Corey R. Sell |

Corey R. Sell

MSU of Denver  School of Education, Campus Box 21 P.O. Box 173362  Denver, CO 80214-3362

Phone: (703) 362-7220 E-mail:  Twitter: @educorey

Research Interest

teacher education; pre- and in-service teacher knowledge development; elementary social studies instruction; teacher retention

Academic Preparation

Ph.D. Education, George Mason University, May 2013

Major Field: Teaching and Teacher Education

Minor Field: Education Policy

Dissertation: Teacher Retention: A phenomenological investigation into the lived experiences of three elementary teacher stayers

Chair: Dr. Gary Galluzzo

M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction, University of Virginia, May 2003

B.A. American Studies, University of Mary Washington, May 1999


2000-2005Collegiate Professional Licensure, NK-6, Commonwealth of Virginia

2005-2020Postgraduate Professional Licensure, NK-6, Commonwealth of Virginia

University Teaching Experience

2015-PresentMetropolitan State University of Denver

Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Department of Elementary

Education and Literacy, School of Education

Undergraduate Courses:

EDU 4011: Teaching Elementary Social Studies

EDU 4015: Field Experience: Teaching Elementary Social Studies

EDU 4100: Integrated Methods of Teaching Language Arts & Social Studies: K-6

EDU 4105: Field Experience: Integrated Language Arts & Social Studies

EDU 3444: Instruction and Assessment Practices in Differentiated


EDU 3445: Field Experience: Assessment Practices in Differentiated


Graduate Courses:

TEDM 6100: Integrated Methods of Teaching Social Studies & Literacy: K-6

TEDM 6105: Field Experience: Integrated Social Studies & Literacy

TEDM 6200: Classroom Assessment

2013-2015George Mason University

Assistant Professor of Education, Elementary Education Program, College of Education and Human Development, Graduate School of Education


EDUC 542: Foundations of Education

EDUC 612: Inquiry into Practice

EDCI 544: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Education

EDCI 545: Differentiation and Assessment

EDCI 554: Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Integrating Fine Arts in the Elementary Classroom

EDCI 555: Literacy and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms, Part I

EDCI 547: Integrating Technology in the Elementary Classrooms: Mathematics

Summer 2013 George Mason University

Adjunct Professor, Elementary Education, Teach for America Cohort, College of Education and Human Development, Graduate School of Education


EDCI 544: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Education

2010-2012 George Mason University

Graduate Instructor, Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Development, Graduate School of Education


EDUC 613: How Students Learn

EDUC 612: Inquiry Into Practice

Elementary Teaching Experience

2011—2012Oakridge Elementary School, Arlington, VA: Grade 4 Teacher.

2009—2011 Jamestown Elementary School, Arlington, VA: Grade 5 Teacher.

2003—2009 J.W. Alvey Elementary School, Prince William County, VA: Grade 4 Teacher.

2001—2002 Monterey Elementary School, Roanoke, VA: Grade 1 Teacher.

1999—2001 Lee Hill Elementary School, Spotsylvania County, VA: Grade 4 Teacher.



Sell, C. R. & Griffin, K. (2017). Powerful social studies teaching with poetry and primary sources.The Social Studies, 108(1), 1-9. DOI: 10. 1080/00377996.2016.1237464

Zenkov, K., Pellegrino, A., & Sell, C. (2014). Lifting as we climb: A citizenship project in a professional development setting. School-University Partnerships, 7(1), 64-84.

Zenkov, K., Ewaida, M., Lynch, M., Bell, A., Harmon, J., Pellegrino, A., & Sell, C. (2014). Shooting back and ‘looking for life’ in the USA and Haiti: Seeingthe ethics of visual research methods through a development lens. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 37(1). 63-86.

Zenkov, K., Pellegrino, A., Sell, C., Ewaida, M., Bell, A., Fell., M., Biernesser., S., & McManis, M. Picturing kids and “kids” as researchers: Preservice teachers and effective writing instructions for diverse youth and English language learners. (2014). The New Educator 10(4), 306-330. doi: 10.1080/1547688X.2014.965107

Samaras, A. P. & Sell, C. (Fall 2013). Please write: Using critical friend letter writing in teacher research.Teacher Education Quarterly, 40, 93-109.

Zenkov, K., Bell, A., Pellegrino, A., Harmon, J., Ewaida, M., Sell, C., Lynch, M. (2013). Picturing culturally relevant literacy practices: Using photography to see how literacy curricula and pedagogies matter to urban youth. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 15(2).

Zenkov, K., Corrigan, D., Beebe, R., Sell, C., & Sells, S. (2013). Professional development schools (PDSs) and social justice education: Alternative notions of ‘quality’ for future city teachers. School-University Partnerships, 6(1), 15-32.


Zenkov, K., Corrigan, D., Beebe, R. S., & Sell, C. R. (Eds.). (2013). Professional development schools and social justice: Schools and universities partnering to make a difference. New York: Lexington Books.


