Curriculum vitae (30.8.2016)
Full name and date
- Surname: Zhao
- Given Name: FangFang
- Gender: female
- Date of writing the CV: 27.08.2016
Date and place of birth, nationality, current residence
- Date and place of birth:17.03.1980, China.
- Citizenship: China
- Current residence: 2D Western student village, Turku, Finland.
- Email:
Education and degrees awarded
- 2014.11-present PhD student of Health Care Science in University of Turky (Full-time.)
- Degree title: Master of Nursing Science.
Educational institution: Harbin Medical University, top 15% in medical field in China.
- Lecturer of nursing science in University of Nantong in China from 31.05.2011.
Other education and training, qualifications and skills
- In June 8th -9th 2016, I participated Baltic Sea Region Network in Personalized Health Care in Denmark.
- In Jue 3th -10th,2016, I participant the ICoNS - International Collaboration of Nurse Scholar in Finland。
- In August 10th -31th, 2010, I participated the conference and traning: 4-day ADH TOT Workshop & 2-week Summer Course-SN4216 Adolescent Health & Development inChina.
Research funding as well asleadership andsupervision
- 2014.7-2016.12. Source of funding: Science and Technology Bureau in China. The application of theory of planned behavior in self-management of patients with type2 diabetes Principal investigator. 4000e
- 2012.7-2014.9. Source of funding: Science and Technology Bureau in China. The application of theory of planned behavior in self-management of patients with type2 diabetes. Co-author. 4000e
- 2013.7-2015.7. Source of funding: Science and Technology Bureau in China.. Application of short message platform in self-management of patients with cancer. Co-author. 4000e
- 2011.11-2013.11. Source of funding: Nantong University in China. The predicting effects of theory of planned behavior in self-management of patients with diabetes. Principal investigator. 700e
- 2012.11-2014.11. Source of funding: Nantong University in China. Application of target management in practice of nursing research course among undergraduate nursing students. Principal investigator.400e
- Supervise thesis of undergraduate’s students from 2009.6-2014.6 in Nantong University in China.
Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence (if required, complement by submitting a teaching portfolio)
- Pedagogical training and competence: participated the teacher training for 3 months in 2008. Thorough 8-year teaching practice in Nantong University, training and self-study, I have a certain pedagogical competence.
- Involvement in teaching Nursing research, basic psychology, Nursing education and so on in China.
- Supervise the graduation theses for undergraduate students from 2009 to 2015 in China.
- In charge of Practice of nursing research course for undergraduate students lasted for 5 weeks every year from 2009 to 2015 in China. The peer review-based cooperative learning resulted in greater progress in research ability.
- Teaching awards Third Prize of Teaching Contest of Young Teachers in Nantong University. 2010. In 2014, I was elected as one of the Excellent teaching Staffs of Nantong University.
Scientific and societal impact of research
Publications in peer reviewed international journals
- 2016 Zhao FF, SuhonenR, Sanna Koskinen S, Leino-KilpiH.The effects of theory based self-management intervention on patients with type 2 diabetes in randomized controlled trials: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Minor revision. Journal of advanced Nursing. IF1.9. Publication forum level 2.
- 2016 Zhao FF, Guo YJ, SuhonenR, Leino-KilpiH. Subjective well-being and its association with peer caring and resilience among nursing vs. medical students: A questionnaire survey. Nurse Education Today (IF1.6). 2016; 37,108-13.
- 2015 Zhao FF, SuhonenR, Leino-KilpiH. The effects of self-efficacy theory based self-management intervention on patients with type 2 diabetes in randomized controlled trials: a systematic review. Accepted for presentation at the Nordic Conference on Advances in Health Care Sciences Research in Stockholm, November 11-12th, 2015.
- 2015 Fangfang Zhao, Xiaoling Lei, Wei He, Yanhong Gu and Dongwen Li. The Study of Perceived Stress, Coping Strategy and Self-efficacy of Chinese Undergraduate Nursing Students in Clinical Practice. International journal of nursing practice. 21(4):401-409.
- 2013 Wei He, Y. Zhang, Fangfang Zhao*. Factors influencing exercises in Chinese people with type 2 diabetes. International Nursing Review 2013, 12.
- 2014 Tang ZQ, Chen HL, Zhao FF. Gender differences of lower extremity amputation risk in patients with diabetic foot: a meta-analysis. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2014 Sep;13(3):197-204.
- 2014 Zhao Fangfang, Yangli, Liu Weiwei, Wu Aijuan, Zhang Xiaoyi. The effects of S elf-efficacy in predicting quality of life in people with diabetes. China Journal of Gerontology.19.
- 2012 Zhao Fangfang,Chen Hong-lin,Gu Yan-hong,He Wei,Wang Jie. The level and influencing factors of subjective well-being of nurses. Chinese Journal of Nursing.2012, 47, 6,531-533.