Literture?
- Why does Menendez Y Palayo argues that Spanish American literature had its origins..”in the contemplation of a new world….”?
- What types of popular literature of Mexico were brought to the Southwest by early settlers from Mexico?
- What was one of the early Spanish American writings in California?
- What is the importance of Corridos and folktales according to Leal?
- Define the following terms, places, names and events: