Your Last name / Sommers
Your First name(s) / Sasha-Lee
Your registered email address /
Topic outline / Leading Sustainable Systems: A SHRM Approach
Academic Area of interest (eg Marketing, Human Resource Management etc) / Strategic Leadership; Change Management; and Strategic Human Resource Management
The general context to the study (eg the industry it relates to, or a company of interest) / This is a qualitative study designed to explore the adverse effects of change on emerging business organizations in the United States and the role of Strategic Human Resource Leaders in addressing these.
Key authorities in this area (eg authors names or industry bodies) / Catherine Truss, David Mankin, Clare Kelliher, Subir Chowdhury, Society for Human Resource Management, Center for Human Resource Management Studies, MRA - The Management Association, Kurt Lewin, John Kotter, Stephen Covey, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Robert Waterman, Tom Peters among others.
Likely ethical considerations / Resnik (2015) postulated that it is important to adhere to ethical norms in research as norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. This includes prohibiting the fabrication, falsifying, or misrepresenting of research data to ensure that the data produced is factual and to also minimize any errors that may occur. The Likely ethical considerations put in place for the collection of information will include disclosing the nature of the research and my plan on how I will use the information given in a written document to each individual/organization interviewed. Appointments will be made prior to speaking with the persons interviewed to ensure that they are prepared to provide me with relevant and factual information. Research will be conducted fairly by collecting various opinions on the topic to not skew the results to fit my narrative. The results will accurately represent the information collected – interview responses and survey/observation results will not be discussed without providing the proper context.
Resnik, D. (2015). What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2016].
Likely participants (who you may interview or send questionnaires to) This should include their job titles, but NOT their names. / Human Resource Representatives for Different Organizations
Employment and Recruitment Directors
Chief Human Resource Officers
Human Resource Specialists
Senior Benefits Managers
Social Media Recruiters
Training Coordinators
Lower Level Staff etc.

If this is an update to your previous topic submission please state (in the box below) why you would like to change it and any likely implications on ethics this may have.