3420 Trelawny Circle

Mississauga, ON L6N 6N6 2016

Phone #905-824-0360

Principal: Ms. V. McKinnon

Vice-Principal: Mr. M Dzis

Superintendent: Dr. Gale Soloman-Henry 905-366-8800 Office Manager: Mrs. L. Minicuci

Trustee:NokhaDakroub 416-706-9215 Office Assistant: Mrs. R. Robinson

Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work

and the power to appreciate life. (Joseph Addison)

Dear Trelawny Families:

Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of meeting many new faces – students, teachers and parent/guardians and have been warmly welcomed into the Trelawny community. I am greeted with smiles wherever I go - in classrooms, on the playground, in bus lines and in the halls of the school. It has been a lovely welcome and one which speaks to happiness and care for children by both teachers and parents.

It has been a very busy spring at Trelawny! Teachers recently participated in Math Network and Restorative Practices workshops with colleagues from across the Board. They are currently welcoming next year’s junior Kindergarten students and their parents to Trelawny through a series of Timbertots workshops held twice weekly. They will also be participating in the ‘Language for the Early Years’ workshop with colleagues in mid-May.

Over the last weeks, Trelawny students in each class were recognized at Timberwolf Assemblies for their leadership and modeling of the Timberwolf Traits. Grade 3 students took part in an EQAO Math workshop with their parents.

Junior Boys and Girls Basketball teams represented Trelawny with skill and sportsmanship at local tournaments.

Trelawny students attended the Greg LeRock concert, visited Crawford Lake, participated in school, local and regional speech contests, and participated in Pink Day and Earth Day activities.

Finally, on April 28th, Trelawny students shared theirtalents with the community at Trelawny’s first Buskerfest through drama, dance, music and buskering activities. It was an amazing evening!

Thank you to all our teachers for making these opportunities available to students and to our parent community for supporting their work each and every day. I invite you to take a moment to see the students at work and play in the pictures that are posted on the tv monitor at the front of the school. A picture says one thousand words!

In the weeks ahead, students will continue to be involved in many other activities including excursions and extracurricular activities. Parent volunteers are often needed for these events, however all volunteers must have a Criminal Record Check on file with the Board. If you are interested in volunteering at Trelawny and do not have a CRC, please contact the school at 905-824-0360 and we will be happy to assist you with this process.

Have a wonderful May!


Virginia McKinnon

Principal, Trelawny Public School


If you will be moving out of the Trelawny area over the summer, please notify the office in writing as soon as possible.


Trelawny P.S. has a Twitter account. This is another way we communicate the many wonderful events, activities and work that staff and students do each day at Trelawny School. Follow us today @TrelawnySchool



Please remember to have your children at school between 8:30 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. We have had a steady increase in the number of late arrivals over the last few months. Students should be in their classrooms by 8:45 a.m.

Here are some helpful hints to support your morning routine:

  • ensure your child wakes up at a consistent time in the morning to allow time to get ready
  • establish a regular bedtime for your child
  • prepare school materials the night before and put them in a consistent location.


As part of the Grade 5 curriculum, every student wrote and presenting their own speeches this month. Following the many hours of hard work, each grade 5 class selected 3 members to represent their home rooms in the Trelawny speech competition. After listening to a variety of inspirational and motivational speeches, HridayKantharia won the in school competition and represented Trelawny at Hazel McCallion PS. While in round 2 of the Excellence in Eloquence Speech Contest, Hriday won first place in regionalswith a spectacular speech on the need for clean water and was asked to represent our school one final time at the Peel District School Board Final Competition.Hriday finished in 4th place in the whole board!Congradulations to Hriday and his family on this wonderful accomplishment. You represented yourself and your school with class and dignity.

Grade 2

The students have been working on writing poems such as acrostic poems and shape poems that reflect the topics of their personality, spring and mother’s day. In math they are learning how to add and subtract money amounts to one dollar through various strategies and using various class math manipulatives. The grade 2’s are also learning multiplication using various strategies such as arrays. In Social Studies, the students are investigating their heritage and culture as well as those of their peers by working on projects, sharing artifacts, facts, traditions, celebrations and customs with their peers. For gym the students are practicing skills for learning how to play soccer.

Grade 3

We are busy with our final preparations for EQAO at the end of the month. We continue to practice and review questions in math, reading and writing. In math, we have started transformational geometry and will be moving on to probability. The Grade 3s enjoyed their trip to Crawford Lake and are using what they have learned when exploring communities in 1780-1850. We are also reading, retelling and writing Aboriginal myths. In addition, we arecreating Aboriginal inspired art works.

Grade 4

All ofthe grade 4 students had an amazing time at the Gregg LeRock French Rock Concert on April 18th. Before we went to the concert,we learned all of Gregg LeRock's songswhich are based on our character traits. Everyone sang, laughed, danced and enjoyed this French cultural experience. In Social Studies, we are exploring how similar and different life was in early societies as compared to how we live today. In language, we are learning about myths and fables and we will be writing our own soon.


Thank you so much to all staff, students, and families that purchased books from our Scholastic Book Fair – it was a huge success! We took in more than $4000 in sales, which means we raised about $2400 to buy new books for our library!! Way to go Trelawny! This shows how much we love to read and celebrate literacy at our school.


On Friday, April 22nd, Trelawny students celebrated Earth Day. Students talked about the importance of caring for our Earth, and then all students had an opportunity to help clean up our school yard and surrounding area. There is always lots of garbage on the school yard after winter, and working together as a community to clean it up shows students how we can make a difference. Thank you to all staff, students, and especially Mrs. Bujas, our wonderful head custodian, for making Trelawny a clean place to play!


May 25 ~ Timbertots 9:00-9:45a.m.

May 25 ~ Kindergarten’s Springridge Farms

May 31-1 ~ EQAO

June 2 ~ Gr. 2’s Peel Water Festival

June 3 ~ Awards Assembly 8:45a.m.

June 3 ~ Junior Cross Country

June 6 ~ Dental Screening Gr. K & 2

June 13 ~ No School for Students

June 14 – 17 ~ Aussie X

June 16 ~ Junior Cross Country

June 23 ~ First Nation’s Drum & Dance


June 24 ~ Gr. 5’s Mansfield Trip

June 27 ~ Play Day!

June 28 ~ Rain date for Play Day!

June 28 ~ Report Cards go home

June 29 ~ Grade 5 Farewell

June 30 ~ Gr. 5’s Bowling

June 30 ~ Last Day of School!


At the Student Recognition Assembly for April the following students were recognized for demonstrating a Timberwolf Character Trait.











EthanGRADE 4





GRADE 2Abigail





TehyaGRADE 5









