1. Call to Order
  1. President: Mariah Watson
  2. Vice President: Gareth Smythe
  3. Senate President Pro Tempore: Alex Lee
  4. Senator: Miguel Guerrero
  5. Senator: Gabriel Johnson
  6. Senator: Andrea Velazquez
  7. Senator: Sevan Nahabedian
  8. Senator: Brendan Chang
  9. Senator: Danielle Santiago
  10. Senator: Kamaal Thomas
  11. Senator: Roman Rivilis
  12. Senator: Reem Fatayerji
  13. Senator: Casey Nguyen
  14. Senator: Anas Tresh
  15. ECAC Chair Sean Guerra
  16. EPPC Chair Brent Rosenwald
  17. IAC Chair Abhay Sandhu
  18. EAC Chair Joe Nazzal
  19. AAC Chair Ritesh Mishra
  20. GASC Chair Ivon Garcia
  21. B&F Joe DeAngelo
  22. Outreach Assembly Lauren Ashe
  23. Controller: Francisco Lara
  1. Quorum Roll Call
  2. Appointments and Confirmations

A.  Campus Center for the Environment - 7:35

a.  Hannah Ulansey

i.  Thomas: Did you ever get info from us about the name?

1.  Ulansey: No.

ii.  Confirmed

B.  Aggie Public Arts Committee - 8:31

a.  Alyson Taylor Wong

i.  Lee: What are some projects you want to do with APAC?

1.  Wong: I like the idea of experimental art experiences. For example, Berkeley had a dance art event, brought community together.

ii.  Confirmed

  1. Unit Director Reports
  2. Committee Reports - 8:52

A.  Nguyen: Sexual Assault Awareness and Advocacy has vacancies.

B.  Lara: INC met last Friday, will also meet this Friday.

C.  Rivilis: COSAF meeting tomorrow 11:30 to 1.

  1. Presentations

A.  Chief Justice - 6:15

a.  Alexis: Court activities are the request for deliberations, hiring for AG. He’s doing his first presentation in open court on Nov. 4, all are invited. We implemented judicial codes to make sure policies are consistent. Participated in ASUCD night out. Have been doing mock trials. Most importantly, improved resources for responders. Looking forward to new justices. In regards to workload of court, I would like to commend court clerk Rivera. AG has increased our workload.

i.  Lee: If there’s a written version of AG’s report, would you be able to pass it along to Senate?

ii.  Alexis: I would prefer he pass it along to you directly, he can email you.

iii.  Sandhu: Your opinion on AG?

iv.  Alexis: He’s had 6 weeks in office, hasn’t even started hiring deputies. He has been looking at elections process, should have someone looking at it. Like that a member of public is looking at it, like that it’s under Court because of schedule. I think that Jack is doing a good job; very attentive, devoted.

v.  Smythe: Please send us an email about the presentation.

vi.  Rivilis: Clarification of workload?

vii.  Alexis: He’s brought us one case so far, might be more. I think it would be unreasonable to make a determination at this time whether this office is permanently viable.

viii.  Rivilis: When would you open the discussion of that?

ix.  Alexis: A full quarter at least, but I would suggest letting Jack complete the term of one year.

B.  Student Advocacy, Governance, and Engagement - 6:25

a.  Presentation

b.  Kevin Sabo - UCSA president, Julian Martinez - staff member of UCSA.

i.  Rivilis: There’s a clause in our Constitution that says student fees can’t go to external orgs. Was going to be reexamined, but the time wasn’t right, so it was withdrawn. What’s a harder timeline for passing?

ii.  Kevin: UCOP asks that it go through an extensive examination. It’s on you, it’s up to you to decide. But that’s something to consider, that it is funding an outside organization, although UCSA isn’t really an “external” org.

iii.  Rivilis: I wouldn’t want this proposal to be compromised on a technicality.

iv.  Nguyen: Provide your email for those who want to contact us?

v.  Kevin: .

vi.  Guerra: How has reception been from other campuses?

vii.  Kevin: No one has really said anything. Most of it is hesitation, how is it going to work, the timing. A lot is trying to get everyone’s governing documents together, find out who pays what. Folks have been generally supportive, they just want to figure out how to iron out the kinks together.

viii.  Lee: Will the fee be uniform across campuses?

ix.  Kevin: The $6, we don’t know… there are voluntary and system fees, but not a voluntary system fee. We don’t know if Governor’s office would designate as system fee or voluntary. Still trying to figure out legally what it would be subject to.