Sell, C. R. & Bernhardt, P. (2017). Teachers as decision makers: Using a document-based activity structure (DBAS) to create social studies curriculum. In S. G. Grant, John Lee, and Kathy Swan (Eds.), Teaching social studies: A methods book for methods teachers. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Zenkov, K., Corrigan, D., Beebe, R., Sell, C., & Sells, S. (2013) “The master of urban secondary teaching (MUST) program: A case study”. In Zenkov, K., Corrigan, D., Beebe, R. S., & Sell, C.R. (Eds.), Professional development schools and social justice: Schools and universities partnering to make a difference (pp. 13-26). New York: Lexington Books.


Sell, C. R. (submitted to The Social Studies Journal August 2017). Elementary social studies pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teaching and learning.

Sell, C. R., Schmaltz, J., and Hartman, S. (submitted to Social Studies and the Young Learner August 2017). Teaching a “blank spot” in history: Elementary bilingual students as active inquirers of the past.

Sell, C. R. (submitted book chapter to Opportunities and Challenges in Teacher Recruitment and Retention March 2017). What it takes to stay: Three stories of teacher retention.

Parsons, S. A., Groth, L. A., Parker, A. K., Brown, E. L., Sell, C., Sprague, D. (proposal accepted Fall 2013). Elementary teacher preparation at George Mason University: Evolution of our program. In R. Flessner & D. Lecklider (Eds.), Case Studies of Clinical Preparation in Teacher Education. Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield.


Sell, C. R. (2016). Elementary residency program research and development. Metropolitan State University of Denver Office of Sponsored Research and Programs, Denver, CO. $2500—funded.

Sell, C. R. (participant) (2014). Arlington Public Schools early literacy professional development. A. W. Parsons & E. Sturtevant (PIs). Arlington County, VA. $84,000.00—funded



Sell, C. R. (upcoming November 2017). Elementary social studies pedagogical content knowledge: Using it to design a course, assess learning, and determine impact. Paper presentation at the College and University Faculty Assembly annual conference, San Francisco, CA.

Sell, C. R. and Bernhardt, P. (upcoming November 2017). Disciplinary literacy and thinking: Using a document-based activity structure to push beyond the buzzwords. Session presentation at the National Conference for the Social Studies annual conference, San Francisco, CA.

Sell, C. R. and Hartman, S. (upcoming November 2017). Elementary teachers using primary sources: A Colorado collaborative. Power session (i.e. 30 min.) at the National Conference for the Social Studies annual conference, San Francisco, CA.

Hartman, S. and Sell, C. R. (upcoming November 2017). Behind the photo: Ordinary people making history. Session presentation at the National Conference for the Social Studies annual conference, San Francisco, CA.

Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., Sell, C. R., Silver, L., Irish, C., Drake-Patrick, J., & Groth, L. (April 2017). The effects of sustained, collaborative professional learning on literacy teachers’ instruction.Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, San Antonio, TX.

Schendel, R. & Sell, C. R. (March 2017).Examining external partnerships in order to nurture internal partnerships. Paper presentation at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education annual conference, Tampa, Fl.

Sell, C. R. & Griffin, K. (December 2016). Social studies integration: Primary sources and poetry. Poster presentation at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference, Washington, D. C.

Holincheck, N., Sell, C. R., Matson, K., & Apollon Williams, M. (April 2016). Why are they staying? Teacher stayers’ perceptions of non-cognitive traits and their role in teacher retention.Roundtable presentation at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, Washington, D.C.

Pellegrino, A. & Sell, C. (March 2015). Navigating the tensions of theory and application in social studies education. Presentation at the International Society for the Social Studies annual conference, Orlando, FL.

Parker, A. K., Parsons, S. A, Groth, L. A., Sell, C., Suh, J. (February 2015). Teacher educators’ discussions and reflections on teacher candidates’ video recorded lessons: Our experiences with video coding technology. Roundtable presentation at the Association of Teacher Educators annual conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Sell, C. (April 2014). Teacher Retention: A phenomenological investigation into the lived experiences of three elementary teacher stayers. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Zenkov, K., Pellegrino, A., Sell, C., Ewaida, M., Bell, A., Fell., M., Biernesser., S., & McManis, M. (April 2014). “Picturing kids and “kids” as researchers: English language learners, pre-service teachers, and effective writing instruction. Roundtable presentation at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Zenkov, K., Corrigan, D., Beebe, R., Sell, C., & Sells, S. (April 2014). Urban and social-justice oriented PDS program—A signature pedagogy example. Invited presentation at the Professional Development Schools Research SIG business meeting at the American Educational Research Association annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Dodman, S. L., Groth, L. A., Brown, E. L., Sell, C. R., Parker, A. K., & Lai, K. (March 2014). Making inquiry an active part of the teacher candidateship: Enhancing an action research course in a PDS program.Paper presentation at the National Association of Professional Development Schoolsannual conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Sell, C. (February 2014). The Great balancing act: One teacher’s story of staying in the classroom within a low-performing school. Paper presentation at the Association of Teacher Educators annual conference, St. Louis, MO.

