STUDENT EMPLOYMENT FORM(for current UW students only)
Important: Students may not start working prior to departments receiving full approval of hire.
Student Information
Undergraduate / Academic program enrolled in*: / Currently employed***: Yes NoGraduate student / # of credits enrolled**: / Current job class code:
*For graduate student employees who are TAs/RAs, the academic program in which the student is enrolled may affect the pay rate. Consult the appropriate Variable Rate Salary Schedule.
**For hourly student appointments, UGs must be enrolled in 6 credits; Grads and Professional students, 4 credits; Ph.D candidates, 2 credits. Graduate students in salaried appointments must be enrolled in at least 10 credits during the regular academic year or 2 credits in the summer. Graduate RAs can only be hourly in the summer, if they are not enrolled in any credits.
***Student is limited to working 19.5 hours for all hourly student appointments combined.
Employee Name
/ Student ID Number /Home Department
Appointment Start Date / Appointment Ends On/Before / Weekly Work Schedule/Average # of hours/weekDescription/Classification
Provide a brief Job Description – attach additional pages if necessary. If hiring a Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant, you can use and attach the appropriate Job Description Template.Consult ASE Contract Article 14 to determine the appropriate Job Classification for any student who is a grader, tutor, RA or TA. For all other hourly student appointments, use Student Assistant for the Job Title and classification code 0875. [Note: Teaching positions require approval by the Office of Academic Affairs.] /
Job Title
Classification Code
Pay Rate Information
GRADUATE RA/TAs have fixed salary rates based on the Graduate Student Salary Schedules. The pay rate of a graduate RA/TA is determined by various factors, including the academic program the student is enrolled in, academic level of the student and the FTE of the appointment. All undergraduate student employees are paid on an hourly basis.Effective January 1, 2015Hourly pay range for any hourly student employee:$10.10 - $21.61
Pay Rate
/ Hourly Rate Quarterly Rate / FTE (for salaried ASEs) / Budget #Monthly Rate(for salaried ASEs)
By signing this form, the hiring manager has verified that the student is enrolled appropriately and meets the minimum qualifications for the position (for ASE qualifications, see the ASE Contract Article 14). (Academic Affairs Approval is required for teaching appointments only.) Appointment letters should also have been provided to students in ASE appointments and a copy should be attached to this form. A copy of this form should also be provided to the student.
Department Administrator or Budget Authority
Human Resources Approval (Teaching appointments should go to Academic HR, Box 358430)
The hiring of student employees must be reviewed/approved by UWT Human Resources. [Note: This process does not apply to work study students.]
Departments and hiring managers will continue to find and select candidates, extend offers within the correct pay range, and direct students to complete New Employment Forms (I-9, W-4, etc). Departments are responsible for ensuring the appropriate enrollment of student employees.
To hire a student employee, submit the following to HR (Box 358431):
- Completed Student Employment Form (must be authorized by department administrator and budget authority)
- Job description (if hiring a TA or an RA, see below under ASE)
- Have student complete Payroll Forms
Upon receiving paperwork, HR will do the following:
- Review job duties
- Verify appropriate job titles and pay range
- Forward all necessary paperwork to Payroll to complete appointment in OPUS
Academic Student Employees
Academic Student Employees (ASE) are now part of a bargaining contract, AFL-CIO Local Union 4121. ASEs include undergrad/grad, and hourly/salaried student tutors, teaching assistants and research assistants. To determine whether your student employee falls into one of the classifications covered by this contract, please consult the ASE Classification Descriptions. If the job description for the position you are hiring does not fit into any of the classifications included in the ASE Classification Descriptions, use Class Code 0875 on the Student Employment Form.
If you are hiring a Teaching Assistant or Predoc Instructor, completion of the TAJob Description Templatewill suffice as the job description. If hiring a Research Assistant completion of the RA Job Description Templatewill suffice as the job description. All teaching appointments need to be approved by Academic HR, Box 358430.
Appointment letters should be provided to the ASE, and a copy sent to HR along with the Student Employment Form. Sample appointment letters are provided online:
ASE Forms and Templates
For more information
Academic Student Employees
Student Employment Information and Pay
Revised 10/17/201811/15/13