  1. Public Announcements

A.  Rivilis: COSAF tomorrow, 11:30 to 1. ARC meeting room 1.

B.  Nguyen: Office of Advocacy is doing training for voter registration tomorrow, 2pm-4pm Moss.

C.  Smythe: The office hours that were scheduled for Don Saylor have been rescheduled, they fell at the same time as former Chancellor Vanderhoff’s funeral.

D.  Thomas: Next Mon, Center for African Diaspora Student Success grand opening.

E.  Guerra: Social Justice Initiative is having all-day program at art annex tomorrow. It’s about migration, sexuality, identity.

F.  DeAngelo: B&F is finalizing process of conducting audits. If you’re an adopted senator, please respond to commissioners’ emails.

G.  Smythe: Roman mentioned start of LRDP open houses, received confirmation today that our private tour is Nov. 12th during a Senate meeting, 6-8 pm.

H.  Nazzal: EAC is contemplating stickers, let us know if that sounds cool.

  1. Status of Legislation Previously Passed - 6:55

A.  President signed all of the leg.

  1. Introduction of New Legislation - 6:56

A.  SB to create University Library Committee.

B.  SB to adjust CFC statute and procedures.

  1. Consideration of Old Legislation

A.  SR #6 - 8:04

a.  Author’s Comments

i.  Carlie: CALPIRG hunger and homelessness campaign. CALPIRG has been around for 40 years, work on campaigns like solar campaign and hunger and homelessness. We made 209 pb&j sandwiches, donated them to after school programs. Next week, trick-or-treating for cans to donate. At large, helped to pass plastic bag ban. Got Subway to agree to take out antibiotics from meat. Resolution is because we are a student-fund org, we are required to pledge 10% average. You all need to pass it for us to continue pledging.

ii.  Arev: Per our contract, just to clarify, we need to hit 10% threshold, 10% average every year. If we don’t hit it, we just need Senate to pass it for us to continue. We got almost 10% last year, got 8.4%. This year, we have a really good campaign to get more students involved and better the community.

b.  Questions in Text

c.  Commission Recommendation

i.  Sandhu: 5-1-3.

ii.  Nazzal: Unanimously passed.

d.  Public Discussion

i.  Lara: Paragraph leads you to believe that CALPIRG can come to ASUCD according to docs. But docs say that they can come for referendum or resolution with approval of Chancellor, doesn’t really apply here. Different page says that if they don’t make 10% threshold, they need to get referendum on ballot, says nothing about Senate.

ii.  Nahabedian: Didn’t you fulfill this statute, CALPIRG?

iii.  Carlie: No, the language says average for the year.

iv.  Rivilis: This is the same principle as the SSA resolution, is it not? What’s the main difference? Is it the PBM that Francisco enumerated?

v.  Smythe: I believe Francisco was saying that SSA was done incorrectly, and that this, in front of us, it’s incorrect.

vi.  Rivilis: Because it’s not establishing a new system, just continuing one, we’re running into this issue. Maybe I got a different impression from the PBM… In that case, would we have to table this bill and figure that out?

vii.  Watson: It goes to that thing that we talked about. No matter what we pass here, if it’s not in line with campus policy, then it doesn’t matter. Our resolutions don’t trump campus policy.

viii.  Rivilis: So i’m not sure what to do with this bill, assume we’d have to table it.

ix.  Jean: To clarify for everyone in this room, it states in our contract with the university that we have the right to come to Senate every time we don’t make our threshold to ask you to continue our same system that we’ve been doing.

x.  Lara: It puts us in an awkward position. By passing this, we’re going against campus procedure. If it’s something in your contract, then maybe it’s above our pay-grade.

xi.  Watson: We’re actually re-negotiating that contract right now. It’s supposed to be every year, but it wasn’t done last year, so that contract is technically void. You can ask Senate to get on the ballot.

xii.  Jean: The contract that we currently believe we have does not exist?

xiii.  Watson: It expired in August. So we went to business contact to talk about everything we need to do to make it in line with campus policy.

xiv.  Lee: We didn’t do commission recommendations…

xv.  Tresh: Seems like we need to do 2 things. They are meeting the 10%, it’s just the system that’s making them start out with a pitfall. 2 things we could do; could we pass a resolution so that their % is calculated by end of school year? And if we can’t do that, can they bring us a referendum to put on the ballot?

xvi.  Nazzal: Commission Recommendation, EAC passed the bill unanimously.

xvii. Sandhu: IAC passed it 5-1-3. Most people agreed, but some people didn’t necessarily agree with CALPIRG, personal politics were involved.

xviii.  Watson: Are we just against changing the language right now?

