Mrs. Etter Abnormal Psychology: Disorders and Drugs Project Psych B

You will be working with other students to complete a group project on various psychological disorders and drugs (no more than four to a group). ** In class work days: Wednesday 4/9, Thursday 4/10 and Friday 4/11).

Below are different types of disorders you may choose from: Below are different drugs you may choose from:

1.)  Generalized anxiety disorders (must include: Panic and Phobias) 1.) Marijuana

2.) Obsessive-compulsive disorder 2.) Cocaine

3.) Posttraumatic stress disorder 3.) Crystal Meth

4.) Depression (must include: major depressive disorder) 4.) LSD

5.) Bipolar disorder 5.) Ecstasy

6.) Dissociative identity disorder (must include: fugue)

7.) Schizophrenia If a drug isn’t mentioned, run it by me.

8.) Anti-social Personality disorder

Project Requirements:

·  Create a power point on your disorder.

o  No more than 15 slides, include at least 5 images.

·  Your power point should include slides based on the following:

1 - Description and brief history of your disorder/drug

§  How did become abused? When made illegal? Other uses? Various forms, how used, legality, etc.

§  When was it discovered? By whom? When in the DSM?

2 - Symptoms of your disorder or effects of your drug

§  How do you know someone is on the drug or has the disorder?

3 - How common your disorder/drug is

§  What % of the population has it? More men than women? Different % in age groups? Etc.

4 - How your disorder/drug affects a person’s life

§  How does it affect their: behavior, relationships, work, etc.?

5 - What treatment a person with this disorder/drug can seek & how effective is it, etc.

§  What is the rehabilitation process like? How many people going back to using? Are there medications?

§  What are the various treatments a person can get to live with this disorder? What are the medications and how effective are they?

·  Find a short (no more than 5-10 minutes) film clip accurately portraying your drug/disorder

Differentiation (choose which of the following you want to do):

·  Perform a skit (5-10 minutes) about the effects of your disorder/drug

·  Make a visual (collage poster, your own video) about your disorder/drug

·  Read a story to the class by someone about your disorder or drug

·  Extra:

o  Feel free to include other creative elements: Songs, poems, raps, sculptures, paintings, etc.

o  Because of the nature of all of these various disorders, be sensitive at all times.


·  Presentations will begin mid April.

o  Hard copy of the power point is due on Friday, April 18th. (You may also turn in your handout on this day for Etter to make you copies. J)

·  Please bring an electronic copy of your power point – CD, flash drive, etc.

o  No floppy, or just saved onto your number or email

·  The day you present you must also have a hard copy of your power point printed out for the teacher (6 slides to one page).

Grading: 200 points!!!

·  Power point – 120 points

o  For the 5 required categories – 20 points/piece

o  Overall power point appearance (slide length, images, etc.) – 10 points

o  Hard copy – 10 points

·  Film clip or source or media – 20 points

·  Differentiation element – 30 points

·  Research behavior (on-task in class) and presentation quality (level of interest, eye contact) – 10 points

·  Handout for your classmates – 20 points

·  Finally, there will be a quiz over these disorders when all is said and done.

o  The quiz will be worth 50 points, so be sure to be respectful and attentive to your classmates while they are educating you on various disorders.

·  Extra creativity – worth 10 possible bonus points