Sell, C. (August 2013). Teacher retention: The lived experiences of three elementary teacher stayers. Paper presentation at the Association of Teacher Educators summer conference, Washington, DC.


Sell, C.R. & Griffin, K. (April 2016). A Document-based lesson withprimary sources and poetry. Presentation at the Colorado Council for the Social Studies annual conference, Denver, CO.

Sell, C. R., Groth, L., Baker, C., Parker, A. K., & Parsons, S. (April 2015). Purposeful exploration of video-coding (Edthena) in an elementary teacher preparation program. Presentation at the Association of Teacher Educators of Virginia annual meeting, Roanoke, VA.

Samaras, A. P. & Sell, C. (March, 2011).Using the lost art of letter writing in teaching research.Paper presentation at the College of Education and Human Development Research Symposium, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Sell, C. & Edwards, R. (May, 2009). A social approach to researching, writing, and storytelling in the information age. Presentation at the 7th Annual Technology Fiesta for Prince William County Public Schools, Woodbridge, VA.

Bon, S., Allen, J., Cohen, L., Muccio, L., & Sell, C. (March, 2009).Collective narrative inquiry: Exploring the relationship between leadership, ethics and critical reflection.Paper presentation at the College of Education and Human Development Research Symposium, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.


  • Emerging Scholar: Association of Teacher Educators summer meeting (2013)

Service to the Profession

  • Social Studies & the Young Learner

reviewer (Fall 2016-present) *2 articles

  • Journal of Teacher Education

reviewer (Fall 2014-present) *1 article

  • Journal of Social Studies Research

reviewer (Summer 2014-present) *7 articles

  • Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching and Research

Editorial Review Board (Summer 2014)

  • National Council of the Social Studies

annual conference proposal reviewer (Spring 2014)

  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

problem-based learning collaborator for Problem-Based Learning for the 21st Century

Classroom (DVD), (2010).

Service to the Program, School, University

  • Co-leader and facilitator for the Elementary Education Program Residency Retreat (Summer 2017) *Program
  • Scotland International Exchange Program Exploratory Work and Development (Summer 2017-Present) *School
  • Field Award Selection Committee (Spring 2017-Present) *Program
  • STEM Search Committee (Spring 2017) *School
  • D-Phi Center Committee (Fall 2016) *University
  • MSU Denver School of Education Curriculum Committee (Fall 2016-Present) *School
  • EDU 4011 Course Development and Curriculum Changes (Fall 2016) *Program
  • Director of Clinical Experiences Search Committee (Fall 2016) *School
  • Elementary Program Residency Taskforce, leader, (Summer 2016-Fall 2017) *Program
  • MSU of Denver School of Education Partnership Committee, co-chair, (Spring 2016-Fall 2017) *School
  • MSU Denver Graduation Marshal (Spring 2016 and Spring 2017) *University
  • SPA Report Task Force Committee (Spring 2015) *College
  • New Faculty Committee, CEHD, member (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) *School
  • Elementary Education Selection Committee (Fall 2014) *Program
  • EDCI 554: SS Methods Lead (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) *Program
  • Interviewed elementary education prospective students (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) *Program
  • College of Education and Human Development Council, member (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) *School
  • Maintained social media presence (i.e. Twitter) for the Elementary Education program (Spring 2014-Spring 2015) *Program
  • Developed an online learning module on academic integrity for the Elementary Education program. (Spring 2014) *Program

Service to the Elementary Schools

  • Lansing Elementary Site-based Course Immersion Partnership (Spring 2016)
  • Historical Literacy Professional Development (Patterson International Elementary, February 2016)
  • Found Poetry and Primary Sources Professional Development (Patterson International Elementary, January 2016)
  • Curriculum Integration Professional Development (Century Elementary School, October 2015)
  • Led a school-university collaboration involving Mosby Woods Elementary School and Teaching with Primary Sources Northern Virginia Partnership (TPSNVP) in order to promote the use of historical inquiry and primary sources among pre- and in-service teachers (Summer 2015)
  • Summer collaboration project at Lynbrook Elementary School (Summer 2014)
  • Founder of Runaway Sunrays running club at J.W. Alvey Elementary School (2007-2009)

Service to the Profession

  • Colorado Department of Education Summer Institute (June 2016)
  • Colorado Primary Sources for Elementary School Collaborative (January 2016-Present)
  • Colorado Social Studies Standards Revision Committee (June 2017-Present)

Professional Memberships

  • American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2009-Present.
  • Social Studies Research SIG, 2014-Present.
  • American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), 2013-Present
  • National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), 2013-Present
  • Colorado Council for the Social Studies (CCSS), 2015-Present


Dr. Lisa Altemueller

Associate Professor

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Department of Elementary Education & Literacy

Campus Box 21, P.O. Box 173362

Denver, CO 80217-3362

Phone: (303) 556-2996


Dr. Audra Parker

Associate Professor

George Mason University, Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1805
4400 University Dr.
MS 4B3
Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: (703) 993-9717


Dr. Anastasia Samaras

Full Professor

George Mason University, Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1403
4400 University Dr.
MS 4B3
Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: (703) 993-8154
