FAQs about Team’s Site

Q: How come I can’t get to the team site?

A: Probably because you haven’t signed in.

Q: Who can access site and its contents, including subsites?

A: Only members of the team or others to whom a team member has given permission.

Q: Who can add to or modify the team’s site and its contents, including subsites?

A: Only members of the team or others to whom a team member has given permission. Note that other team members can edit a document that you post.

Q: How can I easily get to the team site?

A: Add its URL to your browser’s favorites bar (easiest) or favorites list.

Q: How do I add to team site’s content?

A: The easiest way is to click the “Add to …” option at the bottom of the content category you want to add to then follow instructions. For shared documents, this works only if you have the document saved on your PC; if you want to create a new Word documents to share, you can navigate using “Documents” in the left bar, “Shared Documents” library, and “New” to get a blank Word document.

Q: How do I change the properties (e.g., title) of a document I created or uploaded?

A: In “Shared Documents,” hover over the name (not title) of the document, click the yellow down-arrow in the right end of the box that appears, and click “Edit Properties.”

Q: Can I really mess up the team site by doing something I’m not supposed to do but don’t know so?

A: No. Your permission is set to “contribute,” which allows you to view, add, update, and delete content. But even if you delete something, it goes to the Recycle Bin for several days. You should feel free to explore by selecting something that sound good to see what it does and where it goes. Your cursor will let you know what’s selectable and you’ll be informed if you’re not permitted to do something.

Q: How do I get help using SharePoint in the team site?

A: Contact Pete Walton at 417-8476.