Sacred Heart School
PSA- Parent School Association
September 21, 2016 6:30 pm
Opening Prayer- led by Mrs. Merrill
New Officer- Katie Reimers was introduced as the new Co-President
Former students Sara Bartels and Nicole Neisen were introduced. They were in attendance to supervise the children who came with their parents.
All parents and Teachers in attendance introduced themselves and what grade they taught or child(ren) attended .
Overview of PSA- the description of what the PSA is and how it serves the School and students was described by Co President Meghan Manny. Also, the incentive reward was reviewed. A tally of all parents attending is made for each grade. For the highest grade attendance total, a pizza party is provided for the students from the PSA. A teacher in attendance will earn 5 extra points for his/her grade. Students also receive dress down the day following a PSA meeting if their parent (s) attend. Preschool children will receive snacks if their class receives the most parents in attendance.
Old Business-donations of supplies or equipment were given to each classroom with monies in balance at the end of the year.
New Business:
Cap Com School Banking: Amber Alvey- (parent rep and Capcom Employee) spoke on our student banking. Currently, any new account opened through October will net a $10 donation to our school PSA. Banking will begin 10/6 and continue every Thursday after morning assembly. Incentives and cash rewards are given to all students who participate in this program.
Septemberfest 9/25/16- our parish of Sacred Heart is hosting a free community event at the Brunswick community Center from 1-4 pm this Sunday. This is a free event and is open to our School, Parish and Community. Reservations are appreciated. Dinosaur BBQ will be on hand as well as a several games and activities.
Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast (10/1/16)- Meghan Manny & Marnie Rounds- a chairperson is still desired to shadow the co-chairs and organize this fundraiser as well as volunteers (parent and student). Students working in uniform will receive dress down Monday 10/3/16. Tickets are $6 and the meal includes pancakes, bacon and beverage. The hours of this fundraiser are 8-10 am.
Spaghetti Dinner (10/12/16)- The Franklin Plaza Ballroom 4-7 pm. Reservations should be made by 10/6/16. Meals are $10 for adults and $5 for children. This is a beautiful location, a constant supporter of our school and amazing food by the renowned Michael Cocca.
Trunk or Treat (10/28/16)-Chair- Mrs Brandt Co-chairs Meghan Manny & Marnie Rounds 65 spaces will be scheduled for this first time event. Flyers will go home next week. Sign Up your Halloween decorated (kid friendly) car trunk for a kid safe trick or treating. Volunteers also needed. Set up the night of the event is from 5:30-6:15 and Trick or Treating will be from 6:30-8 pm.
Cheesecake Sale-Chair- Emily Camenga sales sheets will come home soon for these amazing Cheesecakes by the Nuns of New Skete. They will arrive before Thanksgiving.
Sock Hop (11/4/16)- Co Chairs Cheryl McGlothlin and Tiffany Lashway -this event held annually ends our raffle. Children can come dressed in 50’s attire( if desired )and dance to the music provided courtesy of our very own Mr. John Donohue. Volunteers are needed for set up, take down, and snack table.
Barnes and Noble Book Fair (11/20/16)-Co Chairs Lois Teitsch and Katie Archambault- volunteers are needed to assist in this semi -annual fundraiser. The School receives a % all sales made in store and online (with code). Gift wrapping is also available.
School Bucks- Chair Rebecca Bloom please turn in your receipts (or copy) of any receipts for Colonie Center. Our school may receive money if one of the top spots. All receipts for food, movies and stores count and pictures with Santa or the Easter Bunny are double points. If you need your receipts back, please indicate that and they will be returned. Please encourage your family and friends to help put us in the top!
Pain-Free Fundraisers- a great way to support your child’s school that is pain free: attend PSA meetings; turning in box- tops ,Coca- Cola caps, Capri Sun pouches, or Hannaford receipts;Clothing drop off bin (located in lower parking lot); naming Sacred Heart (code 15859) on your Price Chopper card; Dining at Red Robin (code 98666)
Walmart Savings Catcher- If you do not currently belong to Wal-Mart Savings Catcher and you wish to, you may submit you receipt or a copy of your receipt within 7 days to the PSA to be used to earn money for school events or end of year classroom supplies. Simply take a picture, copy down the receipt info or send in an original or copy of your Wal-Mart receipt. You may also email the information to our PSA page instead if you wish. Wal-Mart searches over 200 stores for a lower price and if one is found, they will send a credit to our PSA account for the difference.
PSA Email- our direct email for the PSA is: for any questions, concerns or ideas
Future Events to watch for:
Movie Night SHS Gym (December) Mark Bagnoli and Nicole Johnson (Co-Chairs)
Santa’s Secret Shoppe- (December) TanyaTesto (Chair)
Ice Skating- HVCC Ice Rink ( Catholic Schools Week )chair still needed
Tubing- Willard Mountain 2/25/17 Meaghan Strong (Chair)
Next PSA Meeting: Thursday, October 13, 2016 6:30 pm
Auction Committee Email: