Cases reported for 15-07-2016 by the Brooklyn Precinct: Report not received yet.
14h31 Gas bottle exploded net to Henry Crescent, Sinoville. SAPS was contracted Reference Number 3484109 and Fire Brigade was sent out. Client gave feedback – all in order – emergency services on site.
10h18 Black Fiesta parked in driveway at Mimosa Avenue in front residence. All in order – client was contacted – visitors of client.
16h10 White Mazda Sedan Registration Number DF 10 VP GP parked outside residence at Kings Highway. Tango 1 (Pieter) checked – client was waiting for his Domestic Worker.
Interactive Security is utilizing some of the heavily armed members of one of their SWAT teams currently in the East of Pretoria and they are traveling with some of our armed reaction officers to get familiar with the areas covered by Interactive Security. These SWAT personnel (ex South African police special task force personnel – Koevoet) are carrying long guns and may attend alarms and other calls by clients with the normal Interactive Security armed response personnel. The long guns they carry when they attend to possible crimes may be carried in the ready position when out of the vehicle – in the hands of the highly trained and experienced Koevoetmember but pointing towards the ground (and obviously made safe when traveling in the vehicles). Interactive Security will shortly start utilizing the specially built and heavily armored SWAT vehicles (two allocated to the East of Pretoria) and guards on horseback for patrols and marketing in your area. Please be aware of these heavily armed special task force personnel, the SWAT vehicles and guards on horseback in your areas.
An experienced Interactive Security guard on horseback will patrol Lynwood Estat for a while during daytime to prevent possible crime due to a few sites where construction is ongoing. The guard will have a two way radio contact with the control room and armed reaction which should assist in preventing crime. The horse was removed due to a resident complaining to the Tshwane Municipality because the horse was kept in the area (the horse was in excellent condition). Interactive Security will therefore now have to move the horse in and out from time to time from a nearby area.
Always allow enough space when you stop behind another vehicle to pull out and drive off immediately, especially when only one or two vehicles stop behind each other during nighttime (if you can see the wheels of the car in front of you, the driver can pull out behind a car quickly). This is due to possible high jacking. It is extremely unlikely that an attempted high jacking will happen when a vehicle pull off during the high jacking attempt.
Practice makes perfect: practice to lock your vehicle with the remote lock feature, walk away from your vehicle and lock the vehicle again by using the remote control lock feature. Criminals widely target certain vehicles, follow you to a place where you stop (like shopping center’s) jam the remote lock signal while you operate it and get access to your vehicle.
1. Please report all suspicious persons and vehicles in your street immediately. Residents are the best at noticing suspicious behavior or vehicles. Send as much information of crimes to .
2. Enter the LCA emergency numbers on your cell phone 0861 3333 61 or cell 082 4551 057
- Interactive Security Offices are located at 439 Atterbury Street, Menlo Park.
1. We had six vehicles in the area and a total of 1126 km’s was patrolled over the PAST 24 hours.
2. 1Gates were left open, owners contacted.
3. 56Alarm signals received.
0 Positive
O% Due to weather
90%Due to human error and
10% Unexplained false alarms
4. All patrol and reaction vehicles are fitted with dash cameras. Video footage from these dash cameras can only be stored for approximately 48 hours due to the amount of data generated by these dash cameras.
5. Please report incidents immediately so that we can identify footage that we need to save at the main frame.
Residents may close or open the Flinders access gate by calling a number on their cellphones. The gate closes automatically unless it was bumped or are closing and touch a vehicle in the process (tailgating is an obvious scenario for this to happen). Please stop and call the gate opening number on your cellphone if you noticed that the gate did not close behind you or somebody else. If at all possible, please let the Interactive Security control room know if anybody slipped into the estate by tailgating, so that our patrol officers may investigate, as this may be done by criminals planning to burgle houses (or commit even worse crimes).
Please do not assume that the vehicle that tailgated into the Lynwood Estate belong to residents; each case must be investigated by Interactive Security to prevent possible crimes.
Please do not open the vehicle access gates for pedestrians by calling the gates that may be opened by a cell phone call. This is an invitation to criminals to plan a burglary as it is very unlikely that your workers will (always) report suspicious vehicles slipping through the gates. The security in any enclosed area is as good as the access control – more than one layer of security is required to prevent crime.