Energise Latrobe – What is our new energy?

Friday 12th May 2017, Century Inn Traralgon

Table 1 – Perception

How the region is perceived is important to improving liveability and bringing hope and positivity.

At the moment, young people believe they should leave the region to get ahead.

Example of Gippsland Jersey was given to demonstrate innovation in agribusiness and marketing.

The ‘creative class’ should be better promoted.

Pride of place is important.

Coal should not be demonised.

Table 2 – Opportunities

The region should be prepared to take up government offers which create opportunities – work with government.

Bring like-minded people together to help tackle issues that are systemic.

Table 3 – Employment and training

More traineeships are required.

Establish a community hub which is not run by government to support start-up and small businesses (incubator model perhaps).

Concern there is a lack of start-up funding for innovators and businesses.

Table 4 – Recreation

Enhance community connections through recreation such as a bike track. Recreation can bring people and communities together.

Use recreation to engage families who aren’t usually engaged in their community.

Everyone should be an ambassador for their town/community.

People from outside the region notice how loyal and passionate Latrobe Valley people are about the region.

Table 5 – Education

There is no reason why we can’t lift the academic standard of local children.

Children/adults shouldn’t have to leave the region to get an education.

Learning includes knowing how to recognise strengths and work towards goals.

Stop talking about job losses and instead talk about job creation.

Final comments

Melina Bath MP – Diversification of the economy and the Valley’s strengths has been a strong theme throughout the discussion. We should be encouraging Melbourne to come to Gippsland.

Earlier Melina said: Take forward a positive image. Find the balance between educational outcomes and innovation.

Mary Aldred:CEO Committee for Gippsland– Diversity is our strength and we should not be afraid to have a conversation about the region’s future. Hopefully it will include high value initiatives which are innovative.

Earlier Mary said: Food and agribusiness is where the region’s future lies. There are also opportunities for manufacturing.

Martine Letts: CEO Committee for Melbourne – Play to your strengths and make sure your base is solid. Take a strong approach to collaborating with other groups/cities/regions. Market the Latrobe Valley.

Earlier Martine said: There is a massive opportunity for agribusiness. “We will never produce enough in this country to satisfy the east Asian market. There are opportunities to apply technology to agribusiness. Remain open to trade and technology. Remain ambitious and outward looking. Short term political fixes can be counter-productive. Collaborate with regions.

John Calabro: Founder / Publisher Gippslandia Magazine – Share and spread the message of the Latrobe Valley. It’s time to get the things we do well out of the bubble and into the marketplace.

Earlier John said: Branding is so much more than a logo. Let’s model ourselves on the world’s most liveable city – Melbourne.