A hazard is described as any condition or act that may endanger the team member or other individuals. The purpose of reporting hazards is to ensure that unsatisfactory acts or conditions, of which a team member is aware, are dealt with quickly and effectively. This promotes a safe and healthy work environment.

When a team member is aware of any condition or act that will endanger themselves or others, they shall immediately inform the on duty manager. The team members is required to complete a Hazard Form and submit it promptly to the manager. Forms can be obtained from the Health and Safety Centre / Manager. Where immediate corrective action is not possible, the manager will make a decision to stop or allow the process / condition continue until the matter can be appropriately dealt with.

The hazardous condition/act will be rated as major, moderate or minor on the form. All corrective actions taken will be documented, and available to the JH&SC (where appropriate). The manager, where necessary, will keep the team members informed of the actions taken. If action needs to be authorized by someone with greater authority the manager is responsible for involving the appropriate individual.

Major Hazard ( A )

Any activity or biological, physical or chemical hazard that has the potential to cause death, critical injury, or lost time.

Moderate Hazard ( B )

Any activity or biological, physical or chemical hazard that has the potential to cause injury requiring medical services but not so great as to cause a lost time injury.

Minor Hazard ( C )

Any activity or biological, physical or chemical hazard that has the potential to cause injury requiring first aid or “no treatment” injuries.

The pertinent information on the Hazard Form is required to be transferred to the daily Safety Audit Report.

Created Nov. 2004

Reviewed July 2010 – reviewed Jan 2012


Section 1: Completed by Individual Reporting Hazard

Date: ______

Name (please print) : ______

Request For : Repair ______

Alteration ______

Checks & Adjustment ______

Description Of Hazard: ______


Section 2 – For Completion By Manager/Supervisor

Date: ______

Manager/Supervisor’s Name (please print):______

Rate Hazard: Major (A) ______

Moderate (B) ______

Minor (C) ______

Corrective Action: ______


To Be Corrected By: ______Date Completed: ______

Signature (at time hazard corrected): ______

***An employer who receives written recommendations from an H&S rep. shall respond in writing within twenty-one (21) days. OHSA Section 8(12)

Created Nov. 2004

Reviewed July 2010 – reviewed Jan 2012