xix.  Lee: Changing the language wouldn’t change the fact that they need a referendum right? They don’t even need this resolution.

xx.  Nahabedian: The resolution we passed last week was basically the same, just a different org. Since we were not supposed to be passing stuff against campus policy, what do we do legislatively? Do we go back and revote? What can we do?

xxi.  Smythe: That resolution has been vetoed.

xxii. Guerrero: At Mariah’s suggestion, can’t we change something in the language and try to fit them in? Since there’s been talk about changing the contract anyway.

xxiii.  Lee: Even if we pass this, wouldn’t they still have to run the fee referendum, and makes this resolution useless?

xxiv.  Nahabedian: We vote on resolutions to divest… when you’re saying what this really does, I’m going to say it’s a motion for the organization. Is there a text in your documents that say you have to come to Senate?

xxv. Tresh: If we re-pass their contract, and we pass this resolution, wouldn’t everything still stand? If not, can we fix something in their contract?

xxvi.  Smythe: I’m confused as well. The process was described as they come to us with a resolution, if we pass, it’s sent to Chancellor, Chancellor says agree or not. CALPIRG has 1 year to get 10%, if not, needs to come back with the resolution again. We’re merely advisory. If we pass it, and I’m not correct, then we’re just advisory to no one. If we make a decision here tonight, to me, it doesn’t mean anything because we’re merely advisory. It seems to me, no matter where we go on this, we’re advisory. Campus Council are the one to determine this. Everything we’re doing here right now is non-binding.

xxvii.  Tresh: Besides passing a bill that’s just going to go nowhere, worst-case scenario, if it’s against campus policy, what do we have to lose besides passing this bill?

xxviii.  Smythe: Nothing.

xxix.  Nguyen: Let’s say, having to come to Senate is in the new contract. Wouldn’t we have to wait before that new contract is passed before passing it here?

xxx. Smythe: If it’s in the contract but violates campus policy, then is that valid? There’s a lot of confusion about what is the ultimate authority?

xxxi.  Nguyen: My suggestion is to table this bill.

xxxii.  Nahabedian: What does this do to you all, CALPIRG? And specifically, are you all collecting pledges currently?

xxxiii.  CALPIRG: We plan to, but there’s some question if we’re allowed to if you all don’t pass this resolution.

xxxiv.  Nahabedian: When can you start your pledge drive?

xxxv.  CALPIRG: Ideally, right after it passes. But it’s not really feasible.

xxxvi.  Arev: This resolution, since we just clarified the contract and the articles, this is like a divestment bill. We’re trying to get your support to reaffirm that you’re still okay with the work we do.

xxxvii.  Bellanti: I’m assistant organizing director. I’ve been in contract negotiations, there’s an addendum to extend our contract. There’s a lot of confusion, so I understand that you might want to table.

xxxviii.  Johnson: Sounds like a simple conflict between docs and contract. My qualm is that you’re asking for us to give you an advisory, but it wouldn’t give you the okay to pledge on campus. It’s inconsistent in multiple places, so there’s no real right answer.

e.  Tabled

B.  Nguyen: Motion to un-refer KDVS long-reach plan from EPPC.

C.  Nguyen: Motion to un-refer Resolution X from EPPC.

  1. Ex-Officio Reports - 7:06


a.  GASC meeting

i.  went over grants

ii.  settled date for Unpacking Professionalism, a professional panel. Nov 20th, 2pm-4pm. Currently seeking potential guest speakers

iii.  Set date for Gen Sex Week. Week 6, Valentine theme, focus on relationships and sex positivity

iv.  Organized workshop for GASC for the upcoming Queer Social this Saturday


a.  Passed CALPIRG leg., met with CALPIRG

b.  Tabled Chang leg.

c.  Artoretu

i.  Reserved patio

ii.  Chalk/decor from Aggie ReUse

iii.  Incoming FB Event

d.  Joyrun brought us $1.50 tacos

C.  OA

a.  Met with Student Housing

b.  Met with CM Marketing

c.  Met with new OA members

d.  Met with Finance Chair

e.  Went to IAC

f.  Met with Casey about Town Hall

g.  Met with Mariah about ASUCD’s 100th

h.  Held OA meeting

i.  Visited TB24 units

j.  Town Hall is next week. Please come early to help set up. Contact Lauren for questions.

k.  Dorm Fair is Nov. 7th


a.  Met with Student Campus Climate Council yesterday and have become the notetaker

b.  Met with ECAC commissioners to pass a grant for UCD SOCC delegation. We also hope to carry out a fundraiser to increase our grant funds for student orgs as well as raise awareness from diff. student ogs.